No, it's a request, or rather, a wish.

Azriel finally raised her head, her eyes filled with nothingness, almost as if she had lost the goal of living.

The Flügel's creator, the God of War Artosh, once ordered that the Flügel follow Igarashi's orders and explore the reason for their power.

However, now in close contact with Igarashi, Azrael discovered in despair that when Igarashi's power was restrained, she could not even detect the difference between Igarashi and ordinary humans.

Explore the reasons for its power?

Igarashi's existence itself has exceeded Azriel's understanding. Even after collecting almost all the knowledge in the world, Azriel still cannot understand how Igarashi achieved that level of achievement, just like Now she still can't understand how powerful the creator was.

Therefore, we can only do our best to fulfill the other part of the Creator's order.

Igarashi looked at Azrael with complicated emotions.

Order...I order the Flügel to live happily, is that okay?


Azriel didn't expect Igarashi to give such an answer. In fact, she didn't understand Igarashi, Azriel, or even all the Flügel except Jibril, about Igarashi's recognition. Knowledge is only powerful beyond understanding.

In order to complete such an order, please let me, please let the Flügel get to know you well, Igarashi, the God of Outsiders. Can you stay in Abant and Heim for the next time?


Igarashi nodded. Jibril next to him didn't know whether the emotion in her heart was happiness or something else. She clearly ran away from Abant Heim.

Chapter 847 Blood-sucking

...Now my mind is making a rumbling sound, meow! My brain has reached the maximum activation value in Azriel's 26,000-year history, and it is running at the speed of light, meow!

——Azriel revealed her long age casually, looking like she was thinking about something.

Finally, as if she had a flash of inspiration, she suddenly raised her head and stared at Igarashi eagerly.

I will also treat you as your property, meow!

Igarashi originally thought that Azrael said this because he was considering factors such as the future of the Flügel, but Azrael's next words proved that Igarashi overestimated her.

I think this way I can take a bath with Xiaoji!!

It's the largest idle speed in the history of 26,000 years. Thank you for your hard work, Miss Azrael.

Even a sneer was not enough to describe it. Jibril even showed a disappointed smile and mocked Azriel.

Twenty-six thousand years is the entire life course of Azrael as the initial individual of the Flügel. Jibril is mocking Azriel for being a fool.

Azriel readily proposed to become Igarashi's property. Although she was the full-wing agent of the Flügel, she was different from the full-power agents of other races. Azriel could not rely on her personal power to The will of the Flügel determines the ownership of the racial chess pieces of the Flügel. Such a decision on a super major event requires [a vote by the Eighteen Wings Council].

Although Azrael had expressed her desire to be loyal to Igarashi before, she still didn't understand Igarashi after all. Azrael's actions were more centered around her beloved sister Jibril. .

As the first child created by the God of War, Azriel considers herself a sister, and regards all the Flügels created after her as sisters. As for Jibril, who is an extra individual, it is even more so. Pampering, pampering to the point where Jibril is disgusted, of course, part of the reason is that Azriel behaves like an idiot outside of battle.

Then, please feel free to visit Abant Heim. I want to communicate with Xiaoji after a long separation, cat.

Igarashi nodded, saw Jibril showing repulsion towards Azriel, and said.

Jibril, let's get in touch with each other.

Then, Igarashi suddenly disappeared and went to Stephanie and others who were exclaiming and looking around on a cube.

He actually gestured for Jibril to communicate with him, and his favorability level went up!

Azriel looked at Jibril.

Now, tell me, what happened in the National Library of Elkia that made you regard Igarashi as your master, Xiaoji, if he forced it...

There is no coercion, I do it voluntarily, and I have never even felt the constraints of the [Ten Covenants] on me.

Jibril interrupted Azriel before she could finish her words. Jibril showed dissatisfaction when she heard others speak ill of Igarashi, whom she was willing to accept as her master.

Then...what happened?

A challenge I raised, a heart-pounding battle, with all my strength? And then I lost without a doubt. Well, it was the first all-out battle in six thousand years.

Seeing Jibril's expression of enjoyment, Azrael, who wanted to accuse her of seeking death and launching a doomed battle, pursed her lips, said no more, and decisively changed the subject.

To the god of outsiders, I don't seem to be worthy of being a companion, and I was called a fool by Xiaoji. I feel very depressed now, nya~ My heart is very hurt, nya~

In order to show her low mood, Azriel even let the space around her fall into darkness, with an expression on her face begging for Jibril's comfort.

But Jibril simply ignored it.

Oh, just continue to be sad. I'm going to find the master.

Eh?! Don't.

Igarashi, you're back?! I thought something happened to you, and then Jibril came to the Flügel for help. Then the Flügel army, which is a weapon of war, came to the border and directly forced the Flügel to return you.

When Stephanie saw Igarashi, she immediately showed joy. Although she was shocked by the strange scenery here, Stephanie still had a sense of oppression in her heart. It was because she was worried about Igarashi. Now she saw Igarashi. Shilan was safe, and Stephanie suddenly let go of all her burdens.

What you said is not consistent with reality now that there are [Ten Covenants], right?

Igarashi smiled and touched Stephanie's head. It felt good to have a fool who was worried about him. The miko, Shiro, showed a smile like It's okay after all after seeing Igarashi. Hatsuse Izuna After listening to the miko's words, he saw the miko smile, and when he saw that Igarashi was fine, he also smiled. In addition to being shocked that Igarashi could escape, Plum soon noticed something, and it turned into surprise. The ultimate surprise.

Plum discovered that Igarashi had won the game arranged by the queen of the sea dwellers, and won everything from the queen of the sea dwellers, Laila. At the same time, he also took on the responsibility that the queen had never done since she was born, but had always obligations exist.

The obligation for vampires to suck blood.

Your Majesty Igarashi, did you win the game of Queen Sea dweller?


Igarashi didn't hide anything.

As if licking her lips after seeing a feast, Plum's eyes were full of desire, almost crazy. After tasting Igarashi's body fluids, she was very obsessed with Igarashi's existence, and she longed for him the most. It is the blood that contains the highest degree of soul.

It's really - great!

Plum showed a crazy smile that was completely different from her previous performance, and then flew towards Igarashi, eagerly opening her mouth to reveal her cute fangs, but now, the fangs will show the hidden beauty behind the cuteness. It was so sharp that it broke open Igarashi's neck and sucked his blood. Even with the protection of the [Ten Covenants], Igarashi should be unable to resist since he has shouldered the responsibility of being sucked by a vampire.

Then, Plum got his wish, after Igarashi deliberately adjusted his body's defense and specially prepared a drop of blood that was infinitely diluted and weakened for Plum.

Chapter 848 Fall


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