What is your purpose? The Demon King of Hamel.

Sandora, who was filled with flames at this moment, looked at the spotted girl with stern eyes, showing a different demeanor in front of Shiro Yaksha, Black Rabbit and others.

Ah, you are mistaken. The official name of my gift is [Black Death Spotted Demon King].

...Twenty-fourth generation [Fire Dragon], Sandora.

Thank you for introducing yourself. I want White Yaksha, who has the sovereignty of the sun, and the bones of the Star Sea Dragon King. In other words, the dragon horns on your head.

The girl asked in a casual tone, pointing to Sandora's dragon horn with one finger.

As expected of the guy who calls himself the Demon King, he is indeed very arrogant and rude. As the guardian of order, under our banner, I will definitely punish you!

A fierce battle broke out between the class rulers and the incoming demon king. Black storms and red flames each occupied part of the sky, rendering the world black and red.

Chapter 898 His name is Pest, which means Black Death

Trapped by the black sphere and unable to see everything outside, but able to hear the sounds of fighting outside, Shiroyasha gritted his teeth and spoke to Igarashi.

...If you don't want to help, can you give me a message for Black Rabbit?

Tell me.

Igarashi just sat here with his free time watching the battle between the demon king and the guardian of the class in the sky. Kuon Asuka, like Kasukabe Yō and Leticia, are all very kind-hearted types, but they were repelled by Igarashi in La Ting. Later, the Salamander Community and the Argonians, who were originally controlled by the Voice of the Magic Flute, were also freed from control. The only ones still fighting at this moment were the Black Death Demon King in the sky and the new ones. Just a class guardian.

That is not a battle that I can intervene in.

Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yoshi clearly knew this, so they chose to stay with Igarashi.

Igarashi said before that Salamanda summoned the Demon King without telling everyone, which made them subconsciously reject this community.

This game may have deliberately left instructions incomplete [when making the rules]. This is a method used by some demon kings. It is possible that there is no way to crack it...

Do you want 15 Black Rabbit, who is the referee, to stop the game and connect to the Hakoniwa Center to determine whether the game is illegal?

Igarashi could understand what she said, and Shiroyasha breathed a sigh of relief. Although she knew that the outside world should not be able to see the things inside the black sphere, she still nodded subconsciously.

Yes, once there is a violation, the organizer can be directly judged to have failed. In this way, the safety of those innocent communities can also be guaranteed.

“But what if there’s no violation?”

Igarashi's words made Shiroyasha startled. She was about to ask, How can such an illusory victory condition, overthrowing a hypocritical inheritance, etc. not violate the rules? However, she suddenly remembered some of what Igarashi said before, and couldn't help but fell silent. , Bai Yaksha said solemnly after a moment.

If there is no violation, it is equivalent to the contestants interfering with the normal progress of the competition. The Hakoba Center will impose certain penalties on the contestants, or allow the organizer to receive compensation in exchange.

So, do you still want me to bring you a message now?


Even though he knew there was a referee like Black Rabbit, he still dared to show up and set up such a game. He also had the wisdom to trap himself and would not leave such a clue that he would lose directly if exposed.

After Bai Yaksha closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, he shook his head.

No need.

Hoo ho ho.

The continuous sound of howling wind.

It is the black wind and the wind of death.

Hey, Sandora, if you can't resolve the battle in a short time, a lot of people will die, right?

Seeing the black wind blowing over everyone except the few nameless community members who were protected by him, Igarashi shouted to Sandora in the sky.

Sandora, who was concentrating on the battle, heard Wu Shilan's words, but couldn't find the energy to reply. The ability of the demon girl in front of her was too weird. If Sandora didn't activate the flame with all her strength, she would be killed by that terrifying Possibility of black wind attack.

However, Mandela, who was filled by the black wind but did not immediately notice that anything was wrong with him, looked at Igarashi with an angry expression.

It's okay if you don't conquer the Demon King because you have great strength. After all, the community that has lost its name also loses its glory, but when the class guardians like us are fighting, don't distract her anymore!

It was about his sister and the future of the community. Even after feeling Igarashi's strength, Mandela still made accusations.

If Black Wind indeed had no special role, there would be no problem with Mandela's accusation.

Igarashi glanced at him, but stopped talking.

Mandela's heart was high when Igarashi looked at him, but he relaxed again after Igarashi looked away.

However, a certain sense of urgency turned into a boulder and weighed heavily on Mandela's heart.

A lot of people will die.

Igarashi, who has great strength, really said this just to distract Sandora.

The rabbit did not stop the game...

The Demon King girl murmured, then looked at the ground, and smiled slightly after realizing that most people were infected by her black wind.

But the main plan has been achieved.

The Demon King girl secretly used her gift to accelerate certain changes in the people who were attacked by the black wind.



Some people began to moan and fall down, one or two at first, and then like a chain reaction, the number continued to increase. Soon, more than half of the people present had fallen to the ground.

They are all weak.

how come?!

The Demon King secretly used the gift, thus slowing down the attack and taking a breather. Sandora noticed the changes on the ground. The young girl clenched her fists, remembering Igarashi's words, it was the black wind just now.

At this moment, the Demon King already showed a winner's smile.

As I have introduced before, my gift is [Black Death Spotted Demon King].

The Black Death Spot Demon King...

While Sandora frowned and thought, Igarashi couldn't stand it anymore.

Do the idiots like Salamanda not even know the true identity of the demon king they summoned? Or do they know but don't tell Sandora, who is the main force?

Given Mandela's stupidity, it's probably the former.

The black death spots are the Black Death, and the black wind is the embodiment of the Black Death. Those who have fallen now have been infected. Of course, others who have not fallen are also infected. They just rely on their good health to resist more diseases. Just a little longer.

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