You are really saying some dangerous things, no, I just want to watch the scenery you have seen, the notes you have heard, and the stories you have created from the special seats. I want to feel those things, I want to know the changes you will bring, that’s all, and that’s enough for me.”

The embodiment of the desire for knowledge, the witch who is called the sin of lust, only desires these things.

During this period, Minerva did not speak, which seemed to prove that what Echidna said was true.


As soon as Igarashi uttered a few words, Echidna added again in a panic.

It is impossible to lie in this contract land. Although I also want more, I swear that these words are definitely not a lie to you. I can swear it on my life.

Echidna put her hand on her chest and joked, Although she is already dead.

Aha, it looks very lively here. x3

In the shattered ice and snow, uninvited girls appeared one after another. They had similar auras to Echidna and Minerva. Although they had different appearances and figures, they were all beautiful women. Possessing the power to disrupt the world, Igarashi concluded that these were witches. Comparing the numbers, all seven of the seven deadly sin witches appeared except for the jealous witch, which meant there were six.

In addition to Echidna and Minerva, among the four new people who appeared, there were as many as three young girls who looked younger than Minerva, and the fourth one was biased toward a mature witch with unusually high strength. , Igarashi felt that she could defeat any witch present.

With long auburn hair that covers her whole body, and sickly blue-white lips and skin, the mature beauty has more, or maybe the only temperament, is laziness, real laziness, and new appearance compared to charm. The witch had just spoken out the exciting words with different tones and different emotions. Only this one did not speak. Igarashi suspected that she was too lazy, because she even seemed to be breathing.

Ah ah ah, it's disgusting. Why do you want to jump out at this time? Igarashi, a guy who only cares about appearance, what should I do if he is tempted by you? No, no, no, don't come out. Even if you hide and watch from a distance, it's a contract anyway. I've almost finished talking about it, haven't I? If you want to disrupt the situation, you have to wait until Igarashi gives me an answer, right?

Echidna lost her temper. Seeing this, the other witches looked at each other, but their figures gradually disappeared.

Perhaps in their view, it was enough that they had reminded Igarashi that the contract was not simple, and did not let Echidna hide the truth.

Echidna patted her chest and stared at Igarashi lovingly.

Only you can satisfy my curiosity, because I know your existence, and only you can open up my world. This, who was once praised as the wisest witch in this world, only you can make me I see Unknown. If you have the heart to save someone, I hope you can save me like this. However, I don't want you to think that this is just because I want to satisfy my curiosity. I plan to do this because I have a crush on you and want to stand with you, and this girlish sentiment is also true.

My answer is right from the beginning, I agree to the contract.

Seeing Echidna like this, Igarashi smiled, stretched out his hand, and continued.

Although you show a lot of emotions and your various actions are in line with what a girl should look like, I don't think these emotions come from the heart. To put it bluntly, you have been acting. At present, you only have the right The persistent pursuit of the unknown may be a side effect of your ability, I will correct it.

Echidna, who was originally blushing and full of expectation, paled, her rich emotions disappeared, she became silent, and she really started to get closer to the word witch.

Should I show my panic now that someone discovered my secret, or should I show my innocence with tears in my eyes?

That's someone else, not you. Why, haven't you exchanged contracts yet?

He clearly understands everything, but still agrees to the contract. A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. Igarashi cannot do this without any support.

Echidna stared at him silently for a while, then asked in a rare calm tone.

Are you strong enough to ignore the contract?

That's true, but I won't ignore the contract, because there is no need. The power I have will change the contract to my benefit, like a master-servant contract, I will become the master, and anything that is harmful to me will be The more things that are unfavorable to me are reversed and eliminated, the greater the change.

Then, I don't think this contract is harmful to you. Even if it is reversed, it would be better for me to be tied to you.

Echidna's hand finally joined Igarashi's.

Chapter 760 She is also dead

The contract was not tampered with by the law. Indeed, as Echidna said, this contract did no harm to Igarashi. Instead, Echidna sold herself.

At this time, the other five witches showed their bodies at the same time. They looked at Igarashi who had signed a contract with the lust witch Echidna with a slightly complicated look. Then they felt some kind of change and sighed.

—Here he comes.

No, don't... already, give it to me... it doesn't matter...

When there is trouble, troublesome children do all the troublesome things, ha.

Ah haha, it's really, really stomach-ache-inducing. They've all come together.

The witches who appeared showed different reactions to such changes.

They clenched their fists with a lonely face, squatted down slowly in fear, sighed with laziness, and licked their lips with pleasure, but only one of them innocently raised his hands in joy.

The witches looked not far away. Over there, there was an overwhelming presence that was difficult to ignore. Igarashi could see Echidna's eyes. There was a complex emotional whirlpool in the slightly widened pupils. , revealing an extremely real emotion that is by no means a disguise—hate.

How many realms have you crossed to even step into this dream city? You guy who doesn't understand etiquette.

There was severity in her eyes and voice, and Echidna said this to the visitor in disgust.

Wearing a black dress, with long hair and white skin, she is exactly the same as Emilia, but she lacks the innocence and kindness, and has more persistence and an almost indifferent calmness.

Lust, anger, lust, sloth, gluttony, arrogance, six witches gathered together now, and finally a seventh witch, jealousy, was added.

She is the rumored evil scourge that killed all six witches present and brought destruction to the world - the jealous witch Satella.

Oh! It's Tiela, really, it's been a long time!

There was only a young witch waving to welcome the jealous witch, and then no one responded.

After a long silence——

“Doing nothing but saying”

Suddenly, the silence was broken. Someone stepped forward, holding his hands and holding up his plump breasts. The lovely profile of the witch was filled with strong anger. Minerva continued.

Can I think that you are who I know you? Even if you believe it, does it not matter?


Minerva, who spoke to Envy without fear, received no answer. She was not the strongest among the witches present, definitely not. Her attacks seemed to be more focused on healing. If they were to compete with each other, they should not be Envy's opponent. Yes, but he is the most courageous.

But except for Echidna, Igarashi could not feel anyone else's hatred for Satella, and Echidna had no intention of taking action. Everyone remained the same and just stood.

I won't take action and give other witches an opportunity to take advantage of. Minerva aside, I'm not strong enough to survive against Sekhmet or Typhon, because I Not strong among witches.”

Will other witches who were killed by Envy turn against Echidna because she attacked Envy?

Igarashi was shocked when he confirmed this from Echidna's words.

For everyone, jealousy is an enemy, yes, but this matter and that child are, no, different things, right?

The one who stammered was the lustful Camilla. Although she had such an ambiguous title, her personality tended to be timid. She had the ability to fascinate people, but her appearance was the cute type that only aroused the desire to protect. It was very contradictory. The presence.

Seeing that Carmilla's words were unclear and she was wearing a blindfold and couldn't see clearly her appearance, the gluttonous witch Daphne, who was also a petite type, explained on her behalf.

Daphne and everyone else will not do anything until it is confirmed whether it is Satella or [Jealousy] who appears here now. As the successor of the great sage Nayako, this level should...

I seem to have heard some extraordinary words, the great sage Nayako?

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