Ahhh, you bastard!

While Stephanie shouted, she collapsed and banged her head on the ground in a ferocious manner, as if she was about to smash through the wooden floor.

The wooden board was banging, and Stephanie's head was only a little red, but not injured. It seemed like she was an iron-headed kid.

Stephanie, good kids don't say bad words, at least not to me.

Igarashi's words made Stephanie, who was constantly cursing and swearing, shut up. She couldn't say a thousand words. She seemed to have a lot of negative words against Igarashi.

Seeing that Stephanie had nothing serious to say, Igarashi was helpless. After all, he originally wanted to have a good communication with Stephanie and express condolences to this beautiful young girl whom he wanted to take care of, but he didn't expect it to turn into this. Sure enough, everything was the fault of idiot Stephanie.

By the way, Stephanie, you are of royal blood, so you must have a spare room at home, so please let Bai and I move in.

Ok, no problem.

Whenever Igarashi says such command statements, Stephanie feels that she has no ability to resist at all and agrees to them all. In addition to feeling a huge headache because of this, she is also a little lucky. Fortunately, so far, Igarashi has not raised any questions. Things like, Stephanie, come sleep with me.

Do you want me to sleep in the same room with you?

Uh huh huh? what happened?

Stephanie couldn't believe that she had just added a sentence that was as self-destructive as a stupid sentence to promote herself. This shouldn't be affected by the previous bet, right? Is it possible that this is really my inner expectation?

Ah, ah, that's not right! It's not right! It's not like this!

Stephanie began to hit the wooden wall with a headbutt. Fortunately, the first floor of the tavern was still under the influence of people's dispelling magic, otherwise such a momentum would not have attracted everyone to watch.

Hmph, hum...that's enough...it doesn't matter, just do what you say.

Lying on the wooden floor, sobbing in frustration, Stephanie said, I am so unlucky today. I lost the gambling competition to select the king. I thought this was the worst thing that could happen, but now I have also lost. , next, no matter what happens, I have reached the point where I can no longer be bad.

Of course, you have no choice after all.

Igarashi did not comfort Stephanie, who was in a bad mood at the moment, but said so with added jealousy. Stephanie, who had begun to accept the facts, glanced at Igarashi with dark eyes, wanting to curse, but because of the previous The order couldn't be spoken out, so he could only vent his anger by grabbing the ground with his head.

The Kingdom of Elkia, the capital of Elkia - Area 3 of the Western Region, this is where the tavern is located, and now Igarashi and his party have moved from there to Stephanie's home.

The Roman-style buildings and huge castles are so luxurious that you can't tell that humanity has been retreating steadily and only this one city is left.

If Igarashi hadn't known something about the situation, he might have had a negative opinion of Stephanie's dead grandfather like everyone else. However, this castle was not built by Stephanie's grandfather, the late king, but earlier. It was something that existed during the time of the 19th century. This was once the capital of Rick after he established the country. This castle was also the place where Rick lived.

Although except for the same geographical location, everything else is completely different.

After all, 5,900 years have passed.

There are no such things as servants.

Because a new king is about to appear, and the treasury is almost closed to me. Of course, it is better to disperse the servants, so as not to be asked for debts by a group of people when I really lose everything.

Stephanie was explaining the pitiful-sounding facts in an angry manner. She was still worried about the failure of her bet with Igarashi.

Is there a library or something like that here?

Bai Gao raised her hand. For her who had been living in a normal world before, even with the existence of a guy like Igarashi who went against common sense, and had not been exposed to too many extraordinary things, everything in this fantasy world was so new. She If you want to know more, rely on books.


Stephanie nodded and turned around to lead the way. She didn't want to refuse. It wasn't that she had a great liking for Shiro, but even if she refused, as long as Igarashi standing next to him repeated Shiro's words, she would still take the two of them there. Instead of This aroused dissatisfaction with Igarashi, who was already able to do whatever he wanted to her. When some excessive things were done to her, Stephanie felt that it was better for her to endure the humiliation and bear the burden.

The library that only modern large schools have is the private study room of Stephanie's family.

A huge number of books fill the bookshelves that are neatly arranged like walls.


Shira tugged at the corner of Igarashi's clothes. She determined the fact just from the cover of the book. The words here were not something she had control over.

And Igarashi stretched out his finger and put it on Shiro's forehead, looking at Shiro who was gradually showing surprise because he found that he could actually read this unprecedented text, he smiled and made a secrecy gesture, and then put His eyes also turned to the bookshelf, looking for something that interested him.

Books related to history. Igarashi wants to know what happened in the past 5,900 years. How stupid can humans be to split into multiple countries and be defeated step by step by other races, and end up where they are today? There is only one city situation.

Stephanie couldn't bear the silence and broke it.

…Then what should I do?

This time, she will let herself be the tutor responsible for answering questions. Thinking of this, Stephanie couldn't help but add a bit of self-deprecation.

You? You are free to move around. After all, this is your home. Do you, the master, still want to inform me about anything you do?

Igarashi gave an answer that was beyond Stephanie's expectations.

Chapter 815 I want to save Elkia

But Stephanie had nothing to do. After she failed in the gambling meeting to run for the king, her plan failed. She became the king and then worked hard to revive the human kingdom and change her grandfather's shameful nickname of Fool King. One step, becoming the king here is a failure.

If Igarashi hadn't appeared, disrupting everything's rhythm and disturbing her mood, Stephanie felt that she would have huddled at home alone and cried. Thinking of this, Stephanie couldn't help but look at Igarashi, although this guy has a bit of a bad taste, he is actually a very handsome guy.

Look what I'm doing? Could it be that you have awakened some strange habit and you feel uncomfortable all over if I don't order you?


Igarashi's words made the strange feeling that had just arisen in Stephanie's heart disappear all of a sudden. It seemed that she was dissatisfied with the interaction between Igarashi and Stephanie. Igarashi had instantly mastered this fantasy world with his magical means. Bai Bai, who had been reading for a while, asked Stephanie.

What are [Sixteen Races]?

Stephanie pondered for a while, as if trying to search for memories in her mind, and then counted on her fingers.

The first is the god species, the second is the fantasy species, the third is the elf species - there are also the dragon elf species and the giant species... the forest elf species, the orc species - and so on.

Bai nodded. Apart from being a little dissatisfied with the increasingly casual and intimate interactions between Igarashi and Stephanie not long after they met, she did have some questions. One of them was answered by Stephanie, and a new one arose.

What is that 'number' or something...?

Uh, that. Although I don't know clearly, it seems to refer to the rank sequence.

——Rank sequence?

Yeah, to put it simply, it's the level of magic suitability. I heard that's the case.

Igarashi on the side knew very well. He originally saw Stephanie answering, so he didn't interrupt. Now seeing that most of her answers seemed half-understanding, he couldn't help laughing.

It seems, I heard, Stephanie, although you seem to be a relatively well-behaved girl, are you actually the kind of naughty character who doesn't like to study?

Is this praising yourself or scolding yourself?

Stephanie struggled for a moment, then coughed.

First of all, let me say that I graduated from the academy very well! Regarding the rank sequence, humans themselves have not done much research - because the human species is the sixteenth - which means that the magic aptitude value is 0. Even if you want to It is also impossible to conduct research and observe it. Not only can it not use magic, but it cannot even detect the magic being used, because humans do not have a circuit connected to the 'Elf Corridor' - the source of magic.

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