Kuroto is actually a kind-hearted and dedicated beautiful girl, but Igarashi will not let her have the illusion that it is natural to get help from others in difficult times.

In essence, it was just a personal favor to summon everyone to come to the Little Garden, but regardless of the fact that Igarashi, Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yō are on Earth and have more or less memories, they have truly given up part of their things. After coming here and canceling each other out, this favor is not that big anymore.

At least it's not so big that it would be a help in times of need.

Igarashi knew that the community to which Black Rabbit belonged was once Canary's community, and he decided to do something to give Canary a surprise when he woke up from sleep, but he did not intend to say it so simply.

In addition, your behavior of deliberately concealing the situation will make people disgusted, right? Even if Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yoshi were deceived into joining the community, they would be dissatisfied, and they might even deliberately cause damage. Little bunny.”

Although Igarashi saw through it, he had already agreed to join the community and was willing to accept the request at the cost of favors.

Should I be depressed or happy?

Understood, then people should also make up their minds and try to tell the tragic story of our community in a pleasant and interesting way.

Black Rabbit coughed, already feeling a little defeated in his heart.

“First of all, our community does not have a ‘name’ that we can use to refer to ourselves, so when we are mentioned by others, we will be treated as nameless others and so on - called by contemptuous names such as ‘NoName’.”

Being reminded by Kuro Usagi, Igarashi blinked and mentioned that he was in the Game Life world before. The other name of that world was NoGameNoLife, which was somewhat similar to this NoName, and both worlds seemed to have quite popular games. Yes, could this be the legendary fate?

Chapter 861 Permissions

Secondly, we do not have a flag that is equal to the honor of the community, and this thing called a flag has the important task of showing the sphere of influence of the community.


Igarashi knew that Kuroto had not finished what he said, but just saying this was miserable enough. It was almost equivalent to a person without a name and no clothes walking with a group of well-dressed guys on the street.

Apart from the name and flag, the most fatal thing is that not even the companions who form the core of the community are left behind. To put it more clearly, among the one hundred and twenty-two people, only Mr. Renjia and Master Ren have enough skills to participate in the game. Eun Hui, the other members are all children under ten years old and have no fighting ability, right?

Although Black Rabbit's tone was a little playful, the expression on his face was full of gloom. After describing the situation of the community, he sat dejectedly and told her about the current situation of the community. She couldn't help but feel that her community had really gone on the road to success. The end.

Where are the children's parents? Even if they withdraw due to the decline of the community, they shouldn't leave their children behind, right?

Black Rabbit sighed sadly.

No, their parents were all taken away by the greatest natural disaster in the Little Garden - the 'Demon King'.

Igarashi has heard the word Demon King many times. In other worlds, Godslayer and Demon High School, from Igarashi's current perspective, these terms that are extremely scary to ordinary people are somewhat unpopular, but He knew that the Demon King of Little Garden could wait for a while.

The Demon King refers to the Shura Gods and Buddhas who have special privileges called 'organizer authority'. If they take the initiative to provoke a gift game, no one can refuse it. We are forced to participate in the Demon King who has the organizer authority. By holding games, our community will... lose all the people and things necessary to function as a community unit.

This is not a metaphor, Black Rabbit's community's original status, reputation and companions were all stripped away, leaving only ruins and children.

Although he could give up everything, build a new community, and start over, Igarashi, who originally wanted to regain everything for Canary, would not say such a proposal.

Black Rabbit clenched his fists and bowed his head solemnly to Igarashi.

We want to protect the home where our companions can come back. This is a road full of thorns...One day, we must take back the name and flag of the community and carry it forward again. In order to achieve this goal, we can only ask Igarashi Sir, as a contestant with such great power, could you please lend that great power to our community?

Just once is definitely not enough.

Although it was a loan, Black Rabbit really couldn't think of any chance of repaying it. She was Moon Rabbit and a Hakogarh noble. However, due to some reasons, the hometown of Moon Rabbits, Moonshadow City, was destroyed, and her own power also disappeared. , nominally a privileged noble, but in a somewhat embarrassing situation.

Igarashi's too calm words before made Kuroto more or less guess his answer. He drooped his shoulders dejectedly, showing an expression about to cry.

As I said before, I will join your community. That favor represents a favor. Real help, such as doing some small favors in daily life, is no problem. And maybe you will pitifully ask me for help at some point. I She will also provide help selflessly with a soft heart, so please don’t cry, I don’t like to see beautiful girls cry.”

Eh? Eh heh heh? Is the atmosphere just now going to evolve into this kind of result?

Black Rabbit was a bit unable to react.

Now you should wipe away your tears and look happy instead of questioning?


Under the rainbow refracted by the spreading water mist, the girl's face was red, her eyes were filled with crystal tears, and she was smiling. It was a beautiful scene.

The snake god who was pretending to be stunned secretly took something out and put it not far away, leaving the words winner's prize on it, and then continued to pretend to be stunned. She didn't want to be taken away by Igarashi.

The black rabbit jumped in front of that thing, and after discovering its true form, it circled excitedly.

Ah~ there is such a big water sapling! As long as we have this, we don't have to buy water from other communities! It's really a big help!

Igarashi's eyes lingered on Black Rabbit's short skirt for a moment, and he didn't know whether to be disappointed or happy when he discovered that special methods had been applied and there was no possibility of exposure.

Speaking of which, why don't you participate in the game yourself and get rewards? Don't pretend to be a weak rabbit?

Although Igarashi knew most of the events in Hakodeni, he had no memory of some details.

After a little surprise, Black Rabbit put on a calm look.

The reason is that since Moon Rabbit is called a noble of the Little Garden, the rabbits can have the same privileged judicial authority as the organizer's authority. When a person with judicial authority serves as the game referee, neither party can violate the rules of the game. No, To be more precise, the violator is judged to be defeated on the spot.”

So this is the judgment authority that the will of the world has given itself? From now on, I'd better use the organizer's authority, as the trial authority doesn't seem to be of much use.

Igarashi himself is someone who likes to break the rules.

Although the will of the world does not have and has no ability to grant spiritual powers based on Igarashi's achievements, it has granted various privileges, and these two permissions are one of them.

Although relying on the law, Igarashi can also forcibly realize all the functions of these permissions.

But this is because the rabbit's ears and eyes can be connected to the center of the small garden. It is the center that judges the loser and selects the chips. If you want to force the decision... the rabbit will explode to death.

It's a bit bloody.

Igarashi looked scared, but he did not think that he would be killed if he cheated using his trial authority. In that case, the will of the world would not block him from the outside world.

Black Rabbit nodded in understanding.

You have to bear the price of having judicial authority. In addition, you cannot participate in games for fifteen days starting from the day you serve as a game referee. You must also obtain the separate consent of the organizer to participate in games. You cannot participate in games outside the box court. That is That’s it, because my job as a referee is currently the community’s main source of income, so there aren’t many opportunities to participate in games.”

Chapter 862 Jared

While Igarashi was talking to Black Rabbit, Jin had already entered the city with Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yoshi. Not long after, a pretentious and rude voice interrupted Jin's introduction to the city. A huge body over two meters long. The strange man who seemed to have been forced into an evening dress was a guy Ren knew.

The name and flag that can be called the honor of the community have been taken away, but you still have the nerve to let the community continue with such an unwilling look. Do you two ladies agree?

The strong man named Jared sat down next to the seats of the three people who were taking a break at the stall, waiting for Kuro Rabbit to return with Igarashi, and showed a flattering smile to Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yoshi, but the two Man responds to his rude behavior with indifference.

When Jared and Jin, a tall figure and a young figure, faced each other, Kuon Asuka, who gradually understood the situation from their words, raised his hand.

I said, brother Ren, could you please explain the situation of our community that Mr. Jarder specifically pointed out just now?


Jin murmured, and he gradually realized that it was not a wise move to discuss with Black Rabbit the decision to hide the community from the newcomers.

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