If La Ting is the negative manifestation of the piper of Hamel, then the elf in the pointed hat who was chased by the distant bird and became friends with her is the positive embodiment of this story.

The legitimate achievements of the flute player have gone through countless Star Frost journeys, and the improved spirituality has split, and a small individual independent of the group of 130 elves has been separated, which is the pointed hat elf.

Kuon Asuka, who learned this from Igarashi, finally let go of all his worries about the elf and named the elf who had just learned human language Mel.

Is this the end of the matter?

Kuon Asuka saw Leticia come to the banquet, and knew that the demon king girl Pest might have awakened, so he couldn't help but sigh.

In this demon king's attack, she didn't do anything at all, but she also gained something, a cute elf in a pointed hat, and a ribbon given by Igarashi.

Thinking like this, Jiuyuan Asuka couldn't help but take out the ribbon and look at it.

This is... sacred iron?!

Sandora, who came to receive the unknown people, looked very surprised when she saw what Jiuyuan Feiniao was holding.

The so-called sacred iron is steel that is flexible and extremely strong at the same time. It is said to be the beloved sacred mine of the [Monkey King] who commanded the seven demon kings in the past.

Obviously the sacred mine should not look like silk, but Sandora's intuition told her that this was the sacred iron.

Huh? It's true that there are people who know the stuff. After all, I heard that only dragons [pure breeds] can forge sacred iron at will. As a fire dragon, Sandora, it makes sense that you would know.

At this time, Igarashi appeared supporting Kasukabe Yoshi, who was still recovering from a serious illness. In fact, he was fully capable of restoring Kasukabe Yoshi to health. However, Igarashi liked to see girls who were weak and unable to resist. appearance.

When he helped Kasukabe Yoshi over, Igarashi pretended to be in close contact with her for a few times as if nothing had happened.

The blush on the girl's pale face is so cute.

Sacred Iron?!

Kuon Asuka, who understood its value under Black Rabbit's introduction, seemed a little dumbfounded.

Sandora, on the other hand, stared at Igarashi closely.

Although elves can also forge sacred iron, but if you want to make it into something like a ribbon, it will be like being reborn... Mr. Igarashi, are you a purebred dragon?

There seemed to be a faint joy on Sandora's face, because Igarashi might be a member of her race.

No, I'm human.

Igarashi looked serious.


However, it is difficult for everyone to believe it.

Humans have never been a very strong race in the Little Garden. Most of the famous and powerful people in the Little Garden are born gods, pure dragons, and star spirits. The next most powerful ones are like Pace. Extraordinary, an existence that manifests itself due to various achievements.

Asuras, gods, Buddhas, demons and monsters are the active characters on the main stage of the small garden.

As for human beings, with their weak bodies and terrifyingly low starting points, it is difficult for them to achieve any outstanding achievements in their short lifespan of a hundred years that would allow them to gain great strength. There are hardly any human beings on the main stage of the Little Garden.

There were some before, such as the canary, which was known as the fourth most powerful species [poet].

Because of Igarashi's words, Black Rabbit couldn't help but think of the past of the Nameless Community, and pursed her lips. She didn't know what happened to Canary who left the Little Garden because she was defeated by the Demon King, but... with her intelligence and ability, , you will have a good time no matter where you are.


The elf in the pointed hat named Mel was jumping up and down in front of Igarashi, as if she wanted to say something, but she was so excited that she couldn't express her meaning well because she had not yet fully mastered human language.

But Igarashi knew what she wanted to say.

The main material for making ribbons, sacred iron, comes from Mel's community, so this is a gift that she and I give to you together, Asuka.

Although Igarashi's explanation made Mel nod with satisfaction, it also made Black Rabbit, Sandora, Kasukabe Yō and even Leticia have different expressions.

Although they had received many clothes as gifts from Igarashi, this ribbon was still more meaningful, right?

If it hadn't been for the fact that Kuuan Asuka happened to be taken out this time, and Sandora pointed out how precious it was, no one would have known that Igarashi secretly gave Kuuan Asuka a gift.


Seeing everyone's expressions, Igarashi faintly smelled vinegar.

Although the vinegar smell emitted by each person is not very obvious, together they are really sour.

That ribbon is for Asuka to train the gift...Okay, okay, I will give you another valuable gift.

Now that we have protective clothing, let’s give Leticia a maid outfit, Black Rabbit a referee uniform, Sandora a Lolita princess dress, and Kasukabe Yoshi a suit that can show off her absolute fighting skills. Home Clothing.

It can not only satisfy their wishes but also satisfy their own hobbies, killing two birds with one stone.

Although Black Rabbit and Sandora were a little embarrassed and wanted to refuse, no one spoke first.

As a result, in this slightly reserved atmosphere, everyone accepted Igarashi's gift.

Seeing the various uniforms again, the girls looked at Igarashi with disgust.

Ahem, don't get me wrong. These clothes have special defensive measures. They can withstand even attacks as powerful as Pest's Black Wind. I didn't just take them out for eye candy. You must wear them from now on. Dress well and keep yourself safe.”

There was still a long silence.

Igarashi looked innocent.

What are you looking at me for? Eat and eat. Salamanda has prepared such a grand banquet for Wuming alone. You can't waste it. Oh, by the way, La Ting, your costume is already sexy enough. I will help you put on extra clothes later. That’s a good defense.”

Surely you just want to see us wearing the clothes you like?!

Black Rabbit finally scolded with a red face.

But he didn't show much rejection after that.

Chapter 907 Bai Xueji

You asked me for payment?!

ShiroYasha looked at Igarashi who stretched out his hand to him, with a look of shock on his face.

And Igarashi narrowed his eyes.

Want to muddle through? As I said before, once I show my strength in this battle, you will give me something I want, the snake god, or Leticia's godhead, or you I pledged myself directly and chose one of the three. Speaking of which, this time I not only cured everyone of the Black Death and defeated the Demon King, but I also secretly paid attention to the situation from the beginning to the end. No one really died. After so much effort, Even if I get the promised payment, it’s still a losing deal for me.”

If you first give someone pure despair, and then give someone a glimmer of hope, the other person will burst into tears of gratitude.

Shiroyasha was previously sealed by Pest using the rules of the game. When he heard the screams coming from the outside world and found out that Igarashi was planning to die without saving him, he was very depressed.

She is a kind-hearted person, so her actual combat power is extremely terrifying, so she temporarily handed over her divinity to Buddhism for safekeeping for the people at the lower level of Hakoniwa, lowered her strength and appeared in the lower class of Hakoniwa as a class ruler.

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