There were many children in the village, and they were lively and naughty in line with their age. Igarashi had no intention of teasing the naughty children with careless movements. He put on a serious expression and kept away from strangers, successfully frightening the naughty children. Dare to get close.

But Rem and Ram, who came back from shopping, were having fun playing with the naughty children.

When they returned, Ram and Rem's hair was messy, their clothes had many wrinkles, and Ram's fingers were bleeding.

Those naughty kids are not sensible at all. You should have foreseen such a situation, why are you still indulging them?

The injured finger is not the children's fault, it was bitten by a puppy.

The injured Ram was defending the children, while Rem on the side had carefully cleaned and bandaged her wounds.

The wound is not important, what is important is that special power flows into Ram's inner body.


It must be a vicious spell that has physical release between the caster and the target. Once it is activated, there is no way to undo it. Although this method is very dangerous because it requires contact, it is difficult to detect, and once it is activated, it will inevitably lead to death. attributes, favored by many assassins.

However, if the caster dies, the spell will be ineffective.

So Igarashi calmly manipulated his soul power to directly kill the monster disguised as a puppy that bit Ram in the village that was getting farther and farther away due to the footsteps of several people leaving.

The cute puppy was crushed into a pulp, which naturally caused the children and even the villagers nearby to panic. The controller of the Warcraft, named Meili, was a disguised girl who mingled with the naughty children. Her heart was indescribable. She shivered and huddled up in fear, fearing that the next moment she would end up like the beast that was her charioteer.

You and Elsa are in a killer organization, right? Give her a message for me. Tell her that the kind people who let her go last time are thinking about her and ask her to behave.

Elsa, the person who kills more for the sake of killing than for reward, is a person who is feared even by her colleagues.

The voice in her mind made Meili nodded in panic, and kept saying yes, yes, yes. For a moment, she thought of all the ways she died, turning into a puddle of flesh, having her brain exploded, and being tortured to death. Although Normally, she relies on monsters to do the execution, but Meili is very aware of various ways of death and is even more afraid of them.

Mei Li had heard the voice in her mind. It was the man who walked with the twin maids before. Surrounded by regret and other emotions, she not only continued to curse the client in her heart, but even thought that she would no longer be a killer and rely on tameness. The idea of ​​making money from Warcraft.

And Igarashi returned to the mansion with the twin maids as if nothing had happened. The Roswaal guy was missing. Because Igarashi had no relevant request in advance, and Roswaal did not report the movements in advance. Now, anyway, it is certain that Roswaal will not offend him. Above him, out of sight and out of mind, Igarashi didn't care about Roswaal's whereabouts.

Thank you. Although I have been doing nothing in the mansion, it can still come in handy.

Ram bowed to Igarashi with half praise and half disdain.

Do you know that if it weren't for me, I would almost die.

Igarashi, who had no intention of doing anything with this life-saving gift, shrugged and handed the potatoes, apples and other heavy items in his hand to Ram.

Chapter 723 The caster has been eliminated

Ram, you are cursed.


You have the aura of a cursed sorcerer on you. You are cursed. That kind of spell will kill you once it is activated.

After dinner, Emilia went to the courtyard to chat with the elves. This was also her way of relaxing. After eating, Beatrice did not return to her forbidden library as usual, but looked up and down Ram. , issued a terrible declaration, although she said so, her expression was very calm.

The expression on Rem's face, which was originally standing by the side, changed instantly, becoming fierce and hesitant.

Can Lady Beatrice untie it? No, do we really have to find the caster?

Rem tried to recall the experience of this day. If there was anything different from the past, it was that she went to the village to do some shopping. In order to pay, she had contact with the grandparents setting up the stalls, as well as the group of children and people who had physical contact with each other. Too much.

In order to save her sister, Rem had the terrible idea of ​​killing everyone in the village...

But the curse has become ownerless and has expired. The caster is dead. Ram, it seems that someone secretly helped you.

Is that so? I understand.

Ram nodded.

It was just a village where ordinary people gathered. There might be a killer lurking there, but it wouldn't be a hidden strong man. Moreover, this strong man suddenly showed great kindness to help him.

The only special thing today is that I am not just with my sister Rem as usual, but Igarashi.

Ram glanced at Igarashi incomprehensibly, while Rem anxiously groped Ram's body back and forth. This was her first time encountering a spell. Even after hearing what Beatrice, a great elf, said, I'm afraid of the sequelae my sister will leave behind.

Where was the spell placed on my body? Can Lady Beatrice detect it?

Although she had a bad attitude towards Igarashi, Beatrice seemed very cute and easy to talk to the twin maids. Her hands glowed white and she gently touched Ram's body.

I can only detect a very small area. Please tell me where you have direct contact with people today so that I can use it as a reference.

Try here.

After a moment of silence, Ram stretched out his hand. There was a wound there, which was bitten by a puppy. The puppy seemed not to be aggressive, but it bit him. Its teeth were so sharp. It's not like a puppy. In fact, Ram has always had doubts in his mind before.

A faint black mist seeped out from Ram's wound, as if it had been scratched. The thing disappeared in Beatrice's hand, and she waved her hand away. Beatrice used healing magic to completely cure Ram's wound. That wound.

What bit you?

A puppy... Lady Beatrice, I want to go out. I suspect that the people in the village may also be under a spell.

Thinking of the group of children in the village playing casually with the puppies, Ram's expression changed significantly, and the degree of change was even more obvious than when she learned that she was under a spell.

Beatrice shook her head.

Betty is not allowed to leave the mansion at will.

As long as I go alone, if there are any children bitten by dogs, can they be brought back for treatment by Lady Beatrice?

Okay, Betty won't go back to the Forbidden Library this time, just wait here.

Sister, I also want to...

Rem stays in the house and protects Lady Emilia.

I'll go with Ram.

At this time, it was Igarashi who spoke. Rem frowned and wanted to say something, but saw her sister shaking her head at her, signaling her not to talk too much.

Yes, thank you! Sorry to trouble you!

Ram bowed deeply to Igarashi.

Are you going to do something dangerous?

When leaving the mansion, it was inevitable to pass through the courtyard. Emilia looked at Ram who was in a hurry and Igarashi who was following her, with an expression that he was hesitant to speak.

No, it's not dangerous. I just went to confirm the situation of the people in the village. Don't worry, just like last time, I will solve it no matter what it is.

Emilia stretched her hand to Igarashi's chest and whispered.

May the elves bless you.

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