I'm sorry, I went too far, but the only one who can bully you is me, well, and Igarashi. If anyone else dares to bully you, I will protect you!

Ding, Asia is protected by the evil god and can walk sideways from now on.

However, in Asia's eyes, Nayako is just an ordinary girl. How could she take her words seriously? When she heard that Nayako's words meant that she would continue to bully her in the future, Asia's eyes turned red again. This is the angel-sama. Are you talking about experience?

Seeing this scene, Nayako felt a little overwhelmed. She had just said comforting words, but the result was counterproductive. She couldn't help but look at Igarashi for help.

Asia, today I met two Holy Sword users, one named Xenovia and the other named Irina Wisteria. Do you know them?

Igarashi's question successfully diverted Asia's attention, and the girl nodded.

Well, they are my good friends and they have always protected me before. But this time I received the angel's revelation and came to you without telling them. Perhaps it is for this reason.

Then go meet them?

Let's forget it for now, otherwise...

Asia looked at Nayako pitifully. Although she always bullies her, Asia has regarded her as a good friend. But Xenovia and the others will be angry when they see Nayako say this. Asia is not I don’t want my good friends to get into a fight.

All right.

Igarashi has already seen what Asia is thinking, and he also has some plans of his own. If the Holy Swordsman finds out that Asia is living in his home early, trouble will inevitably occur, so he can maintain the status quo for the time being, just to let them accompany Linali.

As the supreme leader of the heaven, the Lord in the mouth of believers, the two holy swordsmen with devout faith, when they entered the city, most of the movements were controlled by Igarashi. Who told them to pray at all times? The pious voice, even at such a close distance, still entered Igarashi’s ears.

Chapter 603 The ten-winged fallen angel who wants to start a war and the childish ending

Kiba Yuuto owns the creation of the magical magic sword. The so-called magic sword does not only refer to the magic sword composed of the devil's magic power. It can also be a sword with magical effects, elemental swords such as fire and frost, and even bites against holy swords. Lightsabers can be created.

Unfortunately, the almost unlimited mass creation meant that the magic sword created by Kiba Yuto, who was not high enough at this time and was not pure enough in the use of artifacts, was of poor quality.

Xenovia faced the rushing Kiba Yuuto head-on, and cut off both swords in her hands with a simple slash with the Holy Sword of Destruction. Holding the Holy Sword of Destruction, which is known for its offensive power, Jay As a human, Nova defeated Kiba Yuuto, who had reached the level of an intermediate demon.

The Holy Sword user of the church and a dependent of Rias, the sister of the Demon King. If he has such a divine weapon, he must be a dependent that she values.

Suddenly, a strange voice came, and the power of light that was so thick that it was beyond the imagination of the Holy Swordsman and Kiba Yuuto covered the surrounding area. Just looking at the terrifying barrier that appeared made Xenovia sure that he could not destroy it. Turning to look at the figure standing in the air, there is a fallen angel with ten wings. If it is substituted into the angel level in the church records, this is a super-high angel after the four Seraphs, but Xenovia has not lost courage. .

Angels and fallen angels have signed an armistice agreement long ago. What do you want to do?

Kiba Yuuto also stood guard beside Jenova and Irina Wisteria. She had no pure malice towards the Holy Sword User, but the malice exuded by the fallen angel in the sky was undisguised, and with the thick The power of light and the sense of oppression are destroying the will of the girls all the time.

When we first met, I am Kokabiel. I just want to start a turmoil around this city occupied by demons. When Rias realizes that her family members are in danger and rushes over, it should be enough for me to kill them. Let angels and demons start a war, right?


Even Irina Wisteria looks a little pale. The cost of war is too heavy. Although she has not experienced it personally, the earnest advice in the epic is unsettling.

That's right, that's right! That's it! Ever since the war between the three clans ended, I have been feeling very boring. Azazel also has a very negative attitude towards the war. Instead, he is immersed in the research of artifacts. So, angel, Let me break the peace of devils and fallen angels!

What a complete war maniac.

Kabeel talked excitedly, and spent a lot of time, sensing the strong magic here. Rias, Shitori Sona, and Himejima Akeno appeared. The others could not be notified yet because the incident was too sudden. When they arrived, they were the only ones who came. The barrier that was originally extremely strong on the inside to prevent people from escaping, but only had a concealing effect on the outside, allowing people to enter at will, changed at this moment, making it impossible to enter or exit.

Rias, the sister of Demon King Lucifer, and Shitori Sona, the sister of Demon King Leviathan, have gained a lot this time. As long as I kill you all, the demons will definitely start a war.

It is a pity that Kokabil, who betrayed the Son of God Monitor Organization early on, lost his largest source of intelligence. Now the only information he has learned is the few people in front of him. In his knowledge, in addition to the remaining people who have not arrived in this city, Except for a few demon dependents, there is no strong one. Therefore, Kokabil has played the role of a villain very well, and he plans to stop talking nonsense, or to make a declaration as an absolute winner and enjoy the defeat. A feeble struggle.

The people present did not give him a chance. Since he was determined to be an enemy, Rias's destructive power, Himejima Akeno's lightning, and the Holy Swordsman's sword all landed on Kokabiel, but the gap was too big. .

The massive attack did not even make a sound of explosion. It was eliminated by Kokabiel with a light wave. The spear of light he threw casually was dozens of times larger than that of ordinary fallen angels. With just one blow, it was destroyed. Defeat everyone on the ground.

Looking at the people who were still struggling to stand up despite clearly feeling the insurmountable gap between the two sides, Kabir sneered.

It's really hard. You have obviously lost the master you serve, but you are still here without knowing the so-called battle.

what are you saying?!

The one who reacted the most violently was Jenova, and Irina Zitou also widened her eyes. The battle between the three clans was very fierce. It is said that God also participated, but the church's related records rarely describe it in detail except for warnings. , Xenovia had a terrible suspicion that she didn't want to believe.

Oh, I accidentally said it.

Kabeel's feigned panic made Jenova tense up and raised the Holy Sword of Destruction.

Answer, Kokabil!

Hahahaha, in the last war between the three clans, the god was already dead. He was pulled by the four demon kings and blew himself up to death. Holy Sword User, don't you have devout faith? Come on, raise the sword in your hand, Face the demons around you and avenge the God you believe in!


The next scene was not an internal conflict between the Holy Sword user and the devil. I didn’t even have time to appreciate the panic on the Holy Sword user’s face. But the barrier set up by Kabir was shattered like glass. The twelve-winged fallen angel, Governor Asa Sher appeared, and with just one blow, he knocked down the invincible Kokabil who had been raging like a demon.


The Governor of the Fallen Angels would actually take action against the cadres to save the Holy Sword User and the devil?

Facing those pairs of unbelievable eyes, Azazel, who had almost liberated all his strength except for the artificial artifact and came at full speed, smiled bitterly. If something happened to these people present, let alone whether it would happen. If a war was caused, the Guardian would definitely hate the Fallen Angels. He didn't want to imagine the consequences. With such a strong energy explosion, the Guardian didn't come forward. Apart from not wanting to be exposed, he just wanted to deal with his own people.

Although this guy is a bastard, he didn't lie. The former god in heaven is indeed dead.

As a being with twelve wings, Azazel's words were more convincing and more despairing, but his words did not stop there.

But since hundreds of years ago, there have been new gods in heaven, more powerful and benevolent gods, the two holy swordsmen, the Lord you believe in, has always been alive, and can always hear your voice, okay , I have finished my explanation, I will punish this traitor.

After saying that, Azazel, who was carrying Kokabiel, disappeared directly, and the people present breathed a sigh of relief as if they had been granted amnesty. When they came back to their senses, their foreheads were no longer covered with sweat. The twelve-winged fallen angel gave them The pressure is too much.

What? What is this?

Irina Ziteng murmured to herself like she was breaking down. First she learned about the death of God, and then she knew that the Lord she believed in was not the dead God, but another one. Is there more than one God? It gave me a headache. After knocking her head, Ziteng Irina sighed.

Obviously, at the beginning, I just wanted to come to Asia. Why did this happen to me?

Asia? Isn't this the name of the transfer student who is about to enter Kuou Academy?

Shitori Sona spoke belatedly, but her true thoughts were only known to her.


Chapter 604 There’s nothing to be afraid of anymore

Igarashi, who was secretly observing, had a sudden rush of thought in his heart, and he missed the idea of ​​taking Sona. That's right. Sirzechs suddenly forcibly terminated the engagement. How could it not be suspicious? In order to take Sona's cleverness, there was another one. The super girl-controlled Demon King sister must have known her identity now. Leviathan will not hide anything from her sister, and may even come directly to her door.

Thinking back to the Demon King who challenged him in a strange cosplay-like outfit, only to be blown away by him with a casual blow, Igarashi still doesn’t think it was his fault. Who asked her to challenge him wearing ordinary clothes? Is it possible? Do you still have to control your strength to only hurt his body but not his clothes?

In the future, more things may happen in Kuou Academy, so please pay attention.

Seeing that the matter was resolved, Igarashi left silently, while Xenovia and Irina Wisteria, whose faith was broken and re-established, stood there stupidly, looking at Rias and Shitori Aoi. Then there won't be much reaction if they disappear.

Jenova, what should I do? Lord, please guide the lost lamb.

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