Only some taller buildings were damaged.

When the original game participants stood in a daze, Shiro Yaksha suddenly appeared in front of everyone like mist.

The rather embarrassed look of scratching her head suited her appearance very well.

Everyone, I performed very well in this war. As the ruler of the Eastern District, I must express my gratitude and apology. Although I put on a great front, I ended up being sealed from the beginning to the end. Really terribly sorry……

The fact is indeed as Shiroyasha said, but everyone present - Salamanda's leaders Sandora and Mandela, the nameless representative Black Rabbit, and other leaders of a small number of communities who performed well in the game, but No one made any accusations.

Everyone clearly knows Shiroyasha's reputation and has placed their trust in her as the strongest [class ruler], and will not be shaken by something of this magnitude.

After Bai Yaksha finished thanking him, Sandora took a step forward and opened her hands.

The devil's game is over, we have won!

Oh oh oh!!!

Waves of cheers rang out at the scene. After hearing the ruler's speech, everyone finally had a taste of victory 517.

Heal the injured, and help the uninjured. When this is over, rewards will be given for the achievement of defeating the Demon King, and the birth ceremony will continue, and a celebration will be held at the same time. Those who know what to do will be happy and excited. Come on!

Bai Yaksha's words made the cheers louder. Although everyone was more or less injured, there were strangely no dead people. This not-so-heavy price made them feel very relaxed.

And Sandora quietly found the Black Rabbit.

Excuse me, where is Mr. Igarashi?

He? It should be on the highest balcony of the palace.

Black Rabbit replied with a happy face. Now Leticia is responsible for taking care of the sleeping Demon King Pest. It seems that Kuon Asuka had some dispute with La Ting and went to compete somewhere again. However, it was just a small dispute.

Both Pest and La Ting joined the nameless community, or became Igarashi's subordinates. The strength of their partners was further enhanced, and Black Rabbit was very happy.

Sandora nodded, avoided the cheering people in the hall, and came to the balcony.

Igarashi is indeed here, admiring the city after the war.

Chapter 904 The biggest reward and the sound of the magic flute

It is dusk at this moment, and the afterglow of the sunset simulated by the small garden represents the end of glory, and it also means the end of old things.

Tomorrow, the sun will rise as usual and the festival will still be held.

Although the city that was freed from the smoke of gunpowder had many signs of destruction compared to before, it still had a kind of incomplete beauty.

Hearing the footsteps, Igarashi turned his head and saw that the person coming was Sandora, showing a pleasant smile.

Why, if the little hero doesn't enjoy everyone's praise, why do you want to come to me?

Well... on behalf of Salamander, I want to present a reward to Mr. Igarashi who defeated the Demon King.

Shandora lowered her head half-way, her voice seemed weak, and she lost the authority she had when she declared victory as a leader.

Igarashi blinked. In his previous transaction with Salamanda, didn't Salamanda regard all the gifts he had as bargaining chips? Although he didn't care much about those gifts and didn't intend to take them, but Igarashi Lan didn't think Sandora could do anything extra.

This is the reward for defeating the Demon King. If you had to count it out, Igarashi alone had more credit than the others combined.

While Igarashi was stunned, Sandora came up to Igarashi and kissed him gently on the side of his face. The touch was fleeting, and the girl quickly blushed and backed away, her eyes full of evasion.

That's it. I think this is the only extra reward I can pay. As for the gift from Salamanda in the previous transaction, it will be sent to the unknown stronghold later.

No need. I feel that the value of this kiss is much higher than those gifts. I will make a profit this time and cancel the transaction.

Igarashi, who had never wanted Salamanda's gift, but just wanted them to pay a sufficient price, canceled the previous transaction with a wave of his hand.

In fact, just having a cute devil like Pest is enough for Igarashi to take the initiative.

However, in Sandora's view, Igarashi gave up the original generous reward just because of his kiss.

Although it was her first kiss, compared with Salamanda's many gifts, Sandora felt that those gifts were more valuable.

So, for what reason did Igarashi give up those gifts?

The girl who was already shy enough now became even more blushing.

Anyway, if Mr. Igarashi needs anything, please let me know.

After speaking hastily, the blushing girl ran away quickly.

Now, Igarashi became a loner again, staying alone on the balcony.

However, what happened in an open space in the town not far away caught Igarashi’s attention——

Not only can you control mice, but can your flute also control other intelligent life forms?

Jiuyuan Feiniao looked at La Ting standing in front of him and showed a cautious expression. Although La Ting also joined Wuming with Pest's defeat, facing this person who could control others with a flute with a smile on his face, Guys who kill each other cannot be regarded as companions by Kuyuan Asuka.

Haven't you seen this kind of thing before? If it weren't for Mr. Igarashi's protection, you would have experienced it yourself, dear Miss Asuka.

Facing the question of Jiuyuan Asuka, La Ting casually turned the magic flute in her hand. Even though Pest was defeated by Igarashi and fell to the position of a god, she also lost her godhood, and the power that had just soared disappeared again. , but in La Ting's eyes, even now, she doesn't need to make any special remarks when facing others except Sandora, Shiroyasha and Igarashi.

Especially the Jiuyuan Feiniao in front of her. She only has a gift similar to her own. She was unable to control the rats before, so she is a complete weakling. After all, in terms of physical fitness, La Ting is sure that she is far stronger than Jiuyuan. flying birds.

Sensing La Ting's contempt for him, Jiuyuan Feiniao took a deep breath.

Then, let's play a game. I listen to you play a piece of music, and you try to charm me with that piece of music.

There was a strong will in Kuon Asuka's eyes. Even though she had won the Demon King's game before, she had not won and even lost once. She wanted to prove herself.

The ribbon that Igarashi gave her before was used as a training object for [power] by Kuon Asuka. According to Igarashi's prompts, the ribbon was given [sharpness], [sturdiness] and other attributes.

She often forgets to eat and sleep in practice. Jiuyuan Feiniao doesn't know if her power has improved, but she is sure that her will has indeed improved.

Kuon Asuka's words made La Ting subconsciously glance towards the castle - where Sandora, Pest, Shiroyasha and Igarashi were currently.

She happened to see Igarashi standing on the upper balcony of the castle looking here. Relying on the good eyesight given to her by the demon spirit, La Ting saw Igarashi making a gesture of invitation to her.

Withdrawing her gaze, La Ting put aside her scruples and looked at Jiuyuan Asuka in front of her with her usual mischievous smile, and even flirtatiously flirted with Ms. Asuka, who was also a female.

Fantasia [The Piper of Hamel], please listen~

This is a more beautiful melody than anything Kuyon Asuka has ever heard.

The wonderful magic flute erodes the distant birds with its undulating sound and dream-inducing melody.

Through the sound of the magic flute in his ears, Asuka saw the dream of the past world.

Together with my deceased parents, not bound by anything, running around with a smile on my face, over walls, across oceans, across borders, accomplishing all the things I have ever imagined...

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