In the hall, there were knights of the Guards Knights wearing white-based uniforms with knight swords on their waists, as well as people wearing formal clothes who should be civil servants.


Seeing the person coming through the gate, the silver-haired girl exchanged Igarashi's name in surprise. Her blue eyes widened. She was not surprised that Igarashi could come here, but that Igarashi was here. Lan came with Priscilla.

Sure enough, no matter how you look at me, I should be better than you. Why is this guy so reluctant to leave you?

Priscilla looked up and down Emilia's arrogant eyes, especially lingering on her breasts for a while, and then made an ambiguous declaration, which attracted the attention of people in the hall.

Hi, Liya, originally I wanted to come here by myself, but I didn't expect that Priscilla insisted on going with me, and even jumped off the train to accompany me. It's not easy for me to refuse such an initiative, right?

Igarashi said this, and found that the other people who were the king's chosen ones with Emilia were surrounded by knights and supporters, but Emilia seemed to be alone, so he walked to Emilia and said... Liscilla glanced at him without saying anything, her eyes showing interest as she waited for something interesting to happen.

Chapter 731 Ceremony

Everyone present has gathered. Next, the sages will enter.

When Igarashi came to Emilia's side, he was asked about the details of traveling with Priscilla. After a while, a loud voice echoed through the throne hall.

The door opened again, and headed by the knight in armor who was waiting in front of the door, several elderly elders filed in, all wearing clothes that matched their status and the venue, walking with dignity and sophistication. experience of.

One of the King's Chosen Ones will definitely become the king in the future. However, the elders of the Wise Men's Association still asked the King's Chosen Ones to wait before entering the venue. None of the attendees or even the knights had any doubts about this. The status of the Wise Men's Council and the King's status was in a silent relationship. It is clearly shown that if this continues, even if someone becomes the king, everyone will still regard the Society of Sages as their first priority.

Among them was a white-haired man with a beard that almost touched the floor. He was not tall and had deep wrinkles on his face. He looked old but his eyes were as sharp as a razor blade.

This is Mycolotov, one of the members of the Sage Society who was influenced by Igarashi's previous laws. He is also one of the people with the greatest say in the Lugnika Kingdom that has lost its king.

In the hall, knights and military attaches stood on the left, while civil servants and nobles stood on the right. The teams were naturally separated. Igarashi looked at the team on the left, then on the right, and finally chose to stand on the left. After all, he was standing here. Reinhardt, Igarashi is quite interested in.

The King's Chosen people stood in the center, five in total.

Priscilla stood in the center with her waist clasped, swaying the hem of her red dress proudly. Even when she was standing in front of the Council of Wise Men, even when she was receiving many gazes, her expression did not waver.

Standing on the right is a woman wearing what looks like an officer's uniform. Her hair color is close to black, but if you look closely, you will find that it is actually dark green. Her long hair ends with a white butterfly. She has a serious look on her beautiful face, staring straight ahead. .

The one on the left is a girl with light purple hair who gives a cheerful and lively impression. Her long hair is wavy and soft like marshmallows. She is petite and wears a white dress decorated with a lot of fur. A huge double-beaded purse hangs around her waist.

The one in front is Felt. She is wearing a golden dress and is slightly impatient, but she does not act out of the ordinary. She used to look like a tomboy in front of Igarashi, but now she has changed her clothes and her temperament, and she has become a girl. A cute and lovable girl.

The last one is Emilia. As a silver-haired half-elf, she naturally attracts hostile looks. However, after being trained in Igarashi’s dreams, Emilia is not someone who easily suffers from stage fright. In other words, , among the five king choosers present, Emilia's temperament is more eye-catching, that kind of faint temperament of a superior.

Standing at the forefront of the knights is Reinhardt, a red-haired swordsman, a strong man with dozens or even hundreds of blessings, but he is very gentle. When he saw Igarashi walking over, Reinhardt Root asked with curiosity. Even so, his actions seemed to be polite and not offensive.

Are you Lady Emilia's knight?

I'm not a knight, I'm just a passerby who doesn't follow knightly etiquette.

Igarashi looked up and down at Reinhardt, a man who had the power to subvert the Lugnika Kingdom and even the world. He was actually willing to be a subordinate, respectfully address the King's Chosen Lords, and obey the orders of the Council of Sages. He was a good man.

Standing on the left side of Reinhardt was Yurius. He seemed to be the sentry on Noble Street before. Igarashi felt the breath of his own law from him. He was also affected by his own law. Now he noticed that Igarashi Lan had no intention of talking and remained silent.

Yeah~ Igarashi.

The cat-eared girl waved gently and greeted Igarashi with a playful smile. She was wearing a female guard knight uniform with a skirt on the lower body, and she looked dashing and cute.

Hey, the cat-eared girl is here, I thought you would be on the other team.

Feili-chan is also a knight.

The greetings did not last long. The armored knight standing on the stage announced the start of the parliament with a clear and loud voice.

Everyone from the Council of Wise Men, the candidates for the king have already arrived. You dare to override me, Marcus, as the leader of the Knights of the Guards, to take charge of the discussion.

Thank you.

Having already seen Igarashi and received the order to carry out business as usual, Myrotov responded with a slightly reserved nod. The captain of the knights, Marcus, saluted him and then faced everyone with a serious expression.

This time I trouble you all to come to the royal city and gather all the lords of the Wise Men here, all for the purpose of selecting the next king. That is to say, I want to convey an important announcement to the people related to the king's election. The cause of the matter was about half a year ago, headed by the late king. , the royal family died one after another, and a country without a king was the biggest dilemma of the kingdom. Hundreds of years ago, the king at that time also concluded an alliance with the dragon Polkenika. After that, the kingdom encountered crises, and everyone was saved by the dragon. , and prosper from it.”

Marcus's words reached the ears of everyone in the hall, and he was worthy of being the leader of the knights.

Maintaining the covenant is closely related to the survival of the kingdom. We should select the next dragon witch as soon as possible to replace the royal family's responsibilities. During the dragon pro-dragon ceremony to renew the covenant, we can exchange ideas with the dragon and select qualified witches. To this end, we will The Knights of the Kingdom have accepted the order from the Council of Sages and are responsible for finding the shrine maiden chosen by the radiance of the Dragon Ball - please show me the Dragon Ball!

Marcus walked to the center, holding the gem-encrusted badge in his hand and holding it forward. The girls responded to the call, and the different radiance from the five badge gems dyed the hall colorful.

As you can see, every candidate has the qualifications of a Dragon Priestess, and we will follow the Dragon Calendar Stone...

Is that enough?

While Igarashi was still listening to Marcus's long speech with great interest, another person was impatient to wait. A purple-haired girl in a white dress, one of the king's chosen ones, interrupted with a gentle voice. He heard what Marcus said.

I understand that Mr. Leader wants to finish his sentence neatly, but the Lun family is also very busy. In Kalalaki, there is a saying that time is as valuable as money, right?

Chapter 732 Spoiler

That makes sense.

In the throne room where surprise spread, another female voice sounded again, that green-haired woman in officer's clothing.

Lord Crusch, the head of the Karsten family says this kind of thing...

It is very important to respect etiquette and law, but it is also true that time is limited, right? We should touch on the reason for gathering us as soon as possible, although I can roughly guess the reason.

The girl's words made Myrotov look at Igarashi imperceptibly, and when he saw him nodding, he let out a sigh of relief.

As expected of the leader of Karsten, do you already understand the significance of this call?

Well, Sir Mycolotov, are you going to hold a banquet? Although we will one day compete with each other, we are not familiar with each other yet. As long as we sit around the table and drink together, we will naturally learn about the character...

Igarashi, who was listening on the side, was about to squirt. He had no idea that the serious-looking green-haired girl named Crusch would say such a joke, gathered all the civil servant knights, and then the knight captain Solemnly pronouncing all kinds of serious words, just to hold a banquet? Curio is a talented person.

No, that's not the case!

Seeing Igarashi's expression, Mylotov, who felt a little embarrassed and speechless, quickly interrupted.

This reaction made Crusch frown and look at where Igarashi was, of course, not at Igarashi.

Phyllis, this is different from what I heard.

Phyllis, who had been smiling playfully with Igarashi before, now looked embarrassed.

It's annoying. Really. Fili-chan just saw a lot of food and wine being sent to the castle, so she said [there might be a banquet], that's all.

Is that so? Did I make a mistake? I'm sorry, but I have doubts.

Facing forward again, Crusch sighed softly following the conversation just now.

That's it, please cancel what I just said because it's embarrassing.

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