As for whether the poet who had been dealt with as revealed in Igarashi's words was actually a storyteller, Galgi did not dare to think.

Ahem...don't hurt His Highness, he is still a child...

The one who spoke was not the gryphon beast who was supposed to be old and was called the uncle, nor Aurora, but Caili Ling. She almost exhausted all her strength to say a word intermittently.

Chapter 925 Game Over

The sense of déjà vu in this sentence is too strong, and if you consider the speaker, the girl named Ling is only in her teens, and even looks a bit funny.

Igarashi flicked his fingers towards the griffin beast, which had half its foot on the edge of death, and a soft light merged into its body, pulling it back from the edge of death, and then let go slightly. The restraints on Ling's body glanced at Galgi and said.

Is he still a child? He looks to be eleven or twelve years old, not young, right?


Ling took a few deep breaths to ease her irregular breathing, and then spoke quickly in order to prevent the taboo-like strong man from becoming impatient.

His Highness was less than three years old. He was just an ignorant young child. Many things are still unclear. This plan to attack [Underwood] was formulated by the [Ouroboros] Demon King Alliance, which used His Highness as a pawn. , if you have any dissatisfaction with His Highness, please vent it all on me, Cai Liling!

Compared to the fact that this boy who looked eleven or twelve years old was actually only three years old, Igarashi was more concerned about other things.

Your name is Cai Liling?

The girl also didn't expect Igarashi to explore this. She thought Igarashi would further ask His Highness why there was such a big difference between his actual age and his apparent age, or the specific information about the Ouroboros Demon King Alliance, but she didn't expect that he would confirm hers. name.


Caili Ling nodded nervously. The moment she nodded, the space restraint that had been placed on her suddenly disappeared. The freed girl showed a somewhat strange expression and couldn't help but look at Fifty Lan.

Then, she saw those eyes that seemed to embody all the wisdom and truth in the world.

Just looking at these eyes will make you feel awe and surrender. Just looking at them makes you feel like you can touch the most profound mystery in the world. When Caili Ling felt dazzled by this and was about to get lost in it, The eyes suddenly returned to normal.

For the sake of your name, I will let you go this time.

In the small world before coming to Hakoba, in the foster home established by Canary, there was a girl named Sairi Suzuka. That was one of the motivations for Igarashi to take care of the naughty children in the foster home. Compared with Speaking of Izayoi and the others, Sairi Suzuka is very cute, well-behaved and playful, and brings some good memories to Igarashi.

These very similar names, as well as what Igarashi just saw with his eyes, the many similarities between Sairi Suzu and Sairi Suzuka, all highlight the connection between the two girls.

The [Ouroboros] Alliance, I will destroy it soon, so you can take care of yourself.

After saying this, Igarashi casually teleported the four people present to a place far away from Underwood. As they disappeared, the throne room suddenly fell into silence. Igarashi turned to look at the throne and untied Leticia, who had returned to her royal sister form, was sitting there wearing a hair tie, but she had been unconscious. From beginning to end, she did not give any reaction to the changes in the outside world.

The clothes she wears are no longer the maid clothes Igarashi gave her, but a black dress. Compared to the previous maid appearance, she has a bit more of a queen-like special temperament. However, at this moment, her hands and feet are tied with chains. Leticia on the throne was more like a prisoner than the Demon King.

These chains are not artificially imposed, but are manifestations of a part of the game of grace.

Igarashi's eyes have already seen everything about this Demon King's game. Once he gets close to the throne, Leticia, who seems to be bound, will wake up, then transform into the real Demon King and start killing.

Leticia, who exists as the Demon King Dracula, has no unnecessary emotions and may launch a terrifying attack on Igarashi without hesitation.


As Igarashi approached the throne step by step, Leticia did not wake up and start killing as planned in the game. Instead, everything around her began to dissolve silently.

This vampire castle, the dragon that carries the vampire castle, as well as the throne Leticia sits on and the chains on her body.

To crack this gift game, you need to meet four conditions. In addition to killing Leticia, you also need to collect the shattered starry sky, dedicate the beast belt to the throne, etc.?

Those are just regulations for those who can only follow the rules of the game.

For Igarashi, he does not need to think about the true meaning of this obscure victory condition at all, he only needs to overthrow the game itself.

With the cooperation of the Hakoba Center, the game collapsed silently, without even a wave of resistance, and disappeared forever.

When Leticia woke up, she was still wearing a black dress. She had been asleep for a short time, but she seemed to have been dreaming for a long time, recalling her past.

Many years ago, Leticia went out as the Dominator of the Whole Class to clean up the monsters that were causing trouble in the Box Garden. The other vampire royal families, who were blinded by power and power, were driven by greed and began to massacre their fellow tribesmen while Leticia was out. The victorious ones who returned What Leticia saw was that the prosperous city was reduced to ruins, and the blood of her compatriots stained the earth red.

Under the instigation of the storyteller, using the organizer's authority and the gift of the game, Leticia transformed into the Demon King, launched a revenge against the vampire royal family, and even challenged the upper-level Shura Gods and Buddhas, until the canary appeared and extended the Demon King's reign indefinitely. The game allowed Leticia to join a community that had not yet lost its name, and then experienced various things until now.

With confusion in her eyes, Gulefiya looked at everything that was constantly collapsing, as well as Igarashi who was so close at hand.

Welcome to wake up. The knight finally defeated the evil dragon and rescued the princess. However, Princess Leticia looks very queen-like in this dress.

Igarashi's teasing words made Leticia wake up quickly and looked at everything that was collapsing in shock. This was a sign that the game was cracked.

However, it is clear that the game must be cracked upon the death of her, one of the participants' victory targets.

Why didn't you die?

When Leticia was puzzled by this, Igarashi reached out and tapped her on the head.

You've come to your senses, how do you feel?

Chapter 926 Give them some color and see

Leticia stared at Igarashi blankly for a while, and finally a smile that was mixed with weakness and joy appeared on her face. Her voice, which was always neat and lacking in emotion, seemed to be sobbing this time.

...Well, that feels good.

The Knight of Hakoba, the princess and queen of vampires, the ruler of all classes who once guarded the order of Hakoba, and the demon king who plunged Hakoba into great chaos. At this moment, he does not understand what methods Igarashi used to avoid killing himself. He completely cracked the game, and even allowed himself to retain this terrifying power that could only be displayed during the game.

But there is no doubt that it was Igarashi who saved him, just as he promised.

Now Leticia can be sure that she still has the godhead, and compared to the powerful force that once made her fall into killing and unable to extricate herself, the godhead at this moment is powerful enough and fits her body extremely well. Leticia has no feeling any strange or negative effects.

In the underground city, Sarah and the nameless people hurriedly repelled the attack of the murderous phantom beast. They were ready to risk their lives and take the griffin beast to face the dangers they might encounter on the way to the ancient castle on the back of the dragon. At that time, he saw the castle and the dragon itself falling apart.

Then, Igarashi, who they thought was in a tough fight or even seriously injured and on the verge of death, half-hugged Leticia without any look of embarrassment, moved from an altitude of several thousand meters to the underground city in the blink of an eye, and came to everyone. .

Sarah, Kuon Asuka, and even the currently most powerful Black Rabbit all felt the oppression coming from Leticia.

At this moment, in their eyes, Leticia not only changed her clothes into a black dress, but also changed her appearance from a girl to a royal sister. They felt the same pressure as when facing the pure-blooded dragon before.

However, unlike before, everyone did not feel the crisis, and this sense of oppression did not bring them fear and trembling.

Not only did Igarashi crack the game and save Leticia, he even allowed Leticia to regain her godhood, greatly increasing her strength.

Everyone had the same idea in their hearts with a tacit understanding.

This time, this very premeditated attack came to a complete end.

Igarashi gained Leticia's heart and Sarah's heart. In addition, he gained the [Balor Dead Eye] that Sarah insisted on giving to him.

This one is said to be able to kill hundreds of gods once it is fully exerted. It represents the gift of death, and Sarah forced it on Igarashi as a bonus.

A bonus that comes with Sarah's heartfelt passionate kiss.

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