It's a very powerful existence.

Chapter 913 Arriving at the Southern District

Seven-digit outer door, in front of the fountain square.

The activation of the realm gate is scheduled. Except for emergency times, individuals cannot easily use it. When it is activated, the community with the purpose of doing business will gather in front of the door. Although a gold coin issued by Thousand Eyes is not enough for the lowest community. It is a very large expense, but every time the realm gate is activated, many people will still gather.

At this moment, there are a few people gathered in front of the realm door, who should be businessmen.

The tiger statue that was originally on the doorpost of the Realm Gate has now been removed as Wuming became the new regional ruler. Because Wuming has no flag or name, and lacks representative objects, there is nothing on the doorpost for the time being, and it looks bare. , which reduces the beauty of this miraculous realm gate a lot.

However, other people who were about to use the Realm Gate did not show any disgust at all. After recognizing the nameless people, they even greeted them with smiles15.

This time, the demon king Pest, who had just been defeated, stayed at the unknown station with her loyal follower La Ting, while Igarashi and his party accepted the invitation of the Dragon-Horned Eagle and Lion Alliance to go to the south.

Blue-white light filled the door, and the waiting users lined up in an orderly manner. Igarashi and the others waited beside the queue as regional rulers, waiting for the realm gate to be officially opened. Get into it.

This is one of the small rights that a territorial ruler has on his own territory.

The transmission of the realm gate occurs in an instant.

A long distance is spanned in a short breath.

As soon as you walk out of an exit of the realm gate, you can feel the fresh wind coming towards you.

The gentle breeze is rich in moisture, and the source of this moisture is the giant water tree in front.

The nameless water tree, even after it was cultivated into the soil and fully grown, was several orders of magnitude smaller than the water tree in front of me.

The roots of the giant water tree in front of you formed a network pattern, completely covering a huge underground city. The cool and very clear water splashed everywhere. After a brief rise and fall, it splashed in all directions, making the air moist and foggy. A thin layer of water mist reflects the sunlight into brilliant colors.

Even from a distance, you can recognize this huge water tree straddling the river of the famous Tori Tunis Falls in Hakoden Garden. The many thick branches branching out and the water flowing out like a waterfall.

Igarashi, look below! There is a water channel made of crystal in front of the waterfall flowing from the water tree.

Kasukabe Yoshi pulled Igarashi's sleeve and let out a rare cry of excitement.

The water overflowing from the huge water tree falls into the city through the branches, and then flows through the water channels decorated with countless crystals, flowing into all parts of the city with unrestrained water force. It is built along the gaps in the network of roots of the big tree. The water channel is made of processed green crystal.


Igarashi looked at this scene and let out a sigh. He discovered that when a small gift game called Gift was held in the city of Salamander, a wise beast took out this green crystal rough stone. Trying to exchange gifts with himself, although Igarashi can easily create many ordinary gifts, if he is really exchanged with that beast, Igarashi will still feel that he is at a loss.

There are also many profiteers in Hakoba.

There were many birds with antlers flying in the sky, causing Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yō, who liked fantasy species, to scream excitedly. Igarashi looked at the antlered birds, and then at the shouting Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yō. Kasukabe Yoshi couldn't help but smile.

A very wicked smile.

This emotion that was not deliberately hidden did not escape Kasukabe Yoshi's eyes, and she tilted her head in question.

What's wrong?

Although you seem to like the appearance of those stag-horned birds, I feel that those stag-horned birds want to kill people. Now you are like a flock of sheep that warmly welcomes jackals.


When Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yoshi fell into silence because of Igarashi's words, Leticia on the side nodded in agreement with Igarashi's words.

Yes, those bird phantom beasts are called Pellidon, and they are a murderous species. It is said that they were originally alien species from the continent of Atlantis. Pellidon's shadow was born with a curse. It is said that it will reflect the appearance of itself. Shadows that don’t match, and the way to lift the curse is to kill humans, which is really bad, whether it is the Pelidon itself or the god who cast the curse, but don’t worry, if the Pelidon group does anything out of the ordinary, the next meal Then you can add some Pellidon skewers as a snack.”

Even without untying the special ribbon, Leticia, who still looks like a young girl, still looks heroic at this moment.

Although Leticia struggled a bit when competing with Demon King Pest, it is undeniable that she is still a strong person after losing her godhood, and her strength is higher than Kasukabe Yō and Kuon Asuka. She once reached the system tree. On the top floor, where the Guardian Dragon Knight is located, he received a powerful gift called [Dragon's Shadow] from the dragon of faith. It is easy to deal with these bird fantasy beasts.

Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yō suddenly lost interest in Pellidon.

After all, no one would take too kindly to a creature that wants to kill itself.

A giant water tree named [underwood], its huge roots protect the underground city from floods and storms. It is said that this giant tree was involved in a war with the Demon King ten years ago, so most of its roots were destroyed. After being destroyed, the landscape has finally been restored thanks to the cooperation of many communities. Part of the purpose of the harvest festival held this time is to announce to the East and North Districts that the [underwood] has been resurrected.

That is to say, the Southern District has regained its former glory.

Each area in the small garden also has a certain degree of competition.

Who I thought it was, turned out to be Igarashi and Kasukabe Yoshi. Why, you guys are also here to participate in the harvest festival.

At this time, a somewhat familiar girl's voice came from not far away. The person who spoke was Aisha from the Crimson Meteor Community, who had met Igarashi several times before.

Chapter 914 Buy!

Aisha leaned out from what was supposed to be the dormitory and waved to this side. Although what she said was a bit rude, the girl's face was filled with happiness.

She was obviously happy for the unknown crowd to arrive.

The girl jumped down from the window and came in front of everyone. She shook her proud blue-haired twin tails. She put her hands behind the Gothic Lolita costume and clasped them together. She looked at Kasukabe Yoshi, then fixed her gaze on Igarashi and curled her lips. A smile.

Previously, in the gift game held by Salamanda, Aisha and Kasukabe Yoshi were competitors. At that time, she focused a lot of attention on Kasukabe Yoshi and asked Pumpkin Jack to stop Kasukabe Yoshi. Later, when the game ended, Aisha When she was defeated, she thought Kasukabe Yoshi had some special tricks. However, after the Demon King's attack, Aisha was sure that Igarashi was definitely the one who stopped the pumpkin monster.

In this case, I am not losing to Kasukabe Yoshi, so——

Have you decided what gift game you want to participate in later?

Faced with Aisha's sudden question, Igarashi didn't think much about it.

Not yet. If I don't find something that interests me, I probably won't participate in any gift games.

That's great!

Ai Xia couldn't help but let out a cheer of joy, and then realized that the countless people in front of her were looking at her with confused eyes. The girl tried hard to control the joy on her face, coughed, and said as if to fix the problem.

Well, I mean, that's such a shame.

The girl looked at Kasukabe Yō and showed a provocative smile.

Yao, you must participate in [Knights of the Sea Horse]? Because I will also participate.

...What is a sea horse?

Kasukabe Yō turned to ask Black Rabbit.

I obviously know that, so why don't you ask me directly? This guy didn't talk to me much from the beginning when we met in the game.

Looking at this scene, Ai Xia puffed up her mouth angrily.

And Black Rabbit quickly answered Kasukabe Yoshi's question.

Haijiao is a horse-headed fish-tail monster, a kind of phantom beast with a dorsal fin instead of a mane and webbed hooves. It is not wrong to say that it is half horse and half fish. I guess the gift game should be on the water. Ride them in the water and race them.”

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