So strong...

If it were Igarashi, Kuon Asuka, who was used to the opponent's strength, wouldn't be too surprised. However, seeing a stranger showing such strength, coupled with Pest from before, Kuon Asuka was deeply aware of , even among the people I have come into contact with so far in Hakoba, I can’t even be ranked among them.

Considering that Sarah was being chased by the three giants, this masked woman might be even more powerful than Sarah.

Kuon Asuka, who was sighing, felt a little unhappy when he saw Igarashi's eyes still staying in the direction where the masked woman left.

Hey, don't look at it. Just the sight of his back has made you fascinated?

Kuon Asuka angrily stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Igarashi's eyes.

Igarashi withdrew his gaze and looked at Kuyuan Asuka.

By the way...Asuka, do you have a sister?

……no, what happened?

Kuon Asuka found it difficult to accept the jumping nature of Igarashi’s topic.

Nothing to stretch.

Igarashi looked at the giant corpses lying on the ground and the ground stained red with blood, and then looked at Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yoshi, showing a little surprise.

I thought you would be scared to cry when you saw such a bloody scene, but I didn't expect you to be quite strong.

We have already made some mental preparations before coming to Hakodeni. Don't underestimate people!

Igarashi nodded.

After all, they are not ordinary people.

Let's go to the Harvest Festival camp. I think Sarah has something to tell us.

It cost a lot of money to invite the unknown people, and when Aisha explained that the leader of the Crimson Meteor would not come, Sarah showed a little disappointment. Igarashi did not think that Sarah would attack the giant. Nothing.

Although all the giants were dead, the person who played the strings and the people on his team were not in danger. Other things may happen in the future.

Since there were beautiful girls in that team, Igarashi did not take action. Otherwise, if faced with an enemy who let the fight spread to him, Igarashi would usually shoot him to death.

Chapter 918 Reward

Lady Sarah, what is going on? Wasn't the Demon King destroyed ten years ago?

Underwood Harvest Festival Headquarters, facing Black Rabbit's questioning, Sarah leaned back against the back of her chair and turned her head upward.

I'm sorry. I originally planned to tell you the details after handling some official business, but I didn't expect those guys to move so quickly. There is actually another reason why I invited you two communities to come here this time. Are you willing to listen to my explanation?


If only we would hear it.

Ai Xia seemed to have been told something in advance before she came, and her answer at this moment seemed to be evasive.

Sarah shook her head slightly helplessly, and then began to explain the inside story.

Although the underground city successfully resisted the attack of the Demon King ten years ago, it also left serious scars. The Demon King's remnants seemed to be trying to take revenge.

The giants, and perhaps the murderous phantom beasts such as the Pellidon swarm that appeared in the sky before, are all enemies that have gathered.

As for the reason for the attack——

Sarah stood up from her chair and rolled up the Confederate flag hanging on the wall. She took out a stone the size of a human head from the secret vault behind the Confederate flag and displayed it in front of everyone.

This [eye] may be their target.


This is obviously a stone.

Kuyuan Asuka and others were confused.

And Sarah went on to explain.

Although it is sealed now, as long as the seal is unlocked, it is said that it can kill a hundred gods in one breath.

Well, now gods have also become a unit of measurement.

Everyone gasped.

The god that everyone has encountered recently... is the black death-spotted demon King Pest who has not yet lost his godhood.

Thinking of her strength in resisting many communities on her own, and if it weren't for Igarashi, Salamander and many communities might have failed, Black Rabbit felt a chill run down his spine, and asked tremblingly.

What kind of gift is this?

[Balor's Dead Eye].

It is the most powerful and terrifying Eye of Death in Celtic mythology, and it is also the Eye of the Demon King that can grant the grace of death just by looking at it.

Legend has it that this is the divine eye owned by the giant king Balor. Once this eye is opened, it will be like a new sun appearing on the earth, bringing death to everything in the world.

Even if it cannot exert its full power due to incompatibility, it is still a rare treasure for the giants, so they brazenly launched an attack on the underground city.

That's why Sarah told her story.

At the same time, the original class ruler of the Southern District was defeated by another demon king a month ago. Now the Southern District has lost its class ruler. This is also the reason why the giants dare to launch an attack.

It’s really surprising that Sarah can secure her position as the Speaker of the Dragon-Horned Eagle-Lion Alliance in the current turbulent Southern District. You must know that she was originally the heir of Salamanda in the Northern District. There are even rumors that if Sarah By inheriting the horn of the Star Sea Dragon King, Salamanda should be able to reach the highest peak.

This reflects Sarah's ability in another aspect.

At this moment, this man of outstanding ability showed a melancholy and wry smile.

I have given up my position as the next [class ruler] and joined the Dragon-Horned Eagle and Lion Alliance, but now I plan to become the class ruler of the Southern District. I think this should seem ridiculous... But that is not what I am thinking about now. At this time, for the sake of the peace of the Southern District, can we ask the two communities to lend us their power now?

Sarah held Balor's Dead Eye in her palm.

Of course, this is not without reward. I want to give this to the community with more military achievements, that is, one of Wuming and Crimson Meteor.

Aisha looked thoughtful.

Sister Vera's nature is indeed very suitable for exerting the power of Balor's Dead Eye, but...

The girl looked at Igarashi. If Igarashi was her opponent, Aisha didn't think she had a chance of winning.

But this Balor's Dead Eye is not suitable for us in the Nameless Community.

Igarashi accepted Aisha's words as if nothing had happened. However, these words were not what Aisha originally meant at all, causing the twin-tailed girl to show an angry expression.

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