After saying this to Ryuz with a smile, Echidna looked at Igarashi when she fell silent.

You didn't originally live in the Holy Land. Now that things have been resolved, is it time to leave? Show me the world four hundred years from now.

Well, that's true. Let's go back after meeting Frandelica and Petra. By the way, there's also my incompetent knight, Elsa.

Igarashi waved to the dense forest not far away, and then a coquettish figure jumped down from a lush tree in the dense forest, and came to Igarashi briskly and simply. It was Al Shah.


Elsa didn't know what the name Echidna meant, but she heard the word lust. The lust priest was a male, and Igarashi had said before that the lust priest was killed by him. What was in front of her... …

After murmuring the words Echidna and remembering the name firmly in her heart, Elsa fell silent and stopped talking.

Half an hour later, Igarashi found Frandelica who was shopping in the sanctuary and wanted to prepare a good lunch, and Petra who was seriously making clothes with cloth, and prepared to leave.

Luz, what are your plans?

Echidna seemed to have some kind of story with Ryuzu, and Igarashi didn't ask any questions, watching the conversation between the two as a bystander.

I plan to stay in the Sanctuary for a while. Now that the barrier is gone, it will bring about a lot of changes. I have some things to deal with. After everything is settled, I may go find you, Echidna.

Boom, boom, boom.

At this time, a strange thing ran over, a collection of too huge mass, with skin as color and texture as rock, and as thick and strong limbs as stone grinding. It was a hippopotamus-like monster, with the tip of its nose supposed to be horn, but was broken off.

Sister Elsa, why are you standing with so many people? Normally, you shouldn't... eh?!

The petite figure riding on the monster, a girl wearing black clothes and dark blue hair with three braids, Merry, the user of the monster who belongs to the same killer organization as Elsa, is leading a girl who does not take others seriously. As he spoke with an attitude, he suddenly saw clearly that the person standing next to Elsa was Igarashi. His face suddenly froze, fear showed on that cute face, and he subconsciously wanted to order the monster to escape. Think carefully about Igarashi. It seemed pointless to run away in front of Lan. The opponent had the means to kill the monster from a long distance. Meili jumped down from the monster with a look of despair, walked to Igarashi with her head lowered, and spoke carefully.

Um, long time no see?

Chapter 773 Meili wants to be a maid

I remember you, your name is Meili. Why, you came here on a big guy. Do you want to attack the Holy Land?

Igarashi glanced at the huge hippopotamus-like monster, and immediately made the crazy monster, which had lost its mind and became the puppet of the monster user Meili, calm down again and docilely huddled in place like a pet.

Ah, no, no... It's all because Elsa is too willful! She came to the sanctuary to plan something and asked me to take care of her outside. I didn't do anything. I really just waited!

The girl named Meili puffed up her cheeks in anger and looked at Igarashi with an innocent face, trying to clear herself of any charges she had committed.

Elsa, who was standing next to Igarashi, glanced at Merry, and then spoke as if nothing had happened.

Meili is a monster user. She has the ability to control monsters by just breaking their horns. Although it may not be of much help given your strength, don't you find it interesting?

Igarashi turned his head and smiled at Erza.

Are you—begging for mercy from Meili?

So, what's your decision?

Decided not to do anything, Meili, go back and forth wherever you go, be honest.

Hearing Igarashi's words, Meili's face showed undisguised joy. She jumped up and jumped onto the monster. The monster, which no longer felt the danger from Igarashi, stood up at this moment and planned to Leave with Meili.

Elsa, aren't you leaving? Uh... shouldn't you be...

Merry, who was about to leave, saw that Elsa had no intention of moving, so she asked in confusion. Then she suddenly understood something, and her face changed. Seeing this, Elsa replied with a faint smile.

Although if I insist on leaving, I probably won't be attacked, but I'm a little tired, so let's change it. If you want to continue being a killer, just leave.

Is this to attract talents to yourself? Mellie is not a talented person, but she is quite cute. She is about the same age as Petra, so she can be a good companion.

Igarashi thought like this and did not refute Erza's words, which actually meant if you want to change, stay.

Meili's face was full of tangles. To be honest, she didn't want to be with Igarashi, a monster in human skin. With her character not liking to be restrained, if she accidentally offended him, she might end up... The same fate as her own monster that was shot to death. However, if it were not for Elsa, Mellie felt that she might be bullied if she stayed alone in the killer organization.

After struggling for a long time, Meili, who had become accustomed to partnering with Elsa, took a deep breath, looked at Igarashi carefully, and asked.

Well, if you stay, what is my mission?

Mission? It's really a killer way of saying it. Elsa is my knight and is usually responsible for supporting the scene, and you, just be a little maid.

Maid? The kind of maid who will be punished, expelled or even killed if the noble master is in a bad mood?

Merry's words were too exaggerated. After hearing her words, the dissatisfied Petra did not maintain the etiquette of a maid like Frandelica and did not interrupt when the master was talking to others. Instead, she complained about Igarashi.

Igarashi-sama wouldn't do that!

Echidna watched everything that happened in front of her with great interest. She did not expect that just after she was resurrected and just after leaving her tomb with Igarashi, she encountered something interesting.

Petra's angry words startled Meili. She suddenly realized that she didn't seem to have the qualifications to bargain with Igarashi. Once she angered the other party, she might become a puddle of meat.

I do what I do! I do what I do! I do what I do! I do what I do!

Meili, who felt that her life was in danger, repeatedly expressed her position, but Igarashi had no intention of explaining to Meili, who was essentially a killer who didn't care about other people's lives, that he was not the one who shouted to kill the beautiful girl if he disagreed with her. Seeing that Meili was willing to be a maid, she nodded.

Then let your senior, Miss Petra, teach you the etiquette that a qualified maid should have. Petra, I leave it to you. There is never much work in the mansion, so I will assign it to you. Let’s hand over half of the work to Meili.”


After confirming that Igarashi wanted to be the senior of this girl who seemed to be able to control magical beasts, Petra looked troubled.

Well, although Meili and I were friends when we were in Alam Village, they seemed to be my own friends. I had no idea that Meili was actually a killer. I don't seem to have the ability to teach her.

No, no, no, you are my good friend, Senior Petra, please teach me!

Meili, who had always been afraid for her life, quickly bowed deeply to Petra, showing full sincerity, while Igarashi spoke from the side.

Well, that's it. Petra, feel free to teach her. If Meili doesn't obey, you can tell me.

Be obedient, I'm very obedient!

Meili jumped three feet high. She had no idea that her image in other people's eyes had become a little funny.

Seeing that Petra was still hesitant to say something, Igarashi said directly before she spoke.

In the mansion, the only one who is about the same age as you is Meili. Although the two sisters Rem and Ram are only a little older than you, they seem to have experienced a lot, so they have a lot to carry in their hearts. Meili If so, heartless, I should be able to get along with you.

The inappropriate description of Igarashi as heartless made Meili, who was already very flustered and weak, pout her mouth in anger.

Heartless? I'm not heartless. It's always been a pleasure working with Elsa.

Lord Igarashi, although I respect you very much, if you think that Petra and I are heartless and that's why you think that Meili will get along with me, Petra must clear up the misunderstanding for herself. Woolen cloth.

Okay, okay, you both have your heart and lungs, but with this tacit understanding, I think we will really get along well.

Petra and Mellie looked at each other and fell into silence.

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