Are you stupid? No, you are stupid!

Kuroto has very few curse words. Igarashi said that such insults sound more like tsundere. If it is not a public place but the two of them are getting along in private, Igarashi cannot say that he must be tough when dealing with tsunderes. Point of attitude to do something.

Because it was a public place, Igarashi did nothing.

After being alert for a while, Black Rabbit coughed lightly, then regained his composure and spoke to everyone.

Well everyone, it's almost time for us to move. In fact, in order to welcome you, we have made reservations at a great store and made various arrangements... However, due to accidents happening one after another, we can only cancel today and will hold it another day. Formal welcome party.”

Hearing Black Rabbit's words, Kuon Asuka shook his head.

It doesn't matter, don't force it, isn't our community already in poverty?

Black Rabbit was startled and looked at Ren. She had only learned about Jared's affairs before, but she didn't know that Ren had told Black Rabbit about the situation of the community. Seeing Ren's guilty expression, Black Rabbit didn't say anything. After listening to Igarashi's words carefully, she indeed planned to tell Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yoshi all about the community.

If they refuse to join, Black Rabbit accepts.

The main reason is that Igarashi, who showed great gifts and was willing to join the community, gave Black Rabbit some confidence.

But you still have to apologize properly.

I'm really sorry. Although I feel sorry for deceiving you all...but we are really at the end of our rope.

I gave up my original life. I didn't come here to enjoy it.

Jiuyuan Feiniao spread his hands indifferently.

It doesn't matter to me, anyway, I don't care about communities or anything like that, ah, but...

Kasukabe Yao thought of something and hesitated, while Kuroto asked questions actively.

Please don't be polite, just say it! As long as we can do it, we will do our best!

No, it's not that exaggerated! It's just that I... think it would be nice if I could eat three meals a day, take a bath, and have a warm bed to sleep in...

Considering that all Kasukabe Yō possesses is the ability to talk to other creatures that she has shown so far, Kasukabe Yō's requirements can be said to be very low. However, even so, Ren, who was listening on the sidelines, still had a troubled look on his face. .

In the small garden, you have to buy water or go to the river several kilometers away to get water. In the community's destroyed base area, taking a bath is actually a luxury.

After sensing the possible hard work through Jin's expression, Kasukabe Yoshi wanted to withdraw his request, but Black Rabbit nodded happily.

No problem! Hehe, thanks to Igarashi, we got such a big water sapling. Now we don't have to buy water, and we can revive the waterway!

After hearing such remarks, Yao put on a cheerful expression, and Asuka also had a reassuring look on his face.

I was thrown into the lake for no reason today. I wanted to take a good bath no matter what.

I also agree, don't do that kind of rough reception again.

Regarding the words of the two girls, Igarashi nodded in agreement.

Yes, yes, I want to take a bath too, can we all come together?

Asshole, what are you thinking?!

As a lady, Kuon Asuka was finally forced to curse by Igarashi.

Chapter 864 Bai Yaksha

Master Ren, please go back first. Although Jared is missing, we don't rule out the possibility that the community under his command will make a desperate move. Just in case, we still go to ask the 'Thousand Eyes' to identify everyone's gifts, and this Mizuki is the same.

Hearing Black Rabbit's words, Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yō tilted their heads and confirmed again.

Thousand Eyes? Is that the name of the community?

YES! Thousand Eyes is a group-type community composed of members with special 'magic eye' gifts. It is a huge business community involving upper and lower levels in the southeast, northwest and northwest of Hakodeni. They happen to be nearby. branch.”

What do you mean by the gift of identification?

Identify the potential and origin of gifts and other information, and master the correct understanding of your own power, and the power you can inspire will increase. I think you should also care about the origin of your own power, right?

Black Rabbit asked for everyone's consent. However, except for Igarashi who concluded that Thousand Eyes could not detect any information about him and was indifferent, Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yoshi responded with complicated expressions. Maybe they each had their own ideas, but no one refused.

So everyone went to Thousand Eyes together.

In the end, Jin went back alone. If Igarashi hadn't run to the end of the world halfway, Kuro Usagi would have been able to play the role of guide.

The Pelibed Avenue leading to the store is made of stone, and the street trees planted on both sides are spreading their peach-colored petals and starting to sprout new buds and leaves.

Kuyuan Asuka looked at the boulevard illuminated by the moonlight and street lights after the sunset with an incredulous look on his face, and murmured.

This...isn't a cherry blossom? The shape of the petals is different, and it's already midsummer. There can't be cherry blossoms.

...? I thought it was autumn.

After hearing the conversation between Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yoshi, Igarashi glanced at them.

Don't substitute the time before you came to Hakodeni, okay?

Black Rabbit smiled and nodded.

Yes, you all come from different worlds. In addition to the original timeline, the history, culture, ecosystem, etc. should also be different.

Oh? Is this the so-called parallel world?

Similarly, the correct term is the three-dimensional parallel world theory, but if I start to explain this now, even if it takes a day or two, I won't be able to finish it, so please wait until we have a chance to talk about it.

Black Rabbit prevaricates ambiguously and turns around. The destination store has arrived. The store's flag is blue with two goddess heads facing each other on it. It should be the Thousand Eyes flag.

As the sun set, a female clerk wearing an apron was cleaning up the store sign and preparing to close the store. Black Rabbit quickly ran to the store door to stop her.


Can't wait, this customer, our store does not provide services outside business hours.

Black Rabbit waited for the clerk unwillingly. Although he refused, he couldn't find any flaws, and his tone was friendly, even like a joke between friends.

It's really a store that doesn't really want to do business.

Black Rabbit's meaningful exclamation made the clerk's eyebrows stand up, and she quickly returned to her normal look. No, it was still slightly different from usual. She responded to the aggrieved Black Rabbit with cold eyes.

You!... You are right. You actually kicked the customers out five minutes before closing time. If you are dissatisfied, please go to other stores. However, our store will also prohibit several people from entering and exiting, that is, they will be blacklisted.

Blacklist? Just to be blacklisted like this, you really look down on your guests!

The clerk noticed the black rabbit's ears and nodded.

I see. It's really rude to ignore the rabbit customers who are Hakoden nobles. Then I'll go in and confirm whether you can enter the store. Can I ask for your community name?

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