I'm just a little curious when I see you up late at night. I've almost guessed it now. Are you going to continue your morning routine and talk to the elves?

Well, there are also children who can only be seen at this time.

These naughty kids don't need any rest. They bother you all day long. Do you want me to teach them a lesson?

Emilia thought Igarashi was just joking, and when she was about to say something, she realized that the elves around her seemed to be really scared, and they felt like crying children who had been scolded by their parents. She was shocked.

Although I don't know what education you are talking about, please don't do it. I am very happy chatting with the children. It is not a troublesome thing. I usually don't have anyone I can talk to casually...

Can't you, Parker? ...That's right. He should be off work now, so you should sleep well.

I originally thought you would talk with me.

Emilia rarely complained to Igarashi.

Chapter 720 Give you a dream

Has Emilia finished talking to the elves?

They seem to be frightened by you. They stay here quietly and don't say anything. Otherwise, would you be merciful and let them go?

Emilia spoke half seriously, half jokingly, and Igarashi waved his hand.

Ang, since Emilia said so, let you go.

As a result, the light surrounding Emilia flickered like a joy, and then gradually disappeared.

You are really amazing. You know about the Jealous Witch, but you don't reject me at all. Parker can't read your emotions. You also know the King's Chosen Badge very clearly. You even know the secrets of the royal family. Obviously Roswaal is a strange person, but he allows you to stay in the mansion for a long time so easily, and even the Forbidden Library is open to you.

Seeing the almost fawning attitude of the elves towards Igarashi, Emilia looked at Igarashi with emotion.

Lady Emilia is overly praised.

Igarashi bowed in a pretentious manner, causing Emilia's originally polite smile to deepen. There was a softness in the smile that seemed to have been liberated from the previous burden. Emilia, a silver-haired half-year-old, Goblins are inevitably hostile to many people, but they unexpectedly become one of the candidates for the king's election. They have to learn a lot of royal etiquette and even the methods of governing the country. The badge was stolen before, and Emilia's mood is extremely... Depressing.

You're so stressed, why don't you go outside to get some fresh air? Although this mansion is quite big, you should be familiar with every plant and tree, right?

Because I have to study. If I act playful, I don't know what Roswaal, the only one who supports me, will think. If I go out casually, my badge may be stolen, and most people will reject me because of my appearance. .”

Emilia seemed to have found someone to talk to, and she expressed all her worries to Igarashi.

The only support? That's really pitiful to say.

Emilia didn't answer, just stared at Igarashi with anticipation in her eyes. Seeing this, Igarashi couldn't help laughing.

Are you waiting for me to say something like [I support you too]?


You are suitable to be a saint or a goddess who saves people, but as you are now, you are not suitable to be a king. You are too kind...

Isn't it wrong to be kind? I want to make life better for everyone.

Hearing Igarashi's refutation of her ideals, and remembering that he had said that Felt was not suitable to be the king, Emilia couldn't help but want to prove herself. She asked herself whether she would be much better than Felt, not able to steal, no She is greedy for money, and Emilia is even willing to use her own money to help everyone in the slums.

It is precisely because you have this idea that you are not suitable to be a king. Emilia, go to bed early. I will give you a lucid dream and let you become the queen of the kingdom. You can put your ideas into practice in your dream.


Emilia was about to argue with Igarashi, but she suddenly heard the other party's words and was stunned.

Can you control dreams?

It's okay to understand it that way.

What Igarashi did was to use his immense soul power to create a dream with a real human heart for Emilia.

If you know that everything is false, who wouldn't want to try what you want in your heart. Half an hour later, Emilia learned that Igarashi would not follow her into the room at all, so she lay on the bed and fell asleep with expectation and peace of mind.

She truly became the queen of the pro-dragon kingdom Lugnika.

Emilia, who was filled with surprise, implemented her ideas and made everyone live a better life.

When she heard the common people mention how nice it would be if they didn't have to pay taxes, Emilia ignored the officials' rebuttal and announced the cancellation of all taxes in the kingdom without hesitation. For a while, the common people praised the queen, and they all called the queen The Wise King, Emilia was extremely excited and wanted to show off to Igarashi when she woke up.

Then, she was pushed off the throne by the Council of Wise Men, while all the officials and guards in the palace watched indifferently.

The red-haired sword master Reinhardt sighed and told Emilia that the treasury was empty and could not provide funds. The various administrative systems of the kingdom had been paralyzed, and the soldiers maintaining security did not even have equipment to replace. If this continued, even if there were dragons The kingdom will collapse in praise.

Emilia, who was praised by the common people but also rejected by the entire palace, felt hesitant. When she opened her eyes again, she was back to the moment when she first became queen.

This time, Emilia knew that the treasury could not be without money, at least to maintain basic operations, so she decided to reduce taxes.

Emilia, who had no intention of invading other countries, cut back on military expenditures. She finally found a balance based on her experience in the last dream, allowing herself to be praised by civilians and loved by officials.

Then, other countries close to the kingdom launched assassinations, and the kingdom whose military protection force was greatly reduced began to suffer official casualties. When the whole country fell into chaos, the war began and blood flowed like a river. At this time, the sword master Reinhardt took action. , the war was calmed down under Emilia's surprised eyes, but it also caused Emilia to leave the throne and declare that she was not suitable to be a queen.

For the third time, Emilia finally discovered that it was almost impossible to make ordinary people happy through taxes. Without a large tax reduction, there would be no obvious effect at all, but a large tax reduction would definitely have many impacts. She did not continue Change taxes, and let officials with assets contribute some money with expectation and understanding to help civilians. The way to help is to directly give money to poor people who have no jobs, and give them enough to eat and drink every month. Spend the month without any worries.

This continued for a period of time, and Emilia found that more and more people were in need of help. She felt strange. After a routine financial aid, Emilia secretly followed a few of the people who were being helped, and then... When they were showing off, taking money, and showing off to people who were also struggling at the poverty line but relying on a low-paying job, the expressions of those working people gradually changed, and they said that they would also rely on the country next month. Give money to live by words like this.

The sad Emilia wanted to persuade, but when she opened her mouth, she didn't know what to say, so she could only persist silently.

Some officials left angrily because they found that the reward for working hard for the country was to be deprived of their family property by the king, while ordinary people could live a good life doing nothing.

Then, just as Emilia feared, the kingdom gradually fell into chaos again.

Chapter 721 Having a nightmare

She started over again, twice, and after ten times, Emilia finally realized with some despair that her kindness was really naive, and her efforts without asking for anything in return would not always end well, and she might even end up with a bad outcome. Bringing disaster to those around them and even to the entire country.

In the morning, when Emilia opened her eyes, there were tears on her face. She didn't bother to wipe them. She quickly changed her clothes and rushed out of the room. She happened to see Igarashi standing by the window in the corridor, looking out at the scenery. .

The dreams you asked me to have were all lies to me, right? You just wanted me to admit my mistake, so you deliberately created such a dream?

If the dream is completely fabricated, what's your fault?


Igarashi's words made Emilia's heart skip a beat, and she was surprised to find that her subconscious already thought she was wrong.

The dream is indeed fabricated by me. Ordinary dreams can't be so real. People's hearts are also real. It's better to say that I have hidden a lot of darkness for you. Now you are just a candidate for the king's election. Someone stole your badge and you were almost killed. After killing someone and becoming a queen, do you think your daily life can still be so smooth, leaving the palace to secretly follow civilians? Not to mention whether the civilians will recognize you, the palace knights will not agree to what you do.

Have you been watching?

Emilia's voice changed, and her reaction suddenly became louder. Igarashi thought about it carefully. It seemed that in the dream, Emilia had to bathe and change clothes. Tsk, it’s just a fantasy, there’s nothing to be excited about.

No, I just happened to see it. I spent more than one night in the dream, right? I couldn't see anything.

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