However, Yutai Yukino, who had a psychological shadow, couldn't help but take a step back, looked at Igarashi, and spoke timidly.

You too, want to do that kind of thing to me?

Well... I can't categorically deny this kind of question, but please don't worry, Ms. Tsukino, I am a gentleman and will never do anything excessive against a girl's wishes.

Igarashi smacked his chest in assurance, and seeing that Tsukino was about to cry again, he continued.

I'm just here to tell you that I will help you resolve the current turmoil. As for the future, whether you plan to continue to be an idol or quit the entertainment industry from now on is your choice. The promise I can give you is that no matter how you choose, Nothing will ever happen to make you cry again.”

After saying this, Igarashi simply walked downstairs. He found that Yukino's body was tense when he was present.

Why are the people in this firm as timid as frightened birds?

As for Tsukino Yotai, who was watching Igarashi leave, she breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at the female AST team member aside.

Who are you?

They were originally members of the force to protect social order and citizen safety, but now they are acting under the orders of their superiors to solve the trouble a girl encountered.

The words of the AST female team members revealed helplessness and envy.

She was quite envious of Xiaotai Yueno.

Chapter 946 Is it worth it?

A well-known TV station suddenly disappeared from the TV channel without any warning. There was also no formal notice. In addition, more than half of the well-known media in the media industry disappeared. This sudden drastic change naturally caused Countless ordinary people asked questions, and some even went to the headquarters of the TV station to see what was going on.

However, what was displayed in front of them was not the TV station building with the corresponding logo in their impression, but a firm. If there were no deviations in memory, this firm seemed to be the same firm that Yutai Yukino belonged to.

People gradually connected everything.

The TV station that was the first to publish negative news about Yuetai Yukino disappeared and became Yuetai Yukino's office. Other media outlets that further spread malicious news also disappeared. Everything seemed to highlight a fact.

There was a big power behind Xiao Taiyue Nai. Seeing that Xiao Taiyue Nai was affected by negative news, that big power took action and killed her immediately. They wiped out well-known TV stations and many large media, showing unimaginable power. .

Now, some people who took the opportunity to follow suit and vented their negative emotions in real life by smearing Yutai Yukino on the Internet suddenly felt a lot more at ease.

It has only been two days since the negative news about Yuetai Yukino first appeared, and now all the negative news about her has been eliminated. No one dares to mention her name casually anymore.

People couldn't believe this radical change. There was so much energy behind a teenage girl. However, the facts forced them to believe it. They could only remain silent with apprehension or even panic, watching things continue to develop. .

The subsequent development was that in just a few days, the office that Yutai Yukino belonged to began to annex a large number of other idol offices without any secret. The one thing these offices have in common is that they all have beautiful girls. Idol.

Everyone was vaguely aware of this, but did not dare to say anything.

Everything that happened before was really terrifying.

But at this moment, in the new building of the office, Ryouko Kusakabe was able to question Igarashi.

She has always been more courageous.

What exactly do you want to do? You have annexed so many offices with beautiful girl idols. Do you want to treat those girls as your forbidden concubines?!

The AST troops were not involved in many of the things that were happening now. Therefore, Ryouko Kusakabe also learned that Igarashi in front of her had other powerful forces, but this did not prevent her from blaming Igarashi for the justice in her heart.

In any case, Ryouko Kusakabe will not sit idly by and watch dirty things happen.

Igarashi, who was casually browsing various recent business reports, raised his head and looked at Kusakabe Ryouko, who was looking at him coldly, and couldn't help but smile.

It's not that exaggerated. I have always believed that beautiful girls are the treasures of the world. Therefore, taking other offices under my command is just to protect them. As for taking them as forbidden wives...well, compared to those who do nothing but sing and dance Apart from that, there are not many beautiful girl idols with outstanding characteristics. I prefer a type like you, Ms. Ryouko Kusakabe. You have firm beliefs and a clean and tidy style. If you dress up a little carefully, don't dress so formally every time. , it will be very charming, right?”

Igarashi's words made Ryouko Kusakabe, who was still fierce in temperament, suddenly soften. She fiddled with her black single ponytail uncomfortably, her eyes wandered back and forth in mid-air, and finally she couldn't help but look at Igarashi. s eyes.

Really? Uh...I mean you really have no other thoughts about those idols?

Of course it is true, no matter what I said about idols before, or what I said about you, Miss Ryouko Kusakabe.


Kusakabe Ryouko's white face suddenly turned red, her head seemed to be smoking, and she ran away in a hurry.

It's really easy to deal with. Well, it's also quite cute.

Igarashi watched Kusakabe Ryouko disappear with a smile, and shouted towards the office door that was not closed.

Yatai Yukino, have you had enough eavesdropping?

From the first words spoken by Ryouko Kusakabe and Igarashi, Tsukino Youtai has been eavesdropping. Her original intention may not be that, but what Igarashi said was too explosive, making Youtai feel that she is not suitable to appear. Tsukino has been hiding at the door.

Fortunately, Igarashi made Kusakabe Ryouko unbearably shy and lost her usual powers of observation, otherwise it would have been very embarrassing if Tsukino was discovered.

Even now, she was embarrassed enough to be discovered by Igarashi.

Wearing a light-colored exquisite dress and white stockings, the princess-like Yutai Tsukino showed a temperament that did not match her appearance. She appeared at the door of Igarashi's office at a loss, walked in with her head lowered, and panicked. He defended himself.

I didn't mean to eavesdrop!

It doesn't matter, whether intentionally or unintentionally, I won't blame you.

Igarashi put away the various documents at hand, looked at the weak girl in front of him, and said with a smile.

It's really hard for me to connect you who are so cowardly now with the girl who threw things at me when we disagreed.

Because I thought you were a bad person before, I'm sorry!

Iota Yukino was so shy now that her ears turned red.

Unlike Ryouko Kusakabe, Yotoyuki is simply ashamed of what she has done.

I had misunderstood Igarashi before, and I just eavesdropped.

So, Tsukino, have you made up your mind? Do you want to continue to be an idol? You said before that you needed a few days to think about it, and it's been five days now.

Tsukino, who was shy and lowered her head at first, mustered up the courage, raised her head and looked at Igarashi, and asked seriously.

If I say I don't want to be an idol anymore, will it cause any loss to you? After all, you seem to have spent a lot of money, time and energy dealing with the affairs of the agency.

No, for me, this is just a small game to satisfy my interest. No matter what you choose, I feel that you have gained enough. At least, one girl's tears will change because of me. Less, I feel a sense of accomplishment now.”

Chapter 947 Five River Sisters

Listening to Igarashi's words, Yutai Yukino's eyes trembled a little. She took a deep breath to calm down and looked at the person in front of her who was not only willing to support her when she was most desperate, but also helped her solve all the troubles and let those who People who hate guys get punished.

I want to continue to be an idol, but from now on I won't show up in public and just release song albums, is that okay?

Of course you can.

Igarashi nodded without pause.

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