Is it just another whim and doomed to fail gamble like the Fool King always did, or is it a gamble with a deep plan?

The witch didn't know that the Foolish King, the Foolish King who repeatedly challenged the Eastern Alliance without any plan and lost most of the human race's land, actually wanted to explore the game that the orcs had carefully arranged before. Weakness, it would be too terrible to find a way to eliminate it.

Preserve the memory and cannot tell it outside during your lifetime.

This matter was reported by Hatsuse Ino, who was the ambassador at the time, and was a request made by the King of Elkia Kingdom.

That king never won a battle for territory, that's true.

The witch didn't pay much attention to the Fool King at all. She didn't think about it for too long. She even agreed because of the disputes within the Eastern Union that had just been at peace. She didn't go see for herself who the guy who was widely rumored to be the Fool King was.

After all, he was the prey that was delivered to his door.

Now the new king of the human species once again challenged the Eastern United, and used a strategy to defeat Hatsuse Izuna in the iron ball throwing competition.

The witch had to be alert.

The Foolish King is dead, so the game content that cannot be passed on during his lifetime can be left behind in books and other forms.

Taking this into consideration, the miko changed the content of the upcoming land game. The new king of mankind is excellent in strategy, but can he continue to win with just strategy?

The miko wanted to see if strategy would work in a simple battle.

If the new king of humanity wins with a strategy that even the witch can’t imagine, the witch will consider the attitude of the Eastern Alliance towards the Kingdom of Elkia in the future. If the new king of humanity wins with strength...

Among the human race, there are two characters who can defeat other races by strength. One is the [God of Outsiders] who only left behind myths, and the other is the [Guardian], also known as the [Adventurer] ], a human being who walks between life and death with the gift given by the [God of Outsiders], constantly taking risks, and constantly becoming stronger.

They are all related to [the God of Outsiders].

As long as the god of outsiders thinks, the only god will fall from the altar. As long as the god of outsiders thinks, the ten covenants can be easily broken. As long as the god of outsiders thinks, none of the sixteen races that exist today can disobey him. I mean, even the gods can't do it, and even joining forces can't do it.

Because joining forces was something that the powerful clans had already done during the war years.

These are the information the miko got from the ancient books of the beastmen and the gods she worshiped.

In that exchange, for the first time, the miko felt fearful of the god she served, who was almost ruthless and had no desire, and was driven only by the exploration of all things in the world.

Fear of the god of outsiders.

Even when the One God Tetu was mentioned before, the god did not have such emotions.

She has always lived under the glory of the only God, lived under the shackles of the [Ten Covenants], and even forgot her own name. She only had the nickname of Miko, and she began to feel what the God outside the law actually represented.

Therefore, when she saw the person standing in front of her who was exactly the same as the God of External Affairs in the slightly illusory image specially sent by the gods, the fear of facing the abyss made the shrine maiden tense up, and at the same time Trembling.

Looks like I made the wise decision to come here alone.

Of course, Igarashi felt the change in the miko's mood. He looked up at the sky. There was originally a pair of eyes watching here, but he hid them instantly after he appeared.

If you want to look for it, you can look for it, but Igarashi has no such intention.

That was just a certain surviving god.

Igarashi doesn’t have a comprehensive understanding of the plot of Game Life. In addition, he did too many things six thousand years ago. In this era, Igarashi is very pleased that the characters he is interested in can appear one by one. If something comes up that he doesn't understand clearly, Igarashi treats it as normal.

[God of Outsiders], it is a great honor for all the orcs to come here.

After all, the miko is not an ordinary person. Igarashi did not show any power at this moment. The miko was barely able to control her turbulent heart and regain the ability to communicate normally.

Igarashi didn't bring anyone here, Stephanie, Shiro, and Jibril didn't come, and Hatsuse Ino and Hatsuse Izuna weren't here either.

Relying on teleportation magic and the terrifying detection range, Igarashi came directly to Wuyan, the capital of the beast race, while others were still sleeping.

Give me the orc race chess pieces. Tetu and I are going to play a game.

In the game between external gods and the only god, it is natural to use all living beings as pawns.

The miko seemed to be sighing or feeling sorry for herself, and then she stretched her palms to the sky——

Only the plenipotentiary agent of the race can materialize, and the racial chess piece that represents all the rights of a race, the shining chess piece of the orc race, appears.

The shrine maiden handed the chess piece to Igarashi. According to the Ten Covenants, this simple act of giving does not apply to racial chess pieces. Race chess pieces can only be held by the race's full agent, or by someone who has won the chess pieces through games. Otherwise, the chess pieces can be held by the witch. will disappear.

The shrine maiden did not lose all her mind because of the appearance of a character who was exactly the same as the God of Waiwa. The orcs know the appearance of the God of Waiwa, and other races may also know it. It cannot be ruled out that this is a conspiracy of other races. The shrine maiden is testing, Waiwa. Whether the god is bound by the ten covenants, we must at least see him show some power.

Then the miko saw it, and Igarashi put away the chess pieces and put them in his pocket like an ordinary object. The surprised miko secretly tried to reunite the chess pieces, but failed.

This move was seen by Igarashi.

Don't worry, I won't do anything to the orcs. After the orcs, everything will be business as usual. The land game between you and me is not over, right? I didn't challenge you, and let this game be put on hold forever...

I surrender.

Halfway through Igarashi's words, the miko suddenly admitted defeat. The land game between the human race and the beast race had the final result. Humanity won and won all the land of the beast race on the continent.

Chapter 831 Vampire

(The gender of this vampire species is female, I’m sure)

The God of Outsiders is back, so the situation on the mainland is destined to change. What happened thousands of years ago? The shrine maiden is not very clear, but one thing that is certain is that the human race has completely turned to the outsider god. Therefore, in the war years when the ten covenants did not exist, the weak and powerless human race was able to survive. Therefore, the sixteen races The last human species can build a country that spans most of the continent. Even after experiencing division, even if there is no outstanding leader for a long time, the human species can still enjoy the fertile area of ​​Elkia City. In addition, , on the edge of the continent, there is an area that nominally does not belong to anyone, but is actually regarded as a holy land by the human species - the Holy Land.

Human kings of all ages would go to the sanctuary before dying. There may be some secrets there, there may be some treasures there, but except for the human kings, no one or any race dares to set foot there.

It was once the temporary abode of the god of outsiders.

Just on this point, even after thousands of years, none of the sixteen races have their thoughts in mind.

The orcs will turn to the outsider god.

With such a decision in her heart, the miko raised her head and looked at Igarashi.

Lord God of Outsiders...

My name is Igarashi, just call me by name, God of Outsiders or something like that. I don't want the news of my return to spread all over the mainland. In this case, a lot of interesting things will be lost.

Does the God of Outsiders have any evil taste like watching the weak struggle?

This shocking thought flashed through the miko's mind. At the same time, she couldn't help but feel a little lucky. She had warned Hatsuse Ino that once the other party showed something that broke common sense, she should stop being clever and tell him the truth about the third beastman. Be yourself.

Lord Igarashi, the beastmen are willing to obey your orders, any order.

It's boring to act like you're surrendering like this. Miko, a woman who spent decades integrating the orcs who had internal racial disputes and established the Eastern Union. I thought you were the unruly type.

Being unruly also depends on the partner!

Even when facing any other race, the miko has enough confidence. Even if the fantasy species and the dragon spirit species want to launch a combat game, as long as they are possessed by the gods they worship, the miko does not think that the orcs will lose.

But the power of the gods is no better than the fighting power of the gods themselves, not to mention that the other party is an outsider.

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