So the night is Igarashi and Priscilla's personal time.

Although Priscilla showed an arrogant attitude midway and said she wanted to be on top, Igarashi successfully beat her down.

A mere untouched Priscilla, Igarashi easily subdued.

Who is my concubine?

In the early morning, Priscilla huddled in Igarashi's arms. She finally restrained her past arrogance and showed a very calm and leisurely look. However, her questions made Igarashi a little difficult to deal with.

Which one? I have no idea I have no idea.


The first in this world!

What Igarashi said was righteous, and he was right. After coming to Zero World, he was very reserved. Even if there was a need, he would go to the small world of Sword of Glory.

And this gesture of Igarashi temporarily made Priscilla happy.

So, I have defeated Emilia?

If you call this a win, you are.

Go back with me.

You actually want to run away? Can't you just stay in the mansion like this?

No, this is Emilia's territory, not my own. Regardless of the layout, layout, or environment, it's not what I like. Because you are here, I can barely survive one night.

I'll give you a room. If it doesn't work, I'll build another mansion and decorate it as you like.

Igarashi's words made Priscilla raise her eyebrows, and she glared at Igarashi angrily.

So, you just don't want to go into my territory?

If you must go back, I can use teleportation magic to find you, but you won't stay here forever. I don't want you to leave.

Igarashi was baffled by Priscilla's competitiveness with Emilia that always existed in her heart.

Priscilla narrowed her eyes, but then she stopped talking about returning to her own territory. Go to bed with a little anger, Priscilla is not a person who likes to get up early, not to mention there is not much time to rest at night.

Beatrice became Igarashi's contract elf. She who originally had to rely on the Forbidden Library to survive became able to rely on Igarashi. Although Igarashi's own power is different from the magic power of this world, Igarashi When Igarashi agrees, Beatrice can be replenished. With Igarashi's power comparable to that of a world, Beatrice can move freely without any restraints.

Are you planning to go to the [Sanctuary]?

Well, there are some things I'm curious about, so I'm going to take a look.

Igarashi who said this looked at Beatrice who was eating quietly, and then looked at the others.

Aren't you going?

When the king was selected, the sages would have said that they must show sufficient achievements in their respective territories. If I follow you again, although I will be very happy, it will be difficult to convince others without achievements, right? I I want to work hard for Wangxuan.”

Emilia shook her head apologetically, and seeing Emilia staying, the twin maids did not speak, but just stood behind her, their intentions obvious.

I, I will follow Mr. Igarashi.

Priscilla was still sleeping in. Just when Igarashi thought that no one would be with her in the restaurant, Petra, who was standing next to her, raised her hand timidly, and not surprisingly attracted everyone's attention.

Lord Igarashi, you should need a maid to take care of you, right?

Seeing everyone looking at her, Petra shrank her head in fear, but she still mustered up the courage to tell a reason.

Igarashi doesn't think he is the type who can't live without someone to take care of him, but when he sees that Petra, who is usually very well-behaved, rarely puts forward opinions that are different from others, and also accompanies him with such heart-warming opinions, Igarashi How could Shilan not cooperate?

Yes, of course, I can't live without Petra.


The cooperation was too much, causing people like Emilia and the twin maids who knew Igarashi to look helpless, while Petra was so excited by Igarashi's words that she couldn't even raise her head.

Rem and her sister will stay at the mansion, but Petra doesn't know the way to the sanctuary, so it's time to reinstate Frandelica and let her lead the way.

Igarashi wanted to say that although he didn't know about the Holy Realm, he could find it as long as he mentioned some characteristics of the Holy Realm and used his soul power to conduct a carpet search. However, after hearing Rem's words, Igarashi was curious.

I saw Frandelika's uniform in the clothing room before. Shouldn't she resign?

At first, Frandelika-senpai resigned because she felt that there wasn't much work in the mansion. But now that there are many more people in the mansion, the corresponding work has also increased. It's time for her to come back. Why, Lord Igarashi? Are you worried about money?

How is that possible? Then recall her.

After breakfast, Igarashi came to the roof of the mansion and saw Beatrice sitting on the roof, staring blankly into the distance.

Other people think that I go to the [Sanctuary] just for fun, but you should know what I do. Don't you want to meet Echidna?

... Four hundred years have turned Betty's expectations into despair, and Betty doesn't know how to face her mother. Knowing that her mother is not completely dead, Betty is very happy, but also very hesitant. Is her mother just looking at Betty? In such a desperate situation, what if you have watched it for four hundred years? You go to [the Holy Land], Betty won't go.

There was a bit of resentment in Beatrice's tone, which was inevitable. Igarashi did not persuade her. Even if she was told at this time, it was impossible for the lust witch Echidna to meet her despite the long distance. Use it.

Igarashi sat on the roof with Beatrice for several hours, until Beatrice became uncomfortable, but she returned to the Forbidden Library in a much better mood, and Priscilla's red figure also appeared. In the courtyard.

Chapter 751 Asian Maid

(The picture shows Frandelica)

[Sacred Domain]? What a bold title. Only the place where I am located can be called the Holy Domain. Other than that, they are all false names used by meaningless people at will. I have no meaning for this kind of place. I’m not interested in the place. It just so happens that while you’re away, I’ll order someone to build another mansion next to this residence.”

Igarashi thought that Priscilla would refuse, but he never expected that she would refuse so grandly.

Don't you plan to visit your territory? Or even if you build a mansion, you don't plan to live there for a long time? Otherwise, if you leave the territory for a long time, many things will go wrong, right?

Only things that are beneficial to me will happen in the world, because it is my territory, so even if I leave, there will be no problems. You can rest assured and go to that holy land with a meaningless name. Others Regarding things, whether it’s the territory or the safety here, with my concubine here, there’s no need to worry at all.”

Perhaps Priscilla, in a certain way, also belongs to the type of good wife who doesn't need anyone to worry about her.

Lord Igarashi, I've been waiting for a long time, my subordinates are ready.

The woman standing not far away held her skirt and bent down.

She has long shining golden hair, clear emerald green eyes like gems, and a slender figure wrapped in a classical maid outfit that is different from the twin maids. She shows a pure and reliable femininity with perfect dress and etiquette.

She is about twenty years old, and she is an excellent maid no matter what.


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