No rush, no rush, at least wait until the three tribes actually sign a peace agreement.

Chapter 600 Holy Sword User

Linali was very distressed. She suddenly received an order to evacuate all her team members, leaving her alone. Originally, Linali would have thought that she had been ineffective for a long time, which aroused the dissatisfaction of her superiors and was demoted.

However, when all the team members were removed, they received financial support that was dozens of times more generous than before. At the same time, they obtained an artificial artifact specifically for fallen angels produced by the scientific research department of the Son of God Monitor Organization, which can greatly enhance the power of light. With her strength, Linali feels that she can defeat enemies who have reached the level of intermediate demons now. Even if she encounters high-level demons, she will not be in any danger.

The sudden favor left Linali confused and hesitant. She thought about what she had done during this period and tried to find the reason.

But the reason has not yet been found. Linali, who was walking on the road, discovered two figures, two figures full of the holy power of faith.

Fallen angel?

And the two figures also spotted Linali. The girl with pink twintails and the girl with short blue hair looked at each other, but they didn't show much vigilance. Angels and fallen angels had made peace many years ago. agreement.

Compared to the blue-haired girl, the other girl with twin tails was much more lively. She approached Linali with a comforting smile on her face.

Hello, have you met Saint Asia?


Yes, Saint Asia is the spokesperson of angels in this world. At the same time, she was reincarnated into an angel because of her devout faith. She is a role model for our generation. Xenovia and I came to protect her as Holy Sword Users. Next to me, um, Xenovia, why are you pinching me?

Saintess, wielder of the Holy Sword.

These are beings with a higher status than Linali, who is a two-winged fallen angel. Looking at the lively girl in front of her who revealed a lot of information to her without any scruples, Linali, who was originally a little troubled, smiled.

I have never heard of this name, but I live in a local unused church. If the saint you are talking about is really here, she will come to the church, right? What do you think, do you want to come and have a look, and stay here for a while?

Since when? I feel lonely from time to time.

Linali looked at the lively girl and felt that if she stayed in the church, she would bring a lot of fun to her.

Hey, Xenovia, what do you think? It just so happens that we don't have a place to live, so we came here early this time. By the time the church finds out, we might be so poor that we live on the streets.

Xenovia and Irina Irina are both human beings at present. They only have devout faith and the talent to control the holy sword before they become holy swordsmen with a high status in the church. They were originally the swords used by the church to fight. However, angels and The fallen angels had reached an armistice agreement early, and the demons were frightened by Igarashi and the four demon kings. They were recuperating after the civil strife. Except for the monsters that appeared from time to time, there was nothing left to fight.

Therefore, the Holy Sword user is a profession with high combat power and a very leisurely life.

As for me, I have no objection.

Compared with Irina Wisteria, Jenova is more like a warrior, with only the simple thoughts of fighting for God and angels in her mind. Although sometimes she can stop Irina Wisteria from stupid behavior, such as just meeting someone who doesn’t know the details. The fallen angel exposed all the information, but more often than not, Jenova himself would do something stupid, so it was better to remain silent at this time. She agreed with this proposal in her heart. In the holy church of the church There are no clergy, but fallen angels live there. What a shame.

Believers of God actually want to see the devil. What on earth is going on?

Rias sat on her seat, her family members stood behind her, looking at the two girls with considerable power in front of her and asking questions.

I am Irina Zitou, and she is Jenova, the holder of the Holy Sword of Mimicry and the Holy Sword of Destruction. This time I am here to find the Church Saint. It is said that she is in this city.

Church saint? When she heard this word, Rias already had a guess in her mind, but her face remained calm.

So what do you want us demons to do?

I hope the devil will not interfere with our search for the Saint, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

A pure warrior, Xenovia's attitude is not friendly. After all, the church and the devil can't stand each other. Even if there is no large-scale battle for a long time, there are constant small frictions.

That's really not polite. Are you trying to say that we will harm the Saint or you Holy Swordsmen?

In that case, we will completely eliminate you, even if you are the Demon King's sister.

For Rias, Xenovia's words at this time were no different from provocation. Although the opponent had a holy sword, he was still a human with poor physical fitness. If a fight broke out, although there would be a stalemate for a long time, in the end It should be Rias's side that wins, not to mention Shitori Sona and her family members who are also nearby. They will also help when they see the battle between the devil and the Holy Sword user.

However, when she remembered that Igarashi called the four-winged angel a friend and even lived together, Rias was secretly unhappy and did not want to get into too much trouble with the Holy Sword User.

In the name of Gremory, I will not do anything to hinder you, nor will I assist you. Is this enough?

Of course, then we take our leave.

Xenovia knew that he was not a likable character, but asking Irina to negotiate was not only not serious enough, but the topic was also likely to go astray. After getting Rias's promise, she stood up and prepared to leave.

Speaking of which, can a saint fall in love?

A saint can survive only by her love for God. Love, friendship, family affection, these unnecessary emotions are all superfluous to a saint.

Oh, I see.

Rias had already determined in her heart that the four-winged angel guarded by Seraph was the so-called saint. Watching Xenovia and Irina Wisteria leave, the smile on Rias's face became a little deeper. When this cold saint What kind of expression would the swordsman feel when he found out that the so-called saint was living with someone of the opposite sex?

Hey, Xenovia, the way the demon princess looked just now seems to know the whereabouts of the saint.

This is good news for us. It at least confirms that the Saint is indeed in this city and is protected by the great Seraph. Nothing will happen to the Saint. We will be able to find her in a short time.

Chapter 601: Is your faith only worth one meal? !

Linali, what are you doing?

Seeing Linali change into a girl's posture and change into a school uniform, Irina Wisteria blinked curiously.

My current name is Yuma Amano, and I am a student at Kuou Academy.


The church also has a special fighting school, but if Jenova and Irina Shitou spend too much time on ordinary courses, it will be a waste of their fighting talents. More importantly, they still learn how to fight, as well as angels and fallen angels. And all kinds of demons.

Well, it's not that important. I'll leave first.

Staring blankly at Linali, who transformed into Amano Yuma, and left, Irina Wisteria was a little confused for a moment, and then she held her stomach pitifully.

Um, Jenova, I'm so hungry.

Although we still have some funds, it's better to save a little. There is no church in the local area, and we don't have bank cards or anything like that. As the church's secret holy sword user, we don't even have identification, so we might run into some trouble, so Ellie Na, please be patient for a while.

Most of the time, Irina Wisteria listens to Xenovia's words.

Okay, what should we do now? Start looking for the Holy Lady in the city?

Starting from Kuou Academy, I suspect there is information about the Saint there.

Igarashi went to the student union and informed Shitori Sona about Asia's transfer to another school. He originally thought that she would refuse like Rias, but unexpectedly the other party agreed very easily, which surprised Igarashi. However, this was a good thing. Igarashi didn't want to go into details, so he said thank you and turned around to leave.

Rias's engagement was canceled so easily and so decisively. Your face allowed the Demon King to lower his body and attack the superior demon family. Now you are related to the four-winged angel blessed by the Seraph. Igarashi, you Who is it? Could it be...

With his eyes fixed on the direction Igarashi left for a long time, Shitori Sona planned to take the initiative to contact his troublesome sister to confirm his suspicions.

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