The spiritual energy is exhausted, right?


Canary was shocked when she heard Igarashi, who she thought was an ordinary person, say words like spiritual power, but she soon calmed down.

That's right. Guys like you who can almost conquer the earth will indeed meet some capable people and strangers. It makes sense to know this word. Now that you know the spirit, you should understand it, right? Just like the death of a person The inability to resurrect and the loss of spiritual energy represents doomed death. This is something that even I cannot change? By the way, I am a [poet]. Did you know? There are three strongest species in the world, the innate gods. The [god] of Buddha, the highest-ranking [celestial spirit] among ghosts, elves, demons and other races, the apex of fantasy beasts, the [pure breed of dragon] without an evolutionary tree, and the [poet] is the fourth strongest kind.

Canary raised her face proudly. She was showing off to Igarashi. She had never shown her ability as a poet in front of Igarashi, and now she could finally show off herself at the last moment.

So, shall I send you to Little Garden? A paradise for the strong where gods and demons gather. There will be a stage bigger than the earth. There, you can get lifespan, strength, these things that are not available on the earth.

We'll talk about this kind of thing next time. Let's heal you first.

The World does not want Igarashi to go to the core, to the small garden.

Previously, Canary had avoided Igarashi and the gods and demons who were watching her, quietly opened the passage to the small garden, and brought over the property that belonged to her that was left in the small garden. Igarashi tried to use this passage Heading to the small garden, the passage suddenly broke. Canary thought that the gods and demons who were watching her had discovered it, and she calmed down for a long time.

Only Igarashi knew that The World had taken action and deliberately destroyed the passage.

Canary, who has been with Igarashi for too long, has been labeled by the world as belonging to Igarashi's camp. Once the passage to the small garden is opened, it will be monitored immediately. If Igarashi wants to pass through the passage If it passes through, The World will shatter the passage on the spot.

Igarashi already almost knew the reason why The World wouldn't let him go to the Little Garden. It was simply that the spirit could not be granted and it violated the rules.

Spiritual power is related to a person's achievements. For example, if you exercise your body, you will gain spiritual power such as strength. However, Igarashi, who has experienced several worlds and done too many things, has not only broken the balance in strength, The spiritual power that should be granted to him has also exceeded the capabilities of the world.

In order to prevent the rules from being broken, the world chose to reject Igarashi. At first, it even excluded Igarashi from entering and gave up the opportunity to evolve.

Very rigid.

Before Canary could react, Igarashi had already raised his foot and stepped lightly. The surrounding environment changed instantly. The originally ordinary ward turned into a deep starry sky, boundless except for the glow of the stars. Other than that, the only colorful place was the hospital bed where Igarashi and Canary were.

The method of changing the world in an instant shocked Canary. She subconsciously began to think whether Igarashi, who had such power, was here to spy on her. However, the moment she had such an idea, she was overturned. How could this be possible? He not only takes care of himself in every possible way, but also saves himself in the end.

Can he do it to save himself, whose spiritual power is almost exhausted?

Canary looked at Igarashi with blank eyes, her own situation, but even the teachers didn't have a good solution, well, since they failed, they wouldn't bother to save themselves.

Igarashi did indeed bring Canary to the starry sky at this moment, the starry sky outside the earth, in order to avoid what would happen next causing too much turmoil.

What to do if spiritual energy is lost? Just make up for it. Even if the soul is destroyed, just create a new one.

Chapter 855 Young man, the responsibility of protecting the peace of the earth is left to you.

Igarashi grabbed the void with his hand. What Canary, whose spiritual power was about to collapse at this moment, could not see, kept gathering like the courtiers driven away by the emperor. Then it began to gather, and light gradually appeared. It was the golden thread. The light that the bird can also observe with the naked eye, the dreamlike brilliance seems to overshadow the brightness of the surrounding stars, making the canary's eyes become blurred.

Is this a dream?

Igarashi's methods have gradually exceeded Canary's understanding. Can his masters do this? I don’t know, Canary has never seen the masters show their true feelings.

Time and space began to become illusory at this moment. Igarashi held the bright light in his palm and whispered in Canary's ear.

This little thing will complement your spiritual personality and allow you to transform. However, you may have to sleep for a while. Do you have any objection?

Even if I say I have an opinion, you won't listen, right?

Canary, who knows Igarashi's character very well, knows that even if she shakes her head and refuses now, Igarashi will forcefully treat her. Her originally blurred eyes became a little clearer, replaced by emotion. Canary looked at Igarashi. Lan continued.

Let me ask, when I wake up, you won't disappear, right?

Don't worry, you will definitely be able to see me immediately when you wake up.

With a gentle kiss on Canary's forehead, Igarashi turned his hand and injected the light that made the stars eclipse into Canary's body.

In fact, if you just save the canary, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. Igarashi lets the canary's spirit evolve.

The time she sleeps will be calculated in years, but if necessary, Igarashi can also use methods to eliminate the boundary between illusion and reality and enter the canary's dream.

He sent the canary and the hospital bed she was lying on into his own little world, and was taken care of by Red Nirvalen and the others. When Igarashi reappeared on Earth, he was sitting on the edge of the highest cliff, ignoring the harsh conditions at high altitudes. The temperature and oxygen content are high, and you can enjoy the snow scenery leisurely.

Izayoi Izayoi will still get the invitation letter. I will use the passage that was opened at that time to go to the Little Garden. However, the will of the world is destined to take action. For the sake of safety, it is better not to go in, little kid Izayoi Izayoi. When the time comes, you must be obedient, otherwise you will inevitably get beaten up.

At this moment, Kaikai Izayoi, who was thousands of kilometers away, searching for various ruins according to human myths and legends in an attempt to find traces of gods and demons, couldn't help but shudder.

The years passed by quietly, and the canary had not yet awakened, but Izayoi was about to receive an invitation.

Igarashi, who originally thought of continuing to spend time on Earth and going to play in the small garden with the awakened Canary, thought to himself that he gave up this plan. If he missed this opportunity, he would want to go to the core of the world next time. , and it will take a lot of effort.

When the time comes, if Igarashi fights against the will of the world, all life will be doomed, and the kind-hearted Igarashi can only feel aggrieved and turn back to Izayoi's younger brother.

On the bank of the river, back when Izayoi had just thrown the stones he picked up everywhere like cannonballs to scare off the few gangsters who disturbed his rest, a letter suddenly appeared, dancing in the wind and making unnatural lines. The trajectory is flying back to Izayoi.

But he was caught by a hand midway.

Hey, my dear little friend, long time no see.

Looking around, he saw Igarashi's familiar face, which he had always dreamed of one day punching, and Izayoi curled his lips in displeasure.

One day, I will knock you down.

Knock me down, little brother Izayoi, it doesn't exist, so stop thinking about it.

Igarashi's face was full of evil smiles, and Izayoi was silent for a long time, not bothering to correct Igarashi's messy names about himself. He suddenly raised his head, stared into Igarashi's eyes and asked road.

Canary...really dead?

Although he kept talking about beating Igarashi to the ground and showed no respect for Canary who also took care of him and everyone during his childhood, Izayoi actually cared about these two people. .

For everyone in the foster home, one is the father and the other is the mother. Everyone knows that Canary was seriously ill at the beginning. Later, Canary completely disappeared and Igarashi also disappeared for a short time. The children in the house all thought Canary was dead, and Igarashi, who had a close relationship with Canary, was very sad because of this. He was depressed for a long time before leaving the shadows and becoming active again.

Everyone thinks so.

But looking back at Izayoi, he still had some illusions. He believed that being able to defeat him so easily would make Igarashi, who had grown up and still had no confidence to challenge, not watch the canary pass away so easily. .

Do you think I would let the people I care about die?

What Igarashi said with a smile made Izayoi Izayoi raise his eyebrows.

Immortality, resurrection from the dead, you can even do this?!


Seeing the subtle change in mood of Izayoi Izayoi, who was sure that Canary was not dead, Igarashi smiled and said nothing more, fiddling with the letter in his hand.

After that, I will go to another world to play. My business empire and the responsibility of protecting the peace of the earth will be left to you, young man.

another world?

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