The Metropolitan Raizen High School where Itsuka Shiori studied has a variety of complete equipment and facilities that are quite rare in metropolitan schools. It is said that the major shareholder behind it is a very large and well-funded company. Although the school has only been established for a few years, it has From the basic facilities to the teaching talents, everything is of a very high level. In addition, it has a state-of-the-art underground shelter. Laizen High School has a great reputation.

Similarly, the admission rate is also very low. Shiori Itsawa originally admitted to Laizen High School for the reason of being close to home, but it took a lot of effort.

It happened to be the first day of the new semester. After Shizhi Wuhe looked at the Class 15 assignment list posted in the corridor, he walked to the classroom where he would stay for a whole year.

There were many people gathered in the classroom. The students formed small groups to chat in twos and threes. They were immersed in joy because they met old acquaintances. However, Wuhe Shizhi did not find a familiar face, so he followed the instructions written on the blackboard. Check out the seating chart, go to your seat and sit down.

...Wukawa Shizhi.

A calm, toneless voice came from behind.

When Wuhe Shizhi followed the sound, he saw a girl with shoulder-length silver hair who was as delicate as a doll.

Without expression, she looked like snowflakes falling from the sky to the earth, like an elf falling from a fairyland to the mortal world.

Are you calling me?

Wuhe Shizhi looked around and finally confirmed that she was talking to him.

The girl nodded.

How are your neighbors?


This question surprised Wuhe Shizhi. She thought about it carefully and realized that she did have neighbors. Sometimes she could see lights on in the house next to her house, but the neighbors seemed very busy. Wuhe Shizhi I discovered that I didn’t even know what my neighbor looked like.

Without even knowing the appearance of his neighbor, Itsuka Shiori naturally couldn't answer the question of the girl in front of him.

Seeing Itsuka Shiori's hesitant expression, the girl did not show any disappointment. She sat back in her seat, picked up a thick book like a dictionary and started reading.

What exactly is going on?

Itsuka Shiori scratched her smooth cheek in confusion. She had already recognized who the girl was. She was an all-around genius girl who had long occupied the top three positions in Raizen High School and had extremely outstanding physical fitness - Tobiichi Origami.

If I remember correctly, her personality should be very cold, and she rarely speaks to the opposite sex or the same sex. Why did she strike up a conversation with her the first time she met her.

Because of your neighbors?

Wuhe Shizhi gradually became curious about the unfamiliar neighbor.

Just as she was thinking, the preparation bell rang in the classroom.

I had heard this kind of bell so many times in the first grade that the moment the bell rang, the students in the class naturally stopped talking and returned to their seats.

As if they had been waiting, the next moment after the students were in their seats, the classroom door opened in time, and a petite woman wearing thin-rimmed glasses appeared from there.

There was a buzz of discussion all around.

It's Xiaozhu...

Ah, it's Xiaozhu.

Really, great!

All are well-intentioned comments.

Good morning, classmates. In the future, I will be your class teacher and social studies teacher. My name is Takee Okamine.

Teacher Okamine Sumie, nicknamed Xiaozhu, lowered her head and bowed to everyone. Her glasses slid down subtly due to her movement, and Okamine Sumie quickly pressed her glasses with both hands.

Apart from this, her cute actions, extremely lacking sense of dignity, and a childish face similar to that of a high school student make Okamine Okamine extremely popular among students.

Ahem, everyone, please be quiet. There are new students transferring to our class.

The lively atmosphere in the classroom became a lot calmer, and there was a hint of curiosity.

The new classmate that Okamine Shue said so should be a transfer student, otherwise there would be no need to introduce him specially.

After all, everyone was not in the same class before, and most of them didn't know each other. Now they are just assigned to the same class.

Male or female, handsome or beautiful?

Everyone is very curious about this.

Although in the short period of time just now, the secretly observing students have discovered that there are two beautiful girls in the class, Itsuka Shiori and Tobiichi Origami, who have very different personalities but are equally popular in the school. However, no one can have too much of such pleasing things as handsome men and beautiful women.

The male students hope for beautiful girls, while the female students hope for handsome boys.

Everyone looked at the classroom door together.

It was a man who walked in there.

The male students showed undisguised disappointment, while the female students also showed undisguised excitement and even cheered.

The boy who showed up was very handsome.

Hello everyone, I'm Igarashi, I'm male and I like women. Please give me some advice.

This very personal introduction, as well as the mysterious and desirable temperament of the other person, made the classroom burst into cheers.

Tobiichi Origami's eyes widened slightly, and he stared at Igarashi intently for a long time, and then, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

If anyone could see this girl with the title of Iceberg Beauty at Laizen High School smiling, they would be stunned.

However, due to the angle, Igarashi was the only one who could see Tobiichi Origami's smile.

The girl's smile was beautiful, and Igarashi naturally smiled back.

The students in the class did not see Tobiichi Origami's smile, but they saw Igarashi's smile.

The boys suddenly felt a sense of urgency. They felt that Igarashi was a terrible enemy.

And girls, it feels like spring is coming.

Chapter 949 Price

Igarashi thought carefully before deciding to become a student at Raizen High School.

In total, he has not been a high school student for hundreds or even thousands of years. Although his good memory allows Igarashi to clearly remember his last experience as a high school student many worlds ago, this only makes him miss it even more. .

Trying to suppress his aloof temperament that was different from ordinary people, Igarashi introduced himself to everyone with a smile. He felt very comfortable when he saw the hostility in the boys' eyes and the starry eyes of the girls.

Compared to the paranormal battles where one's life is at stake, or the intrigues of the weak in society, high school students are indeed cuter. Even the intrigues are as childish as children playing house.

During the break just after the first class, Igarashi was surrounded by many people.

The vast majority are girls.

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