Jack bowed down to salute Igarashi gracefully, but the huge hollow pumpkin head and the insubstantial light black cloth that did not match the size of the head made its movements more comical and funny than elegant.

...Your name is Igarashi. There are recent rumors that the collapse of the five-digit Outer Sect Perseus Community was due to an unknown member. Although most people listen to it as a joke, I think this is not the case. rumor.


Igarashi did not deny it and waited for Pumpkin Jack's next statement.

We, Scarlet Meteor, are from the Six-Digit Outer Sect, and we are also the strongest community in the Six-Digit Outer Sect. If Wuming needs help, you can let us know. Correspondingly... if there is anything in the future If possible, could you please help me for once?”

I heard that the leader of Crimson Meteor is a beautiful girl?

Igarashi, who originally wanted to refuse directly and knock the opponent down so as not to affect Kasukabe Yoshi's search for the end, thought of something and asked.

Uh... you are right to say that.

The flaming eyes on the giant pumpkin's head showed a faint look of trouble.

If it's not too much trouble, I agree.

After receiving Jack's answer, Igarashi nodded simply.

If it weren't for the pumpkin's ability to produce sweat, Jack might have been sweating profusely at this moment.

Why does Igarashi's current behavior make him feel like he's causing trouble for the community?

At least it's better than fighting and building grudges in such a game.

Although Perseus's downfall was seen by many communities, after all, it was a five-digit community that had once been glorious, and it must have a trump card. Even so, Igarashi was still able to destroy it unscathed. The power can be imagined.

Pumpkin Jack doesn't want to bring enemies to Crimson Meteor. It tries to establish a friendly relationship with Igarashi and Mumei behind him, and it seems to be successful.

Chapter 896 The Demon King Attacks

Winner: Kasukabe Yō!

When Kasukabe Yoshi found the end, the deep black was broken, shattered like glass, restored to the original huge circular stage, and Black Rabbit also happily announced that the game was over.

He was not happy that Wuming defeated Crimson Meteor, but simply happy that his partner Yoshi Kasukabe won the game.

In sharp contrast to the expression of Kuro Usagi in the distance, Aika looked unhappy and approached Kasukabe Yoshi from the corner of the stage.

Hey! What's your name! Where are you from?

Aisha's eyes were full of unwillingness and surprise. She didn't expect that even if she asked Jack to help, she couldn't win the game. Looking at the looks of Jack and Kasukabe Yoshi, the two didn't seem to be fighting. Could it be that Kasukabe Yoshi's speed was already faster than even Jack's? Can't catch up?

…Introduced at the beginning.

Kasukabe Yoshi looked indifferent. After all, Aika's attitude was not friendly at all, so Kasukabe Yoshi responded with displeasure.

As a result, Ai Xia was not angry, but felt strongly unwilling.

Hmph, really! Then at least remember my name! You nameless person, I am Asia Ignifatus from Crimson Meteor! If we have a chance to meet, I will definitely win next time, give it to me remember!

After Aisha finished speaking, she swung her twin ponytails and left.

And Jack explained to Igarashi.

That child has never been defeated by someone of similar age, so he feels unwilling. Please understand.

Jack is not Aisha's possession. If we look at the abilities of the participants alone, Kasukabe Yoshi, who deflected fire with wind, did defeat Aisha.


At this time, the venue suddenly became a commotion.

Following the audience's gaze towards the sky, a large number of black letters are scattered in the sky, just like rain.

Aware of the fragility of those black letters, in order to prevent them from collapsing before they touched him, Igarashi used his strength to slightly protect them, and then he was able to open one of them and read the text on it.

It announces the arrival of the Demon King.

Contestants are everyone here.

As the organizer, the Demon King's condition for victory is to conquer or kill all contestants.

If you want to win as a contestant, you need to defeat the organizer and break the false heritage and establish a real heritage.

Tsk, the organizer's winning conditions are so simple and straightforward. If the contestants want to win, they must not only complete two conditions, but they are also so obscure. As expected of a devil, it will really add mystery to themselves.

While the audience who also saw the contents of the black letter screamed in despair, Igarashi was complaining.

The height of the realm wall.

A woman in a sexy white costume was playing with a flute that was about 30 centimeters tall, looking down at the stage area below.

There should be four contestants, including the little girl from Salamanda, who are qualified to be our opponents, right? Weser.

That pumpkin is not eligible to participate. It should be noted that the class ruler Fire Dragon, as well as the rabbit and vampire of the nameless community, and... the nameless Igarashi, if the rumors that he destroyed [Perseus] are true, then He is also our great enemy.

The man named Weser responded to the woman's words. He also held a flute in his hand, but its length was almost the same as the man's.

And the third being is no longer human.

It was a giant weapon fifty meters tall, still shaped like a flute, with a particularly huge vent on its face, emitting strange sounds and vibrations to the surroundings.

In the center of the three stood a cute girl wearing a black and white spotted patterned dress.

Her expressionless look made people feel a little pity: such a cute girl would look good if she could smile.

Let's start the gift game. Please follow the plan.

Okay! What about the guy who's in the way?

Weiser in black showed a ferocious expression.

You can kill him.

The girl's response was bland.

The first thing that changed was Bai Yaksha's position.

Black wind appeared, wrapped around Shirayasha's body, and turned into a black ball to imprison her.

And Igarashi appeared here with Kasukabe Yoshi who was originally in the stage area. Among the others, the little girl Sandora of Salamanda, Black Rabbit as the referee, and Kuon Asuka and the others were trapped because Shiroyasha was trapped. With a worried look in his eyes, he came to the black sphere, stretched out his hand and knocked on the black sphere that should have no body and was composed of black wind, making a banging sound.

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