Because before that, Kasukabe Yoshi had made friends with many animals on the earth and obtained their abilities through the life catalog. In addition, after coming to Hakoba, he obtained the gift of controlling the wind from the griffin, so facing this is not a big deal. It was a very strong community, and Kasukabe Yoshi dealt with it easily.

As a result, Igarashi also became a spectator.

No, the crowd did a little more than Igarashi did, erupting in deafening cheers when Kasukabe defeated the giant Stonewall Titan.

This was not a life and death battle, it was just an exhibition-like battle. The audience seemed very excited to see the cute girl defeating the huge rocks.

Kasukabe Yoshi's face was also flushed. He didn't know whether it was because of excitement or because he had consumed a lot of energy during the battle.

Bai Yaksha, who was watching the battle in front of the palace not far away, clapped his hands, and the audience's voices suddenly stopped.

It's not that these creatures from all over the world are strictly disciplined and follow orders and prohibitions, it's that Bai Yaksha eliminated the vibration in the air and stopped the noisy sounds.

When the audience was shocked by this, Shiroyasha showed a hearty smile and spoke to Yao, Igarashi and the general audience on the stage.

The final winner is the unknown Kasukabe Yoshi. In this way, the last list to participate in the finals is also ready. The finals game is scheduled to be held after tomorrow. As for the rules of the game starting tomorrow...well, the rules are troublesome. One of the organizers, who is also the rightful owner of this festival, will explain it to everyone.

Bai Yaksha turned around and gave up the central position of the palace balcony. On this balcony where he could see the entire venue at a glance, a young man with crimson hair tied on his head and wearing multi-layered colorful clothes appeared. girl.

She is the new class ruler who has inherited the dragon horns of the pure dragon species, the Star Sea Dragon King.

Sandora, the young leader of Salamanda with the flame dragon pattern as its banner, stood up from the throne.

Bai Yasha showed a gentle smile and gently urged her, who was wearing gorgeous clothes and had a nervous expression on her face.

Haha, after all, this is a gorgeous public greeting. I understand that you will be nervous, but you must show a smile in front of everyone, because we and other class rulers are the spiritual support of the lower class community, and if the expression is so stiff , the clothes I gave you will lose their style, and you must show a strong attitude now.

Yes, it is!

Sandora took a deep breath and greeted everyone with a voice as clear and sweet as a silver bell, resolute and awe-inspiring.

I am the ruler of the North District who was introduced just now, Sandora Teldorek. This festival [Fire Dragon Birth Festival] jointly organized by the East District and the North District also successfully passed half of the schedule today. Nothing unexpected happened, so I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to everyone in the East District Community and North District Community who assisted in the event. As for future games, first of all, please refer to the invitation letter at hand.

The audience, as well as Kasukabe Yoshi and Igarashi, picked up the invitations.

[Title of Gift Game: Duel of the Creators

Communities participating in the final:

Game Leader: Salamander

Contestants: Crimson Meteor, Ratcatcher, Unnamed


Except that the number of contestants has been reduced, the competition rules are still the same as before, using a round-robin format, and the winner can not only compete with the game leader, but also ask for the favors he wants from the Salamander Community, which is the ruler of the class.

The competition won't start until tomorrow, and today's grand festival has come to an end.

Igarashi and Kasukabe Yoshi walked side by side on the road. Looking at the girl with beads of sweat on her forehead due to the continuous battles, Igarashi asked.

What kind of favor do you want for participating in this competition? I have been to the warehouse of the Perseus Community before. Maybe there is something you need.

Igarashi now feels that his destruction of the Perseus Community was a far-sighted move. Now even if he gives out the favor he created, he can still attribute it to the Perseus Community.

As a result, Igarashi's question made Kasukabe Yoshi, who was humming an unknown tune softly and was obviously in a good mood, startled and his eyes became wandering.

...I, I don't want favors, I just want to make more friends.

Although this was what Kasukabe Yō said when they first met, she came to Hakoba, but now Igarashi could easily see from her little actions that she was lying.

Tsk, the girl actually has something to hide from herself.

Igarashi felt heartbroken.

He was never the type to mind his own heartache, so he had to seek comfort in other ways.

You should feel very tired after fighting continuously today. How about you...

In the middle of Igarashi's words, he saw Kasukabe Yoshi's eagerness to try. After carefully observing her movements, Igarashi took a step back and asked uncertainly.

what you up to?

The girl blinked innocently.

I'm carrying you, aren't you tired?

Kasukabe Yoshi wanted to directly carry Igarashi on his back. If Igarashi did not resist, Kasukabe Yoshi, who had received strength enhancement from animals, could indeed easily carry Igarashi on his back.

However, if he really did that, Igarashi felt that it would not be his heartache, and his face would be completely lost. He coughed lightly and said kindly to Kasukabe Yoshi, who had misunderstood.

I'm not saying I'm tired, it's you. Are you tired? Do you want me to carry you?

In fact, Igarashi originally wanted to say, Do you want me to pick you up in a princess hug? But looking at Kasukabe Yoshi's pure eyes, Igarashi couldn't bear to go too far.

I don't...well, okay.

Kasukabe Yoshi, who originally wanted to say that he was not tired, changed his mind midway.

Chapter 890 Ants without self-awareness

Igarashi carried Kasukabe Yō back to Sengan's branch, where he planned to live for the next time. However, except for the clerk responsible for looking after the store, Kuroto and the others were not there.

Just leaving a note, telling Igarashi that they went to Salamanda's headquarters in the city.

As a result, Igarashi was stopped in front of Salamanda's main hall.

What happened?

Hearing the noise outside the hall, a man in military uniform walked out of the hall with a displeased expression. It was probably not dissatisfaction caused by the noise, but that was the look he had inside the hall.

The man's eyes flashed when he saw Igarashi, but he turned to look at the subordinate guarding the door, signaling for him to answer.

Yes, they did not declare their intention to come and wanted to enter the palace directly. In order to prevent them from disturbing Leader Sandora and Lord Mandela, we stopped them.

I see, we are receiving guests and are not accepting visits. Please go back.

The man named Mandela suppressed the dissatisfaction on his face, but showed a faintly superior attitude. He hugged his shoulders and motioned for Igarashi and Kasukabe Yoshi to leave.

Igarashi narrowed his eyes. He walked here step by step with normal means, and waited patiently for the gatekeeper to explain the situation. He had already given enough face. It was just a salad mandar, a group of ants, what was in his mind? What was wrong with him, so he pretended to let himself go when he recognized himself?

Igarashi did not leave, but continued to move forward, looking at the guards who were vigilantly raising their weapons towards him, and twitching the corners of his mouth.

I don't mind letting Salamanda become a fallen star, like Perseus. Ah, is Salamanda not qualified to raise the flag in the starry sky?

Seeing Igarashi tearing his face apart, Mandela no longer tried to hide it.

You're just nameless, don't point fingers at Salamander and I. Igarashi, you are the sinful demon king who destroyed Perseus and disrupted the order of the small garden. Leave quickly and don't tarnish Salamanda's honor. Now the East District and The class rulers of the North District and many outstanding community members have gathered in this city, do you still want to cause trouble here?

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