Seeing that Felt had not changed her clothes specifically for sleeping, Igarashi grabbed her and appeared in the palace again in a flash of brilliance. The palace was heavily guarded.

Even though it was late at night, there were well-equipped soldiers patrolling back and forth, but they simply ignored Igarashi. Even Igarashi blatantly walked past them with Felt without any reaction.

Why are those soldiers...

Just using some small tricks.

With a casual sweep of Igarashi's soul power, he found a few old guys from the Council of Sages who openly lived in the palace. The palace is the residence of the royal family. No matter how high their official positions are, other people have no right to live in the palace. It's a pity. The entire Lugnica Kingdom has acquiesced to this, because even when the former king was still there, the actual operation of the country relied on the Council of Sages, and the Council of Sages was the true highest institution of the kingdom.

Igarashi directly used the law. Anyway, the law is not something that will cause any major damage. Guys who are not interested in him have no intention of negotiation. Igarashi, who does not want to waste time, will use the law roughly to make them surrender.

They will arrange a place for you, Felt, so work hard as one of the King's Chosen Ones.

Chapter 725 The powerful coachman

Then Felt temporarily lived in the palace. After the people of the Council of Sages were affected by the law, Igarashi asked them to take good care of and teach Felt, and meet her request that was not too excessive. This request was not too specific. The standard of judgment is for the people of the Council of Wise to judge for themselves.

Felt didn't know Igarashi's law, but after seeing him talking to those old people who seemed to be in high positions, and hearing that certain requirements of his would be met, Felt tried to propose a trip to the slums, thinking that I looked to see how far it could go, and then got the reply No, it's too dangerous now. If it is really necessary, please ask Lord Felt to go there under the protection of the knights after dawn.

It's up to you how to convince them, or be convinced by them, Ferut.

Now the only person in the slums that Felt misses is Mr. Rom. If Mr. Rom can find a good home instead of living in a gloomy storehouse of stolen goods, Felt may have a major change after putting down his burden. Knowing this After being encouraged like this, Igarashi opened the portal again and left.

Just like this time, if Felt is in danger or even just troubled in the future, Igarashi can come over to see her again.

Igarashi's departure did not make Felt look panicked. Perhaps Felt was prepared to face various challenges from the moment he decided to become the King's Chosen One.

So, half a month has passed.

Roswaal came back several times on the way, probably to replenish Ram's magic power, and then left in a hurry. Even if he put aside his ambition, Roswaal, as a border official, still had busy official duties and had to travel around.

And a dragon cart stopped at the door of the mansion. It was called a dragon cart simply because the cart was pulled by an earth dragon with extremely rare dragon blood.

There is a dragon carriage parked outside the mansion.

Emilia murmured to herself, and not far away from her, Igarashi, who had nothing to do and didn't have to work, set every morning as a time to watch Emilia and the elf communicate, was still a little unable to hold it in.

If this so-called earth dragon is also classified among dragons and is called a dragon chariot, a real dragon will cry when he hears it.

I don’t know if Orpheus, the Infinite Dragon God, would be happy to see his own kind after sending a few earth dragons to the small world of Sword of Glory... Well, it’s impossible to be happy at all.

Eh? Because it's a cart pulled by an earth dragon, it's called a dragon cart, right? Is my common sense wrong? In fact, there are other official names?

No, no, just call me whatever you want.

Really? You're kidding me, right? You didn't mean to take me lightly in a serious place, and you want to embarrass me, right? If you dare to lie, be careful that I let Parker beat you?

At this time, Parker, who was playing with Beatrice in another corner of the courtyard, sneezed innocently.

Facing Emilia, who raised her hands and pretended to be angry, Igarashi stated righteously that he was not lying. In fact, he did not know whether this kind of car had a formal name. As he spoke, the two of them walked in front of the dragon car.

The so-called earth dragon is not a bulky guy. It is about the same size as a normal horse, but its body is slender and its weight seems to be very light, giving people a feeling of flexibility.

Oh, it's so rude to stay up there.

The person sitting on the driver's seat of the dragon car said this, and then jumped down from the driver's seat, jumping directly to the ground from a height of almost one and a half meters without making any sound.

Hello, please forgive me for being rude in front of the door.

The old man, whose behavior was almost perfect, bowed.

His white hair was carefully combed back, and he was wearing a well-fitting black suit. Although he looked very old, he gave people a feeling of power, and the aura he released made people straighten their waists unconsciously.

And a slender girl with medium-long flaxen hair and a pretty and cute face jumped out of the carriage. Yes, a girl, no matter what her previous gender was, after Nayako adjusted her fate line, she had nothing to do with it. The question is a beautiful girl, a beautiful demihuman girl with a pair of cat ears.

Lady Emilia, and this boy I haven't met before? Well, Fili-chan is the envoy. I have important matters to discuss with Lady Emilia.

Emilia looked at Igarashi subconsciously.

I have something to discuss with you, so take her in.

Igarashi burst into tears, causing Emilia, whose IQ seemed to have dropped off, to come to her senses. She brought the cat-eared girl who called herself Phyllis into the mansion, and Rem and Ram also appeared in time to serve. Be around.

Igarashi stayed outside the door with the old gentleman.

Aren't you going to go in? The dragon chariot won't be lost if you leave it here?

Hearing what seemed like a joke from Igarashi, the old gentleman had a polite smile on his face and shook his head.

I'm just a coachman, so I won't go in and disturb the negotiation between the envoy and Lady Emilia.

He's a great coachman.

Igarashi sighed. Although the old gentleman's strength was not impressive to him, he was still a pretty strong man in this world. The most important thing was that Igarashi didn't feel anything from the old gentleman. He didn't have any talent in fighting, but he relied on hard work to defeat many people who had talent.

Thank you for the compliment. Unfortunately, I can't find any useful information about you. Can you tell me your name? My name is Wilhelm. I am currently serving the Karlsten family and performing the assigned tasks.

Wilhelm, who asked for his name, reported his name first, and he was very polite.

Igarashi is currently living in this mansion temporarily, eating and drinking for free.

Eat and drink for free...

Wilhelm, who searched the name Igarashi carefully in his mind to no avail, looked at the other person solemnly.

Igarashi, who had no intention of obtaining any information from Wilhelm but did not want Emilia's abilities to be reduced due to his presence, stayed at the door of the mansion and began to tease the black earth dragon.

Earth Dragon meekly lowered his head in front of Igarashi and allowed him to stroke his head.

Chapter 726 Cat-Eared Girl

Wilhelm secretly tensed up, stopped talking, and acted a little wary.

This alert did not last long. After ten minutes, Emilia and the cat-eared girl walked out of the mansion. Considering that the other party was a messenger with a mission, to end the conversation in such a short time, either Emilia Liya simply refused to negotiate. Either they were having a good conversation. Judging from the expressions on both sides, it was probably the latter.

Want to pet meow?

The cat-eared girl's flaxen hair is decorated with white bows, her big pupils sparkle with curiosity, and her appearance is as cute as a cat. On her head are cat ears of the same color as her hair. Igarashi had been staring at it out of curiosity. Attracting the cat-eared girl to issue a seductive invitation.

Of course, Igarashi is not a guy who would be manipulated by a little emotion.

No, let's forget it. That shouldn't be a part that can be touched casually, right?

It's not that exaggerated, meow.

With a cute ending in her voice, the girl looked at Wilhelm who greeted her.

I'm back, Mr. Will. I'm sorry to make you wait outside. Isn't it boring?

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