
Yui Xiao Miku, who originally had a look of contempt for others, suddenly stopped moving.

To be honest, she originally thought she was the darling of the world and an invincible figure.

Although space quakes seem to occur everywhere in the world, which means that there may be several beings called elves similar to herself, but Yuxiao Miku can now control whether space quakes occur or not. No matter how you think about it, he should be stronger than the others.

It seems that you are indeed suffering from the second grade of chuunibyou.

Igarashi looked at Yuxiao Miku's changes and nodded clearly. This behavior immediately made Yuxiao Miku puff up her face angrily.

What do you mean by having a chuunibyou? My dear, don't say that to me!

To gain great power, and then feel superior to others, look down on ordinary people, think that they are all shortcomings, and disdain to associate with them, this is called chuunibyou. Well, it is even better than the normal chuunibyou. , after all, you have the power and may cause greater damage when you are sick.

When Igarashi first gained power, he didn't have any negative views towards ordinary people who had nothing to do with him. However, towards cute girls, Igarashi was friendly from the beginning to the end.

Hmph, it's not Chuunibyou. If those ordinary people who lack strength can show something that impresses me, I can make friends with them for the time being.

Yuxiao Mijiu will never admit that she is a chuunibyou.

Okay, let's not talk about this for now. You should know that in addition to this DATE firm, I also have some identities in DEM Club and Ratatosk Company. Soon, there may be a girl who wants to contact you as an elf. , remember to be kind to her when the time comes?

The first half of Igarashi's words made Miku look better. However, when Igarashi finished speaking, the girl's expression turned cloudy again, showing her dissatisfaction more obviously than before.

Girl? It seems that my dear takes great care of her. This is the first time in a long time that I have been asked to take care of a girl who may be my love rival in the future. It feels so annoying!

At this time, it stands to reason that it would be wiser to let go of the relationship. However, Igarashi has ambitions of a harem. How could he change his tone so easily? Faced with the grumbling Miku, he did not say anything and just looked at her. Holding her.

In the end, Miku admitted defeat first. She looked at Igarashi angrily and shouted in frustration.

I know, I know, what's the name of the girl you miss so much? I will remember it!

Wukawa Shizhi.

Yui Xiao Mijiu did remember this name with great hostility.

Igarashi specifically told her to take care of her. This was an honor that no beautiful girl idol in the entire DATE agency had ever enjoyed. Miku had already regarded Itsuka Shiori as her biggest enemy...

In fact, if you really think about it, her biggest enemy should be Mio, who always uses the name Murasame Reine in front of people other than Igarashi.

Perhaps it was a coincidence, or a special arrangement, when Igarashi took care of all the matters in the office and set out on his way home, he happened to meet Itsuka Shiori halfway.

She was teleported to the air battleship shortly after the space shock occurred. She looked dizzy at the moment. Igarashi was not very clear about what Kotori Ohkawa and the others said to poor Shiori Ohkawa classmate.


Igarashi waved to Wuhe Shizhi. When Wuhe Shizhi heard the voice, he raised his head and saw Igarashi, but his fair face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, making him look at a loss.

Ah, um, hello, Igarashi!

The change in Itsuka Shiori surprised Igarashi. After thinking about it for a while, Igarashi thought that Ohga Shiori's classmate was suddenly teleported into the air battleship by Itsuka Kotori and left him behind. He just felt uncomfortable. I was embarrassed, so I deliberately didn't mention this matter, and chatted with Wuhe Shizhi normally.

As a result, Wuhe Shizhi's face was still getting redder and redder in an unstoppable trend. After chatting with Igarashi hesitantly for a while, he suddenly said.

Igarashi-san, what type of girl do you like? 4.7

Wuhe Shiori's words shocked Igarashi. When did she become so bold?

After a little observation, Igarashi discovered the small earphones hidden in Itsuka Shiori's delicate ears.

If nothing unexpected happened, this sentence should have been said by Shiori Wuhe who was in the air battleship.

So this is a question that needs to be answered seriously, not just joking around.

Cute, cool, innocent, arrogant, sinister, sunny...these are my favorite types.

Igarashi's answer stunned Itsuka Shiori, and he even forgot his original shyness.

Isn't his coverage too broad? Wuhe Shizhi even heard some attributes that he didn't understand before.

Chapter 958 Origami

There was a long silence.

It seems that not only Hisuka Shiori himself, but even the other side, may be doing multiple-choice questions in the air battleship, and the staff who asked Hisuka Shiori to answer the questions according to their instructions were all shocked, and they were worried about Igarashi. I was stunned by the profound knowledge.

If nothing happens, I will go home?

After Igarashi said this, he seemed to have received some hint from the headset, Wuhe Shiori hurriedly made up for it.

Can I continue to prepare lunch for you tomorrow?

Other schools may have classes tomorrow, but Laichan High School, which is located in the core area of ​​the space earthquake, will still be closed, whether it is to completely repair the school or for the safety of the students.


Itsuka Shiori whimpered and was already running around in embarrassment, but everyone on the battleship far in the sky was still seriously thinking of ways to make Itsuka Shiori feel present in front of Igarashi, and continued Teach her to speak.

Then if you are free tomorrow, can we hang out together?

Okay. 15

Igarashi smiled and nodded, watching Shiori Itsuka run away as if he had completed some difficult task.

It seems that he has become the target of Wuhe Shizhi's strategy? What's going on? It's obvious that he has given up on his original plan to appear as an elf.

When Igarashi was thinking seriously, it seemed that Tobiichi Origami, who had just finished his report to the AST unit not long ago and had changed into the uniform of Zen High School and returned, had gone in the direction in which Itsuka Shiori escaped. come over.

In Igarashi's impression, Tobiichi Origami's home should not be on this road.

Are you okay?

Tobiichi Origami made no secret that he came to Igarashi specifically, and the first thing he said when he saw him was to ask about the situation.


You need to have a good physical check-up.

Just when Igarashi was about to make a few moves to prove that there was nothing wrong with his body, he was grabbed by Tobiichi Origami and walked in one direction.

...If it's a physical examination, which way does the hospital seem to be?

I have more professional equipment at home.

As expected of a master of origami, he was able to find excuses so easily in the face of other people's doubts, and with his plain expression and tone, he made a reason full of flaws seem real and credible.

Igarashi was curious about Tobiichi Origami's current living situation, so he did not struggle deliberately and was half-pulled down the street by the girl.

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