The architectural style of the city is completely different from the streetscape of the human race Elkia.

Located in the center of the city is the Tianlou Tree, a towering giant tree with branches and leaves extending above the clouds. Its roots wrap around the ground like blood vessels and expand into a road network. The trees and vines growing from the earth are complex. They are tangled together to form houses and street lights, filling the gaps between roads.

That kind of house structure is completely different from the buildings that open up forests, level the ground, and build wood and pile stones.

It was a city built on the basis of a part of [natural magic] passed down from the Nirvalen family, which was once the most powerful family of the elf species.

Why is it said that it was once the most powerful? Because now, Phil Nirvalen, the only direct bloodline of the Nirvalen family, is an incompetent person who comes from a noble family but relies on an amplifier to barely reach the level of [Double Magician]. , making it impossible for any outsider to believe in the future of the Nirvalian family.

However, even if Phil is a waste, the Nirvalian family will still not lose its glory, and this glory will continue.

Because there are vague rumors that the ancestor of the Nirvalen family is a subordinate and lover of [the God of Outsiders]. Such ridiculous rumors have not been stopped by the senior elf leaders and have been circulating, so there may be some truth to it. Authenticity, as long as there is a relationship with the god of outsiders, its glory is already destined. What's more, the final means of the forest elves [the zeroth protection of the void] and the [the fourth protection of the long-lasting] are both from Ni The Albanians.

As for Phil, it has now been determined from the family's classics that Igarashi is the god of outsiders. If he removes the epic words and ignores the words of praise, Phil can barely restore the ancestors that the classics refer to. The archetype of the diary, then, discovers in that sweet narrative some of the characteristics of the God of the Outsiders.

Unparalleled power, true invincibility, and—evil taste.

Phil Nirvalen believed that this time, the god of gossip, Igarashi, would become the king of the Kingdom of Elkia, and he deliberately hid his identity as a bad idea.

Perhaps, there is still a little bit of dissatisfaction with the human species? However, he should not be too angry, and he should not be too obviously hostile to other races. After all, he can break the [Ten Covenants] and destroy any intelligent race today.

Phil firmly believed in this.


Looking at Phil, who had plunged into the study since he came back, Kurami's eyes were full of worry, and Phil withdrew his eyes from the books, looked at Kurami, who was worried about him, and smiled sweetly.

I thought maybe what I expected would not be so difficult to accomplish.

Phil, watched Kurami grow up and loved her. Is it family affection, friendship, or love that shouldn't happen between girls? Phil didn't know very well, but she knew very clearly that she didn't want Kurami to remain a slave.

Kurami's family has been slaves to the Nirvalen family for generations.

The specific reason is unknown. Ever since Kurami was born, Phil, who is a long-lived forest elf species, has taken care of her. He also witnessed other servants in the family making things difficult for Kurami. For this reason, Phil took care of her from the Nirvalian family. All the servants were expelled.

The only one who accompanies her now is Kurami. She wants to overthrow the slavery system in the country of Elvingard, not for anything else but just for Kurami. Phil cannot tolerate Kurami being a slave, even his own slave.

However, even the Nirvalen family cannot change the system of the country of Elvingard on their own. This is not the king's words. Elvingard is controlled by a parliament with many members. The Nirvalen family The strongest among them, but not the only one.

But - if I can get the help of the God of Outsiders... No, I don't need his help, as long as he annexes Elvingard, just like he annexed the Eastern Union.

Now the news of the alliance between the Eastern United and the Kingdom of Elkia has spread.

From the perspective of Phil, who knew Igarashi's identity, it was definitely not an equal alliance.

The god of outsiders who favors the human race probably doesn’t like to see the human race become slaves of other races, so...

Phil Nirbalian gradually smiled.

Sea-dwelling species city, Arcand.

The Queen - Lyla Lorelei woke up.

Yami doesn't know whether to be happy or not. The queen's awakening means that the game she set up has been cracked, and everything she has as the true plenipotentiary agent of the sea-dwelling species has been lost to the person who won the game - —Igarashi.

And I had already lost completely earlier.

Looking at Igarashi, Yami's eyes gradually softened. He would not die if he did such happy things. Although he was ordered to do such and such things and completely became his possessions, it seemed like—— Not too bad.

My dear you, the prince who is not seduced by my charm and can still punch me, you have won everything from me.

Leila Lorelai hugged Igarashi's arm affectionately, and the words that came out of her mouth revealed a message.

She seemed to have woken up because of Igarashi's nasty punch.


When Laila told Igarashi what she longed for, who was still a little unsure even after knocking her on the head, Yami narrowed her eyes as an audience.

The queen of the sea-dwelling species has been sleeping for too long. She abandoned the sea-dwelling species and bet all the queens. The method of cracking the game she set up is so childish?

Yami was angry.

My dear, then please comply with the Queen's request and give her a good beating.

Yami hugged Igarashi's other arm and said words with sinister intentions, but made Laila full of expectations.

Chapter 845: Being plotted

Igarashi did beat Laila, the same way he did to Ami.

Then, greedily regarding the sea dwellers and the beautiful vampire girls in the underwater city of Arcand as his own, Igarashi brought the entire Arcand and them into his own little world.

At first, they thought Igarashi was just taking everyone to an unknown place, but when they gradually discovered that they could ignore the [Ten Covenants], they discovered that the vampires and the vampires were infected with a disease that would kill them when exposed to sunlight. They were excited after all the sea-dwelling species were exposed to direct sunlight.

The sea-dwelling species claimed a large area of ​​​​the ocean for themselves, and then lazily wanted to let the vampires contribute to building a more magnificent city, but they were directly ignored by the vampires who were freed from the situation of being oppressed by the sea-dwelling species. The vampire girls began to jump with joy. Explore the world and start conquering it.

Anyway, Igarashi said that you can play whatever you want here.

Then, as expected, the sea-dwelling species in the sea were not vengeful people. They quickly stopped caring about vampires and wandered around in the sea. They met Levitan, who was already able to transform. The sea-dwelling species, like an idiot, only wanted to play. That cute little loli has become a good friend.

The vampires who tried to conquer the new world, after successively defeating monster groups such as giant toads and jumping lizards, were defeated by the snow girl on the snow mountain. They fled in a hurry to the distance and saw a wooden house where there was a man who called himself the Infinite Dragon God. A cute girl, a very natural girl with a weird name like Anle-chan, the vampire girls were excited.

I finally saw a humanoid creature that could suck my blood, and it wasn’t an elemental creature like Yuki-onna!

The vampires went up with A, and the vampires played GG.

With the acquiescence of Ophis, the Infinite Dragon God, the vampire girls escaped again and unexpectedly discovered a group of high-rise buildings.

Although I have never seen such a building, this is a place for intelligent creatures to live. The vampire girls can be sure that there should be a lot of blood food here.


Hey, everyone, this is Red Nirvalen, that's Hubie, and Croni, I'm Nayako, do you want to play games together?

The vampire girls who wanted to challenge again finally knelt down in front of the smiling silver-haired girl. They heard from the existence that was suspected of being an Elf and a suspected Ex-Machina. The one named Nayako was eating snacks and playing games. The useless cute girl is an evil god.

Gee, there are obviously so many buildings, why are there only so few people!

The vampires, who were originally full of complaints, discovered that the snacks they could eat every time they played games with the evil god named Nayako could actually meet their growth needs like blood, and act as a drain on the use of magic, sucking blood. The species did not hesitate to regard the unparalleled Nayako as their boss, and planned to wait for Igarashi to appear next time when he said Everyone is my wings and encourage the boss to beat that guy up. pause.

Speaking of which, the games played by the boss seem to be very fun, and the snacks are also delicious.

Here - is it paradise?

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