Then in addition to the elves who have mastered the power more skillfully and can stay on the earth for a long time, it is also time for those girls who have been sleeping in the neighborhood for a long time to appear one by one, right?

Calculating the time, it's actually still a little short. Their power is still very rough, but it doesn't matter much. As long as I'm here, I will pay a little attention to prevent their power from harming innocent people.

The first moment he came to this world, Igarashi eliminated the great Eurasian air disaster. Otherwise, the number of casualties caused by the space earthquake would have been at least several times higher than now. He also ordered DEM and AST to The troops dealt with space earthquakes and established early warning systems, so that all subsequent space earthquakes did not cause casualties, and they also repaired the damage caused by space earthquakes free of charge.

Igarashi felt that he had done his best.

Although the birth of the spirit that caused the space earthquake was also Igarashi's idea, even if Igarashi didn't do this, the will of the world would probably take some secretive actions. Igarashi would reduce all losses to the extent that he could. to the minimum.

Compared to the will of the world, which is planning how to evolve the world every day, Igarashi feels that he is more like the guardian of the world, so there is no problem at all for receiving a small reward and turning cute beautiful girls into his own wings.

After thinking this, Igarashi seemed more confident and decided with a clap of his hands.

Okay, it's time for Tohka to show up. Mio, you like Tohka very much, right? At present, she is the only natural elf that has been born independently.

Chapter 952 The unlucky Wuhe Shizhi

The next day, Itsuka Shiori got up early and carefully prepared a lunch for Igarashi. During this period, while busy in the kitchen connected to the living room, he saw through the window that Igarashi, who lived next door, had gone out. To this, Itsuka Shiori didn't pay much attention, but was a little surprised. According to Igarashi's character of dragging him home last night, why didn't he invite him to go to school today?

When he arrived at school and sat down in the class, Itsuka Shiori took out the lunch box he had prepared and was about to hand it to Igarashi. He noticed that many of the people in the class who seemed to be chatting casually were actually paying attention to Igarashi. The girl on Arashi suddenly realized that if she handed the bento directly to Igarashi now, it would inevitably attract the attention of others. Will she be stared at by countless scary eyes?

While Wuhe Shizhi was thinking, as time went by, more and more people entered the classroom. Wuhe Shizhi, who was already very hesitant, suddenly lost his intention to hand over the bento to Igarashi at this time, and planned to Find another opportunity later.

For a whole morning, Itsuka Shizhi found with some despair that Igarashi seemed to be surrounded by people during all the breaks. Although the situation was much better than yesterday, there were not so many people surrounding him. But it was still impossible for Itsuka Shiori to hand over the bento to Igarashi without being witnessed by others.

Just like that, it was finally lunch time.

Igarashi-san, you seem to have forgotten to prepare lunch for yourself? In this case, I...


Hearing what a female classmate said as she approached Igarashi, Itsuka Shiori, who knew that he could no longer remain silent, finally couldn't help it anymore and stood up with a fierce momentum, holding two boxes of bento in his hand. One for himself and one for Igarashi. He lowered his head and walked to Igarashi. He let the bangs on his forehead cover his eyes so that others could not see his expression clearly. He spoke in a voice that was hard to hear emotion. .

Igarashi has promised to have lunch with me before.

The other classmates were startled by this picture of Itsuka Shiori, who looked completely different from before. They immediately shrank and spoke with a slight trembling.

Ah...yes, I understand...

Just like this, he pulled Igarashi out of the classroom and walked to the road with less traffic on campus, but Itsuka Shiori stopped.

Igarashi did not ask any questions.

Although Itsuka Shiori lowered her head and let her hair cover her face, her cute ears, which were covered in bright red, had revealed the girl's mood at the moment.

In fact, Wuhe Shizhi was already so embarrassed that he wanted to scream.

What kind of mentality did I have when I said that just now? It was indeed because I saw others misunderstanding that Igarashi forgot to prepare lunch, so I felt that I, the one who made the promise, should stand up, right?

But Wuhe Shiori can be sure that the scene just now was more like announcing to the entire class that he and Igarashi had an abnormal relationship. Oh, ah, if I had known this, I should have taken advantage of the few people in the morning. When I handed the bento to Igarashi, even if it was seen by a few people, it wouldn't cause such a big disturbance like it did now.

Wuhe Shizhi can no longer imagine what kind of scene he will face when he returns to the classroom tomorrow, or even dozens of minutes later.

Hisuka Shiori-san, your performance just now was really bold.

What Igarashi said on the side, whether out of bad taste or out of genuine emotion, made Itsuka Shiori, who was originally ashamed and angry, suddenly find someone to vent her emotions to, and she turned around with some anger. He came forward and glared at Igarashi.

It's all you. Why are you surrounded by so many girls and you don't react at all, but you seem to be enjoying it? I've never been able to find a chance to quietly hand over the bento to you. It's all your fault!


Why does Igarashi feel that Wuhe Shiori's words are like coquettishness? So, how should he comfort her at this time?

After seeing the hesitant look on Igarashi's face, Itsuka Shiori was suddenly shocked to realize that she had just said something that could easily be misunderstood. Her face, which had barely shown signs of improvement, turned red again. .

I'm sorry, please don't get me wrong, well, this is your lunch box.

After handing the carefully prepared bento to Igarashi, Itsuka Shiori sat down on the grass about three or four meters away from Igarashi, lowered his head and ate his own bento, as if to distance himself in this way, It can make her feel calmer.

Igarashi did not specifically approach the girl at this time, but sat down and tasted the bento prepared by the girl.

Compared to Mio, who has poor talent in cooking, or who deliberately shows poor talent so that he can always eat the meals prepared by Igarashi, Itsuka Shiori's cooking skills are very good.

A home-cooked meal that can be described as excellent.

“It’s delicious!”

Igarashi turned around and gave a thumbs up to the girl behind him.

Wuhe Shizhi didn't know how to answer in his current complicated mood. He just nodded slightly and continued to eat. As a result, he accidentally felt that he had shortness of breath.


Okay, choked.

It really rained all night when the house was leaking.

Glancing at the lunch box where he didn't prepare any soup, Itsuka Shiori felt that today was really his disaster day.

It's so miserable, it's so miserable.

The desolate girl almost shed tears.

for you.

Sensing the changing aura of the girl, Igarashi guessed what kind of difficulty she had encountered from the way Itsuka Shiori quickly picked up rice. He took out a can of juice from his storage space with a covert movement. The drink was thrown to Wuhe Shizhi behind him.

This is my apology. After all, some of my actions have caused you to encounter troubles.

After hearing Igarashi's words, Hisuka Shiori opened the drink tab and passed the crisis with a slurp. He felt that his luck was not too bad today.

Chapter 953 Bad guy


Not far away, the glass windows of the teaching building rattled and shook, and piercing alarms sounded on the streets outside the school.

Birds, either frightened by the sound of sirens or aware of the imminent disaster, circled in the sky.

Immediately after the siren, there was a speech played through the machine. In order for everyone to hear the content clearly, the speaker deliberately divided the long sentences into short sentences.

This is not a drill. This is not a drill. Due to the observation of foreshocks, we speculate that a space earthquake will occur. Please nearby residents to go to the nearest shelter as soon as possible and take refuge. Repeat -

In an instant, panicked voices rang out in Laizen High School, where the cheerful chatter of students could be faintly heard.

real or fake……

Beads of sweat appeared on Wuhe Shizhi's forehead. Although his face was slightly nervous and uneasy, his reaction was still calm.

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