Well, we shouldn't expect any normal people in the Axis Order.

Cecily bowed respectfully to Aqua.

Then allow me to formally extend my greetings. This is my first time meeting you, Lady Aqua. I have heard about your deeds from Lady Jesta, the supreme leader of the cult. My name is Cecily. If you are of any use, please contact me. It’s a place where you can talk about anything!”

As Cecily said this, she showed a smile full of gentleness and love as if she were facing a loved one.

Igarashi almost knew why he thought Cecily was a pervert.

Hey, anything is okay? My socks seem to be about to get punctured. If I ask you to buy me a new pair, will you agree?

Of course, Aqua-sama! I will naturally serve you until you put on your socks...ah? What are you doing, why are you pulling on my clothes? No matter how beautiful my sister is, it is wrong to do such a thing!

Igarashi pulled Cecily's collar to the side.

How many people know that Aqua is a goddess?

I don't understand what you are talking about. Lady Aqua is Lady Aqua. She is the high priest who saved our city. She is the high priest whose name is exactly the same as the goddess Aqua we worship. It's just that The high priest whose name is the same as the goddess. I came to this city just to be Aqua-sama’s servant and live my life peacefully relying on Aqua-sama’s glory!”

Aqua, who also came over, kept tugging at the corners of Igarashi's clothes. Before she could tear her clothes to pieces, Igarashi spoke.

Uh... you are Miss Cecily, Megumin's acquaintance, right?

Don't be so formal. Just be casual. You can also call me Sister Cecily.

After glancing at Aqua, whose eyes were shining and wordlessly urging him, Igarashi knew that she wanted him to speak and let the Axis cultists hold the Aqua Festival. Igarashi continued.

This city will soon hold a thanksgiving ceremony for the goddess Eris, did you know...

I know! Of course I know! Those hateful Eris cultists put our Lady Aqua aside and planned an inexplicable festival like the Eris Festival! The festival is in summer, what do you think of when you think of summer? Yes, of course It’s the sea, the bathhouse, and the Axis Order. So what comes to mind when you think of festivals? Of course it’s also the Axis Order, leaving aside the Axis Order who love banquets, celebrations, and especially summer. , holding the Eris Festival in this season is simply provoking us, war, we can only start a war!

I didn’t expect Cecily to be so enlightened and worthy of being her disciple.

The light in Aqua's eyes became even more intense.

To sum up, let's assign the task next. I will smash the window glass of the Eris Church. Megumin will be responsible for announcing her name handsomely and clearing out the Eris believers who are angry and chasing me. You can just mix in. In the crowd, Aqua-sama is the one who says to himself meaningful words like [The evil Eris cultists have been punished by heaven!], so Aqua-sama can just drink some wine here, so let’s do it!”

The above words were said by Cecily, adding another one to her mental retardation.

Chapter 697 The Aqua Festival is going to be held

I won't go. I want you to go alone. If you don't do this kind of thing, everyone will call you and beat me. My name is written upside down.

After thinking about it carefully and discovering that Igarashi's name cannot be written backwards, Aqua, who was already excited and enthusiastic, began to persuade Cecily.

Well, I think we can hold a celebration similar to the Goddess Aqua's Thanksgiving Festival as a countermeasure.

Then the group came to Axel's commercial street, where the shopkeepers of various shops were preparing for the thanksgiving ceremony for the goddess Eris.

This is the first time we meet. I am Cecily, the head of the Axel branch of the Axis Order. I have important matters to discuss during this visit.

Please come back.

As expected, everyone knows what kind of guys the Axis Cult are.

Cecily was furious.

What's going on? I've asked you so politely and thoughtfully, so why should I be dissatisfied? Hmm... It seems that you want to refuse my request first and then take advantage of it, right? You will say so later, right - [Hehe Haha, the beautiful priestess of the Axis Order, if you want people to accept your request, you must first show a little sincerity] and then to my plump body...! How can I let you succeed, you weirdo? Cultist, I will show you the power of Axis Cultists.”

The man who was the president of the commercial district started to roll his eyes when Cecily choked him.

If you strangle someone to death or until they are unconscious, Aqua, as a fellow traveler, probably won't be able to stay in this city any longer. It's sad to think about it. The high priest... the high priest ended up in a situation where everyone was shouting and beating him.

The sarcastic words Igarashi said on the side made Aqua panic and made Cecily retract her hand.

Ahem, that's why I don't want to come into contact with people from the Axis Cult. Every time I have to risk my life to communicate, if I don't have a helper, I will probably die.

The commercial street president coughed several times and finally regained his breath.

Thank you, Mr. Igarashi, I was almost strangled to death by this crazy woman.

How dare you call me a crazy woman?

Cecily made a dissatisfied noise, causing the president of the commercial street to take a few steps back in fear.

Igarashi glanced at Aqua. In order for him to help, she had signed a series of unequal treaties with him, and they had to be fulfilled one by one at night, so just help. It is impossible to say that Eris wanted to be with Aqua. Competition also costs you something.

Celebrations like the Goddess Eris's Festival of Thanks must bring a lot of revenue to the commercial street, right?

Seeing that it was Igarashi who was asking, the shopping street president told the truth.

It would be a lie to say that you can't make money, but as the Demon King's Army has become more active in the past few years, the festival has become a little less grand. What's wrong?

Then how about letting Axel hold the Eris Gratitude Festival and the Aqua Gratitude Festival at the same time? The two sects are similar to rivals. With the character of the Axis Cult, they will deliberately compete with the Eris Cult. In this way, the scale of the celebration will become larger and larger, and the commercial street will benefit from it and have more customers and turnover, right?

After listening to Igarashi's words, the president was obviously moved. Igarashi decided to add fuel to the fire, and at the same time make Aqua, who became more and more lazy after getting rich, bleed a lot.

“Where does the money come from to hold the annual celebration?”

Funds? Most of the funds are donated by the Eris Order, and the remaining part is raised by nobles and our commercial street...

This time, the Axis Cult that wants to hold the Aqua Festival should also provide the funds. This can even be used as a measure. Whichever sect provides more money, more emphasis will be placed on hosting it. Festival.”

The president of the Commercial Street's eyes lit up. He seemed to see the crazy increase in sales. No matter what the result was, if the Axis Order was allowed to join, the Commercial Street would no longer have to spend money to make up for the lack of funds.

Let's do it, please do it like this!

Anyway, that's what happened.

Igarashi briefly summarized today's events with Chris, who reappeared after disappearing for a day.

Why?! I said, why is it like this? You obviously don't like working for free, why are you helping seniors? If this continues, I will have to put aside my own celebrations and go to help seniors at theirs. Is this such a stupid thing?

Because Aqua agreed to many of my requests. Do you want to hear about it? Or learn from it?

Chris, who was holding onto Igarashi's sleeves with tears in her eyes, trembled all over. She felt that her senior had made a great sacrifice, so it was better not to listen.

No, as expected, I'd better accept my fate. Anyway, it was like this before, and I was dragged to help by seniors.

Why do you have to help? Why don't you refuse? Otherwise, you will be like me and make various demands to Aqua.

Igarashi hates the fact that iron cannot become steel.

That's true...but when my senior asks me for something, I will help him without realizing it. I'm used to it now.

What a little angel.

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