Both Black Rabbit and Jialing were in very complicated moods now.

Nameless Igarashi, I remember you.

Jialing put away the gift card and seemed to accept Igarashi's proposal.

Fairy Kaling-chan, I will remember you too.

Igarashi also responded.

Then he looked like he was about to be attacked by the golden-winged flames, but before the flames were about to touch him, they dispersed on their own.

Jialing took a deep breath, struggled to suppress his passionate emotions, and spoke.

My eldest brother is not here to deal with the attack by the lower-level demon king. The message he left behind said that you'd better go to the Capital of Glory Flame.

Chapter 929 Xiaolong

The lowest level of the Palace of Glory Flame City, between the sea of ​​stars.

As if deep underground in the palace at the bottom of Hades, in a lightless and silent place, there was a body whose whole body was bound by chains.

The iron chains wrapped around and penetrated his limbs, and the limbs were restricted in the wall. The tightly bound chains seemed to break through the flesh and blood and penetrate the body. It was just a visual inspection, as if he could feel what would happen once he moved. A sting will ensue.

But this figure, with stakes piercing it from the top of his head to his chin, should be suffering from unbearable pain, and his ferocious fangs were exposed.

That was undoubtedly a smile.

Heaven and earth, day and night, good and evil, prosperity and decline, from creation to destruction, all the elements of the world mix with each other and turn into the initial disaster.

Why is the Demon King called a natural disaster, and why is he a sworn enemy?

The appearance of evil will return to Hakoden.

Igarashi retracted his gaze from the ground, as if through the ground, to what was behind his vision blocked by the land, with a plain smile on his face, looking at Sandora who was very excited.

I didn't expect to meet again so soon.

Well, welcome back, what happened?

Sandora's face was slightly red.

It's not a big deal, the more important thing is to come see you.

The Capital of Glory Flame is Salamanda's stronghold. Igarashi, Shirayaksha, Jialing, and the nameless people came here together.

When Bai Yaksha heard that something might happen in the City of Glory Flame, his face was solemn, and he pulled Jialing over forcefully.

Igarashi's words made Kaling, who was even dissatisfied with what kind of terrible disaster might happen in the City of Glory Flame, but seeing that Igarashi had used magical means to transform his golden wings of flame into a better gift, he He didn’t say much.

With the fighting power shown by Igarashi, plus ShiroYasha who has regained his godhead, and himself, even if that thing really breaks through the seal, it is not completely without the power to fight.

The proud Jialing was very confident.

When Igarashi easily made Sandora shy and speechless, still maintaining the same appearance as when he regained his godhood, Shiroyasha, who was showing off as a royal sister, grabbed Igarashi and led him Walk all the way outside Salamanda Palace.

Did you discover it?

What did you find?

Faced with Shiroyasha's confused questions, Igarashi looked confused.

Bai Yaksha frowned.

Don't pretend to be stupid. The way you lowered your head when you were in the palace just now couldn't be because you were in a daze, right? Did you feel something deeply sealed in this palace?


Igarashi still looked ignorant.

Bai Yaksha didn't care whether he really didn't know or whether he knew clearly and started to explain in detail.

Az Dakhar, one of the seven evil pillars of Zoroastrianism that represents evil thoughts, appeared in order to destroy mankind [the final trial of mankind], the strongest god slayer, surpassing the three strongest species of Hakoniwa existence.

Shiroyasha's words made Igarashi blink.

The three strongest species of Hakoba are the poets of the fourth strongest species who can compete with them, and there is the final trial of mankind that is weighing on them. Although they have the name of the strongest species, if I think about it now, it seems quite What a pity, will one day the strongest species be reduced to a unit of measurement?”


Bai Yaksha opened his mouth and was speechless for a moment. After a moment, he took a deep breath and spoke.

Nonsense! As a star spirit, if I have the idea of ​​perishing together, I can seal it permanently with Azda Kaha, so the strongest species is still super strong, but I really can't bear to leave such a wonderful colorful world like Hakoba. , So, Igarashi, is there any way?

The solution? I'll just go and break the seal, and then kill the little three-headed dragon. That's the solution.

You did see it!

Igarashi's description of the little three-headed dragon made Shiroyasha yell, Azda Kaha is indeed a humanoid creature with three dragon heads. Its size is different from that of a normal dragon, only three meters. That's all, compared to Igarashi being able to see Azdaka's appearance through many obstacles, Shiroyasha was more interested in his other speeches.

Kill it? Aziz Dakhar can only be killed by humans? That means not only must he belong to the human race, but he must also not possess godhood. You...

All along, the power Igarashi has shown has made it difficult for Shiroyasha to associate him with the word human. He has already far exceeded the limits of human beings. It is like there is no upper limit and he can become stronger without limit. , even if he can barely be counted as a human being, he must have godhead, right?

The characteristics of Azda Kaha are the manifestation of the rules of the small garden. Even the strongest species, even as strong as Shiroyasha who holds the title of White Night King, cannot violate this rule. She feels that even if Igarashi is stronger than herself , and it should be impossible to violate it.

I'm a human being, and I don't have a godhead. If I want to kill him, there shouldn't be too many obstacles. However, to be honest, I think Aziz Dakhar is quite pitiful.


Hearing Igarashi's words, Shiroyasha's throat made an unknown mumbling sound.

And Igarashi spread his hands.

I saw that guy's three heads were pierced, his shoulders were set with wooden stakes, and his body was tied with heavy chains. Although the concept of 'evil' is very obvious in Aziz Dakhar, it is almost equivalent to the concept of evil. It looks like an incarnation, but the aura of 'sin' on it is very light. The innocent blood stained... Well, most of the innocent blood stained seems to be from the Moon Rabbit clan to which Black Rabbit belongs? Then there is nothing to hesitate about. Now, I will kill it to sacrifice the souls of my father-in-law and mother-in-law in heaven.

Igarashi, who originally had a casual attitude, suddenly became serious when he realized that the living entity Aziz Dakarha had killed, and suddenly disappeared under Shiro Yaksha's blank gaze.


After Bai Yaksha was stunned for a long time, he rushed into the palace. He hurriedly searched under the unclear eyes of Black Rabbit and others, and found a hidden entrance in the palace that was protected by a seal.

Jialing, follow me! Others go to evacuate the crowd. A war may break out later, so the farther you go, the better.

Chapter 930 The Return of the Canary

Bai Yaksha, who hurriedly asked Salamanda to organize the evacuation of the residents of the City of Glory Flame, took Jialing, Shandora and the unknown people into the lower level of Salamanda Palace, called the hall between the sea of ​​stars.

Originally, Bai Yaksha only planned to bring Jialing, whose strength reached four digits and had the reputation of Demon King Peng, with him. However, the nameless people and Sandora were very determined and found that their strength was much lower than before. ShiroYasha, who had made a huge improvement, hesitated for a moment, and then no longer insisted on his original plan.

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