While everyone was in a daze because of Canary's words, in a distant place, in the vast starry sky outside the small garden, Igarashi and Aziz Dakarha were here.

Aziz Dakahar stared at Igarashi with three pairs of eyes and six pupils. Originally, after hearing Igarashi's arrogant words of be patient and fight well, Aziz Dakaha still Full of disdain, similar arrogance, the millions of gods who once united also said the same thing, but in the end, most of them were annihilated by Az Dakarha, and it ravaged the entire Little Garden, and it was what countless gods wanted to kill. , and in the end it was just sealed.

Because the heroes and wisdom of the entire Hakodeni can only be achieved so far.

How could a newcomer who was not prominent in the era when he was still active and did not exist two hundred years ago dare to say such arrogant words.

But everything happened when Aziz Dakahar watched with his own eyes as Igarashi lifted the triple seal on himself as if he were taking apart a toy, and lifted up his body, which was as heavy as an entire continent, like a child. In an instant, Things changed after I came outside the Little Garden.

Whether it is the simulation of the Star Creation Map [Avesta], the [Thousands of Magic] that contains endless knowledge, the [Dragon's Shadow] that is stronger than the pure-blooded dragon that transcends the system tree, or the Royal Envoy who can rival the mainland. The mass of the body launched a resistance. In just a short period of time, Aziz Dakarha tried it. How could the proud Demon King of Evil allow Igarashi to trample on his dignity like this?

However, nothing happened.

It was like a stone sinking into the sea, no, it was even more exaggerated than that. Any of these gifted abilities that were enough to resist or destroy most of the small garden did not stir up any waves.

Igarashi grabbed Azi Dakarha's hand like a sacred mountain that crushed the entire continent, leaving the body with a mass comparable to that of the continent unable to turn over.

At this moment, Aziz Dakhar felt powerless for the first time.

Chapter 932 What do you represent?

But now, Igarashi let go of his hand.

Aziz Dakarha, who regained his freedom, did not run away. Even though he knew that the other party was more terrifying than all imagination, the proud demon king would not violate his own principles.

So far, I have shattered everything that comes into view, including all life, cities, civilization, society, prosperity, crime, spreading justice and ugliness. Like storms, tsunamis, thunderstorms, everything in the world is indiscriminate. Baring my fangs, however, I - I am not a natural disaster. The destruction that can only be done by a natural disaster can be done by a person who is a consciousness, a living body, and can do it based on impulse - that can no longer become a natural disaster. That is bound to happen The great evil that completely destroyed the world, so my whole body, my evil, is the final pinnacle of all heroes——

The three-headed dragon's eyes flashed with sharp light, and the flag with evil engraved on the crimson cloth wavered violently.

The Demon King, who carried that unique word on his back, pointed at Igarashi with three pairs of six eyes and raised his voice.

Cross over, justice is written on my corpse!!!

Although he was a three-digit demon king, he appeared in the lower level of the Little Garden, wreaked havoc, and was sealed.

It's not that Aziz Dakaha doesn't have the strength to attack the upper levels, but because the gods in the upper levels all chose to escape when facing Aziz Dakhar, and even made plans to abandon the lower level of the Little Garden and even the entire Little Garden.

Showing evil with his own life and building good with his own death, Aziz Dakhar is such an existence.

After Aziz Dakahar had finished explaining the meaning and laws of his existence, he opened his mouth towards Igarashi. The fangs that could swallow the earth contained flash heat with unimaginable heat.

There is a legacy of destroying one-third of the world, the strongest gift of the flash heat system, the fuse that ignites the eschatology, and the special move that Aziz Dakhar is proud of - [The Overlord's Light Wheel].

The beam of light that can turn winter into midsummer, and turn the ice and snow into lava purgatory, rushes towards Igarashi.

Azida Kaha hoped that his greatest special move would at least seriously injure Igarashi.

Yes, just a serious injury.

This gift that once destroyed several groups of gods with one strike was now used by Aziz Dakhar to target only one opponent. All he wanted was to seriously injure the opponent.

Realizing that the opponent had the power to crush the continent and ignoring the body of [Thousand Magics] and [Dragon Shadow], Az Dakaha felt powerless and at the same time extinguished his will to win.

Facing such a brilliant attack, Igarashi just stretched out his palm.

He is fully capable of evading it, but after evading it, [The Overlord's Light Wheel] will destroy all the stars in a straight line. Although this is the distant starry sky outside the small garden, if the endless starry sky is destroyed at will, it will still have an impact on the world. Then it spread to Hakodeni itself.

This is even more exaggerated than causing trouble in the Little Garden.

The Will of the World entrusted Igarashi to eliminate this attack, but Igarashi had no intention of hiding from the beginning.

The opponent has already unleashed his strongest attack with all his strength. It would be too rude to dodge it blindly.

At the same time, there is no need to dodge.

Looking at this beam of light that could indeed evaporate the ocean, shatter the stars, and destroy the sky and the earth, Igarashi stretched out his hand.

There should be no air in the starry sky and no sound could be transmitted. At this moment, there was a dull sound, which continued to spread in a more mysterious way than relying on the air.

Az Dakhar's attack was the legacy that destroyed one-third of the world.

Igarashi, on the other hand, has been able to destroy the entire world a long time ago. Although a world as powerful as Hakoba will encounter obstacles, but in the face of this level of attack, Igarashi can easily resist and eliminate it. .

The Pillar of Light, which originally seemed to be able to defeat all obstacles, faced Igarashi's palm as if it was facing an insurmountable mountain, unable to make any progress.

Aziz Dakaha, who had been staring at Igarashi, witnessed with his own eyes the process of his strongest attack slowly disappearing.

Seeing that Igarashi's palm was not only not annihilated as imagined, but was not even damaged, Aziz Dakarha's eyes gradually dimmed.

Why... how did you get to this point? What exactly is the inheritance and concept you represent? You are a hero who stands above others.

The moment he discovered that [Avesta] had no effect on Igarashi, Aziz Dakarha had already determined that Igarashi was a human being and could only resist [Avesta] simply by relying on strength. attack without making it completely inoperable.

Only the human cosmology cannot be imitated, because it contains the destiny of being defeated by the hero who saves the future of mankind.

However, with the Igarashi in front of him, Aziz Dakarha really couldn't associate him with the word human being.

Inheritance and concept? I once created fanatic believers in modern times by relying on normal means. I once defied time, changed the past and the future, unified the continent, competed with the overlord of the universe, saved the world, and traded with the will of the world. .At this moment, the power of the evil god who transcends the world still exists in my body. It once raged in my body, but now it has become something that I have control over. The three-headed dragon-Az Dakhar, is just as a If you, the evil god of the Zoroastrian Cult, can still hurt me even if you are strengthened by Hakoba, then everything I have experienced will be like a joke, right?

Fifty-two.1 Lan looked at the incarnation of speechless evil and grinned.

Now, you should use [Avesta]. Correspondingly, I will use the means of races other than humans to let me have a glimpse of the mystery of [Avesta], and also let me see your final glory. .The first blow—[Heavenly Strike]!”

In a daze, Aziz Dakarha seemed to see the shadows of many beautiful girls with wings appearing behind Igarashi.

That doesn't seem to be an angel, and similarly, it's definitely not a human being!

Even though he found an unimaginable gulf between himself and Igarashi, the three-headed dragon still used its gift to set back the Hakonii gods.

[Avesta] activates, let's control each other! [Simulated Star Creation Diagram]!!!

Chapter 933 Evil will not disappear

Originating from the Flügel's [Sky Strike], the Goblin's [Marrow Explosion], and the Elf's [Void Zero Protection] in the game life world, even the strongest in the world. As long as you obtain the Star Cup, you can become the world's will and master. This [divine strike] can only be delivered by Artosh, the God of War in the world, combined with the Flügel.

This is the crystallization of the wisdom of a powerful and gorgeous world. It is not the manifestation of the wisdom of a certain person or a certain group of people. It is a collection of the entire world, formed under the brewing flames of war for countless years, and appears for the sake of war and victory. The strongest attack.

At this moment, it reappeared in Igarashi's hands. Even if Igarashi did not specifically strengthen it, it still exploded with more power than its original form.

Even so, the three-headed dragon Aziz Dakhar could still barely use Avesta to parry. After experiencing one attack after another, the mystery embodied by [Avesta] finally became fragmented. Az Dakhar was swallowed up by [Divine Strike] which still had a lot of residual power.

The one who won was not [Divine Strike], and the one who lost by 15 was not [Avesta].

It’s just that Aziz Dakarha was defeated by Igarashi.

As powerful as the Simulation Star Chart is, the ability to use it that can no longer be called a gift is by no means unlimited.

Once it is overused, what it will swallow up is the most fundamental thing in existence - [Lingge].

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