Does Black Rabbit know how Igarashi obtained Mizuki? I heard that Shiroyasha said that the snake god is a very powerful existence?'s actually a bit incredible...

Thinking of Igarashi defeating the snake god with just words, Kuro Usagi showed emotion and recounted what happened when he chased Igarashi.

At this moment, Igarashi is——

Of course, he was not peeping over the bathhouse as Kuon Asuka had initially suspected. Although it was completely feasible to do so, no matter whether it was a gift or an obstacle, nothing could block Igarashi's eyes.

Igarashi was lying on a lounge chair outside the main building, looking at the stars in the sky.

The surroundings were so quiet that one could hear the rustle of the wind blowing the vegetation.

But Igarashi spoke in this quiet environment where no one else seemed to be around.

Ten minutes have passed. Let me commend you for your patience and determination. But do you plan to hide forever?

There was still the silence unique to the night, and no one answered Igarashi's words.

Feng, catch them here.

Igarashi, who originally wanted to use his soul power directly, paused for a moment. Considering the terrifying power of his soul, he continued to use the law to command all things. The grace called Words and Laws, in fact, This is an effect of Igarashi's Law. Beings whose strength is lower than his will obey his orders, whether they are wise or unintelligent.


The strong wind swept through the bushes not far away, and rolled several orcs with human appearances and non-human features such as tails or animal ears due to their beast gifts into front of Igarashi.

The wind did not consider the feelings of those who came, and threw the orcs from the bushes like throwing objects, making those guys scream in pain as they hit the ground. For a while, they didn't even have the strength to get up. .

Weak, really weak. You are such an ant. I have to try my best to control my strength so as not to crush you to death.

Igarashi asked after glancing at the orc who was still seriously injured.

Identity and intention of coming here?

The power of law, without affecting their own minds, quietly transformed the orcs in front of them into die-hard loyalists who obeyed Igarashi's words. Visiting late at night and hiding for so long did not seem to be friendly. the goal of.

We are members of the community 'ForesGaro'. Because the leader Jared disappeared after contact with Nameless, we came here to investigate the situation.

What do you want to do after exploring?

Igarashi maintained his posture of leisurely looking at the stars, while the beasts lowered their heads and answered respectfully.

If Jared's disappearance is indeed related to Wuming, we hope to cooperate with Wuming and threaten him to hand over the children who were kidnapped in our original community. If it is not related, we want to kidnap a few Wuming hostages, and we should return to him. Jared, who came back, took credit and tried to exchange the hostages of our original community back.

Can it be considered as aiding the evildoer? The original victim has also become the perpetrator.

Igarashi, who had already guessed the orc's purpose, did not show any surprise.

The hostages in your community have been killed by Jared, and Jared is also dead.

After hearing Igarashi's words, the beasts, whose minds had not been affected by the law and turned into stupid puppets, looked shocked at this moment. The first news was originally enough to make them collapse, but now they put their allegiance to Igarashi. The first orc remained rational for the time being, and they lowered their heads and listened.

If these two pieces of news are spread out in a subtle way, ForesGaro will inevitably fall into chaos and even disintegrate. With Jared's ability, there is no powerful character in ForesGaro. If you try to gain power and wealth, maybe there will be a faction. Where it comes in handy, okay, that’s it, you go back, remember not to let other people disturb Wuming again, I don’t like to deal with unimportant guys.”

Igarashi waved his hand and used teleportation magic to send the orcs directly out of the community. Then he stood up, put the recliner back into his storage space, and stepped into the main building.

Chapter 873 The girl knocking on the door late at night

After taking a shower, the three girls prepared long dresses in place of pajamas and headed to Black Rabbit's room to choose the clothes they would wear tomorrow. The ones they were wearing had already been changed, although they had to wait a little longer. She was probably capable, but the dress Kuon Asuka wore was a very formal dress, and she didn't want to wear something so serious in her daily life.

I don't know if I can find clothes in my wardrobe that satisfy Miss Asuka...

Black Rabbit said this while rummaging around in the closet.

Kuon Asuka looked at Black Rabbit's height and felt that, excluding her bunny ears, it was almost the same as his own, so he didn't pay too much attention to it and focused on the room and saw a closet deep in the room.

Noticing Jiuyuan Asuka's gaze, Black Rabbit's ears twitched, as if he had thought of a good idea.

That closet over there are the costumes that people are required to wear when refereeing...

Seeing that Black Rabbit showed no sign of disgust, Kuon Asuka went to open the closet, which contained a variety of clothes.

Miss Asuka, do you prefer one-piece? Or two-piece?

If I really had to choose, it would be one piece.

Isn't that right? People also like one-pieces! So is a skirt okay?

I'm not particularly insistent, but the length of your skirt, Kuroto... would make people feel embarrassed.

Kuon Asuka thought of the short skirt that Kuro Usagi wore before taking a shower, and her expression was a little unnatural. With Kuro Usagi's energetic movements, wasn't he afraid of being exposed?

I also like long skirts...Short skirts are specially requested by Shiro Yaksha-sama. Although they are short, they agree because they have the gift of preventing exposure.

Black Rabbit dug out a mountain of clothes from the closet, which was like a treasure chest.

At the same time, the clothes are equipped with a shield that can protect the user. It may be a better choice than ordinary clothes.

In the mountain of clothes, Black Rabbit finally found a long dress and let Jiuyuan Asuka try it on.

At first glance, Kuroto looks like a girl, but her plump breasts and slim curves from her belly to her waist and hips make her into a super figure.

Although Kuon Asuka was well developed for a young girl, the long skirt she wore was obviously loose at the chest.

The reason for the looseness is obvious.

The atmosphere became very awkward for a while.

Black Rabbit quickly changed the subject.

Oops! This...this is...well, I will take the time to modify my clothes to the right size tonight.

...then I'm sorry to trouble you.

Kuon Asuka agreed with a complicated expression. Although she didn't say it directly, she felt an indescribable sense of defeat. After all, she was still an adolescent girl.

Late at night, Igarashi was lying on the bed in his room.

Although most areas of this community stronghold are in ruins, the main building has not been damaged. This single room is slightly larger than a normal modern bedroom, and the furnishings are quite comprehensive. After all, in addition to being used as a bedroom In addition, it is also a personal lounge and reception room.

From this point, we can also see that this community that has lost its name and flag must have indeed had glory in the past.

Boom, boom, boom.

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