Not only is the current community unable to host games on its own as a game organizer, it is also unable to participate in other people's games and successfully pass levels. Once it declines to the point where it cannot continue to maintain the group, it means the demise of the community.

Besides Kuro Usagi, Jin is the oldest person in the community, he is still just a child.

Master Ren, I have brought a new companion back!

Hearing the voice of Kuro Usagi, who was everyone's sister in the community and took care of everyone including himself, Jin quickly raised his head and saw Kuro Usagi leading two women from the road in front of the outer gate.

Welcome back, Black Rabbit, are these two women your new companions?

Yes, these three...?!

Turning around, he suddenly froze when he saw that behind him, as Jin said, only Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yō's black rabbit were the only ones.

Eh? Where's Igarashi?

He said, 'I was rejected by the bunny-eared girl, so I can only go and see other beautiful girls!', and then ran away in that direction.

The direction pointed out by Jiuyuan Asuka was the cliff she saw when she fell from a high altitude before.

That seems to be called the end of the world.

The stunned black rabbit even stood up with its rabbit ears.

Why...why didn't you two stop her?

Stop? A little afraid that he will draw attention to us.

Kuon Asuka tilted her head and said this. In fact, she could see that Igarashi was just wandering around and would come back to find them after playing. Otherwise, Kuon Asuka would not follow Black Rabbit honestly if they were separated like this.

In her heart, Igarashi is more like a companion than Black Rabbit. The three people who came to Hakodeni from the same world are a group. If Igarashi really wants to leave, Kuon Asuka will choose to follow him. Instead of following the black rabbit.

Then why don't you tell others!

Because I'm afraid.

Is this a lie? It's definitely a lie! In fact, it's just that the two of you find it troublesome, and you even want to see her embarrassment!

Black Rabbit fell to the ground weakly. She hated herself for being so excited about the arrival of a new person a few hours ago.

I didn't expect that there would be three guys like this. They were just deliberately trying to harass people!

But Ren shouted with a pale face at this time.

Oops! There are phantom beasts released into the wild for the Gift Game over there at the 'End of the World'!

Although he knew that the people Black Rabbit found had special talents, and Ren himself hoped that they would have good gifts, Ren was not naive enough to imagine how powerful the newcomers were.

Please ask your new friends to survive the most difficult period together and survive in the Little Garden, which is Jin's greatest wish.

Phantom beast?

Jiuyuan Asuka asked curiously.

Yes...yes, they are animals with gifts, especially there are some phantom beasts with powerful gifts near the 'end of the world'. If they are unfortunate enough to encounter them, humans will never be able to deal with them!

After a moment of worry, Kuon Asuka and Kasukabe Yō both thought of how Igarashi could easily eliminate the impact when he fell from a high altitude, and how strange it was to stand on the lake, and they quickly calmed down their worries.

Oh, that's really a pity. Does that mean he's already gameover?

End it directly before entering the small garden?...It's such an unexpected development.

Don't joke at a time like this!

Kuro Usagi sighed and stood up.

Master Ren, could you please introduce these two ladies?

I understand, Black Rabbit, what are you going to do?

I will be responsible for catching Igarashi, and I will take this opportunity to make him repent for treating me as a 'Hakoniwa noble' like a fool.

Chapter 859 Snake God

Ah~ Really, where did he go?

More than ten minutes have passed since Kuroto started looking for Igarashi. Although Kuon Asuka and the others looked at it from high altitude, they would think that the end of the world is not too far away, but in fact the distance is very exaggerated, even if they are jumping around Black Rabbit, who shuttled between the woods at a speed far exceeding that of ordinary people, failed to search a large area.

The longer time passes, the more dangers Igarashi may face. Since he is the one who summoned him to the Little Garden, he must be responsible for ensuring his safety. The accumulated anxiety makes Kuroto want to speed up, but because of Stopped by the eerie whispers coming from the surrounding forest.

...It's a rabbit.

Here comes the rabbit.

A 'Moon Rabbit' actually came to this border.

Stop her? Risk your strength, wisdom, or courage?

Don't be stupid, there is no chance of winning either way.

Rabbits are a noble species known as the nobles of the small garden. The monsters and monsters in the forest probably gathered here because they heard about the existence of such existences.

Ah, fellow sages in the forest, although this question is very abrupt, do you know anyone who has passed this road? If it is convenient, can you point me in the right direction?

People passing this road? There was only one before this, that guy...

The demons and monsters hiding in the forest fell silent for a moment. They originally saw a being with no powerful power coming here as if he was lost, and wanted to tempt him to play a game and let him leave something behind. However...

All beings were forced to lie on the ground by the heavy pressure brought by the other party's Shut up. The cracks spreading like spider webs on the ground in the forest were left behind because of the oppression that the demons and monsters endured.


He fell into silence for a while. Although it was the right choice to help the nobles of the Little Garden, you must have enough determination to contact that powerful existence. If there is any grudge between this rabbit and that existence, the demon monster does not want to die.

If you wish, please let me lead the way, Miss Black Rabbit.

At this time, quiet words and hoofbeats different from those of monsters and monsters came from the tall bushes, and a blue and white unicorn with bright fur appeared.

Unicorn! This is really a rare visitor! The community's 'unicorn' should be on the south side, right?

I just thought I saw a rare visitor. I thought I would only have a chance to see rabbits on the east side of the small garden when the community holds official games. So stop spying on each other. If the person you are looking for is a boy, then I can tell you that he seems to have a game for the Water God’s dependents.”


Black Rabbit felt dizzy and knelt on the ground.

On the cliff known as the end of the world, there is the end of the river that divides the world of Hakoniwa into eight parts - Tolitunis Falls. The only water god's relatives who currently live nearby are dragons or snake gods.

Really...why would you meet such a guy...

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