Looking down at the dense crowd gathered under the castle, Igarashi smiled and spoke at a strange volume that was not shouted but allowed everyone to hear clearly.

Now that I have become the king, I will naturally make Elkia prosperous again. As for you, just stay at home, work as usual, and live your life. I don't expect you to be my helper. I just need to wait. Just let the dream become reality.”

There was an uproar.

This is not a declaration from the new king, it is simply a rebuke in a subtle but perceptible way.

You've done nothing, haven't you? No one wants to help investigate other races, no one wants to provide assistance in the game, and there's not even anyone who cheered for the last king's game. The former king lost again and again. After losing, you stood up and criticized. What else? Try to play games with other races. Even if you are not qualified to compete for the territory, at least get some resources through the game? None. Even at the gambling conference, most of you Most people did not participate and were just looking forward to a new king changing the status quo.

Some people have angry faces, some have dissatisfied faces, and some have lowered their heads. There is one thing in common, these are all negative emotions.

Igarashi curled his lips.

Okay, that's it. Everyone just goes home and waits for the news of victory.

Igarashi, are you joking, right? Are you using the provocation method?

Stephanie, who clearly heard what Igarashi said and saw the dissatisfied expressions of the people under the castle, ran out in panic and grabbed Igarashi's sleeves.

Igarashi spread his hands.

Just tell the truth.

The people under the castle did not hear Stephanie's words clearly, but they heard Igarashi's answer clearly. They understood that Igarashi had slighted them, and they were filled with indignation. Some people began to reprimand, and the scene became chaotic.


The air shook slightly, and then everyone shut their mouths. It was not magic, not the king's power, nor the bets of some game. What made everyone shut up now was the law.

It is a law held by Igarashi that even the gods cannot violate.

The law of the jungle is suitable for those who are bound by the [Ten Covenants] now. If you are dissatisfied, prove your worth and strength, I will naturally have preferential treatment, reduce taxes, treat diseases, or if you have any wishes, show me yours Value, I will give you corresponding rewards. The way to prove your value is to play games with other races and win something for the human species. You don’t need me to teach you how to win, right? Use your brain and think about what you are good at. If there is anything that can outperform other races, if you don’t even have this, cultivate it. If you don’t even want to put in the sweat, just be a weakling and keep your mouth shut.”

Holding Stephanie's head next to her to prevent her from jumping up and down, Igarashi looked at the people who seemed to have fire burning in their eyes and seemed to be resigned to self-destruction, and finally said.

Now, let's disperse.

Chapter 819 Report

What are you thinking about? If you do this, aren't you isolating yourself?

The crowd in the square dispersed, Igarashi returned to the room in the castle and sat lazily, while Stephanie roared in his ear at a high volume.

Isolated? I don't think I am isolated. And even if it is true, it is not a big deal if I am ostracized by the people. Competition for territory, or even other more important games, is never something that can be won purely by numbers. I I never expected what help these people could give me in the games I want to participate in in the future.”

So it's just up to you to toss a coin?!

Looking at Stephanie who was showing her teeth and claws, Igarashi curled up the corner of his mouth and showed a malicious smile.

You are a bit arrogant, meow like a cat.


Bound by the bet of be obedient that she had to pay before losing to Igarashi, Stephanie had to abide by the covenant, screamed cutely, and then fiercely covered her mouth, her face flushed.

After teasing Stephanie with great interest for a while, and spending a lot of time comforting Shiro who felt neglected and depressed because he had been paying attention to Stephanie, Igarashi stood up.

All ministers, come to see me in the Grand Council Hall.

This sentence did not rely on volume, but on something else of a higher level, reaching the ears of officials in different corners of the royal city.

Half an hour later, the ministers gathered in the large meeting hall.

There are only ministers and no generals, because there is no war in this world now, and all disputes are resolved by games. If I insist on it, there should be a role like a gamer.

The counterpart of the human species is the king, who is also the plenipotentiary agent of the human species. He holds human chess pieces and can determine the fate of the human species.

Now it’s Igarashi.

Although there is only one city left in the human kingdom of Elkia, there are still hundreds of thousands of humans living here, so it is necessary to make some arrangements.

People's hearts are fickle. How many of the ministers in this hall truly care about mankind? Today is not the war era six thousand years ago. People were united in the midst of sorrow. But after six thousand years of ease, people's hearts have become corrupted. of course.

But Igarashi did not use the laws to brainwash the ministers into puppets who obeyed his orders. Even if he restrained the laws and suppressed his personality, Igarashi's existence itself has the ability to influence people's hearts. If he is here Under such circumstances, there are still people who can act against the will and even intend to rebel. Igarashi can't help but think highly of him.

First, all ministers will report on the situation.

From the appearance, Igarashi is very young.

They are younger than any of the ministers present, but they have no dissatisfaction. They are convinced by the previous gamble, or they are affected, maybe both.

Our country's food supply is currently facing an extremely serious problem. Now we mainly rely on the food reserves when the country was still vast. Now there is only one city left. As time goes by, food will become increasingly scarce.

The long years that Igarashi has spent are certainly not in vain. He has abundant knowledge in all aspects, including modern farming methods, ancient methods, special powers, advanced science and technology, knowledge in various situations, and possessing terrifying memory. Igarashi was very clear. Faced with the question asked by the Minister of Agriculture, Igarashi gave an answer.

Abolish the current farming method and change to rotational agriculture. On each pasture, farming is carried out in the order of winter wheat → root and leaf crops such as turnips and sugar beets → summer barley, rye → alfalfa and other pastures that can restore fertility. .Although the harvest of cereals will decrease, the harvest of roots, leaves or beans will increase. Especially with the introduction of crops such as turnips, the problem of insufficient feed can be solved. Raising livestock in winter can also be realized. At the same time Fallowing can also be eliminated due to the restoration of soil fertility by livestock compost and pasture.”

Facing everyone who looked shocked because of his long speech, Igarashi smiled, looked at the Minister of Agriculture and said.

You should figure out how to solve this kind of thing by yourself. I will teach you this time. I hope you don't need to teach me next time. You are the Minister of Agriculture. You need to do more than just count the food situation. Otherwise, let others handle it well. The person who asked the question is here, do you understand?


The Minister of Agriculture wiped the sweat from his forehead. Worried that he would forget what Igarashi just said, he took out the pen and paper he brought with him and wrote it down on the paper.

This is a good point.

Igarashi glanced past the Minister of Agriculture and looked at the person who was previously in line behind the Minister of Agriculture.

now you.

The Minister of the Interior trembled. He had discovered that this was not just a report, but also a test of the ministers by the new king. Although everyone was very pleased that the new king showed super ability, as the person being tested, the Minister of the Interior was panicked. .

Yes, there is currently some confusion in the positions in the royal city. Due to the lack of territory, the officials who were previously responsible for managing other territories have to come back and are idle. I think their positions should be changed. Perhaps assisting the Minister of Agriculture in supervising rotational agriculture is a way to choose.

Realizing that Igarashi didn't just want everyone to report on the situation, the Minister of the Interior also added his own solution after the explanation.

Igarashi showed appreciation for this.

You are very good. If the Kingdom of Elkia maintains the status quo, the method you mentioned does have practical value. However, I do not intend to be content with the status quo and will not change the positions of those officials for the time being. The corresponding number will be compared with the original number. We will assess them according to their authority. Those who meet the standards will be given a few days of rest. Those who do not meet the standards will be tested for other abilities. Those without talents will be allowed to farm. I will combine the assessment topics after all of you have reported. The state of the kingdom is given.”

It’s really resolute.

The ministers were inspired and became excited.

the Home Secretary asked excitedly.

What's your job after a few days of rest?

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