Something is pressing on me.

Why is this happening? According to the arrangement in the room, it was impossible for anything to fall, so what appeared on her body should be some kind of creature. Gurefia would not be so bold as to attack her at night, and if it was her, she would just enter the door. You can feel it yourself.

Uh, Nayako.

Igarashi opened his eyes from his sleep and looked strangely at the cute white-haired creature wearing pink pajamas in front of him.

I tried to sneak over at night like Nyarlathotep.

Nayako, who was sitting on Igarashi, crossed her hands and looked proud.

...Is this a joke?

Tsk, of course not! Don't you have a little surprise? A beautiful girl comes to attack you in the middle of the night or something!

It's quite shocking. It's been a long time since I've met someone who can hide from my senses. And he suddenly appeared at such a close distance. I was so scared that I stood on my back.

Igarashi was secretly surprised when he saw Nayako pouting in dissatisfaction.

What? Did you encounter something troublesome? Did any unscrupulous shopkeeper cheat you out of money today? Or did you buy something that was not as good as you imagined?

As a being from the order camp, if Igarashi makes no secret of his high status, he will make many people obey his advice, and naturally he will not encounter any unscrupulous shopkeepers. But Nayako is different. As an evil god, if she does not suppress her status Her character would make ordinary people lose their sanity and turn them into lunatics. However, with her suppressed character, she looks very cute, or in other words, easy to bully.

That's not true. I, Nayako-sama, am an evil god. Apart from the fact that I had no experience the first time, I was the only one who deceived others after that. No one could deceive me.

So Lord Evil God is lonely?

Igarashi was just talking casually, but Naiko, who was in high spirits before, suddenly became silent. This kind of talk about something important made Igarashi shocked, but after all, he had experienced a lot, and Igarashi Shilan quickly sorted out his words.

Hmm... If Nayako-sama has any requests from now on, I'm willing to help, whether it's delicious food, or playing games with you, etc. Even if it's a completely stealth game like you mentioned before, just give me some time and I can do it. Once you create it, as long as you suppress the power, it should be quite interesting.


Nayako became that energetic look again, Igarashi breathed a secret sigh of relief and nodded.

“Be true to your word.”

Then come with me to buy game comics!

Chapter 591 Shopping and Uninvited Guests


Looking at the bookshelf filled with novels, comics, and many games in the store, Nayako's eyes gleamed, and even his stupid hair trembled. In this world, otaku culture has finally developed to the point where it is prosperous enough.

Oh oh oh, Black Light Brave's Blu-ray disc, and it's also a limited edition with a bonus figure!

The excited Nayako did not worry about her voice. Although it was already night, there were still many customers, or otakus, in the store. They were startled at first when they saw the cute appearance of Nayako, who is the same kind. , and then saw Igarashi next to her, and after discovering that the two were slightly intimate, it was pure hostility. The lone wolves could not tolerate a man and a woman coming to this holy place together.

However, they did not have the guts to express their dissatisfaction through further actions.

What's going on with these 18-ban fandoms? They're shameless. It's so shameful! Just buy it.

The brilliance bursting out of Nayako's green eyes was like a divine light, and her whole body fell into a state of passion.

Igarashi secretly observed all the things Nayako bought, and was surprised by the wide range of evil spirits. The only thing that can comfort him now is that Nayako thinks that beautiful girls are cute, but does not think that beautiful boys are cute, and has no regard for boys. What kind of interest is that? Otherwise, every time Igarashi stays at home and sees Nayako playing fuxiang games from time to time, he will be very confused.

Have you ever been exposed to these things?

In a secluded corner, Igarashi looked at Nayako's excitement with curiosity. As an Outer God and Evil God, she should have seen a lot of the world like herself. In modern times, these things usually exist.

Didn't I say it before? There are very few worlds with life, and even fewer with the earth. This is indeed the first time I have seen entertainment that has matured to this point. Hehe, if the previous world developed to In modern times, as an evil god, I would be rejected by the mature will of the world, but this time, thanks to you, I swallowed the fragment of the will of the world, and I have avoided a lot of troubles since then, thank you, Igarashi.

With a happy face, Nayako looked at Igarashi and looked at her half-human novels, comics, and games with gratitude in her eyes.

Therefore, the evil god is quite lonely.

There is neither the breath of the master nor the breath of the companion, and there is not even a little bit of magic power. He is not a demon, nor an angel.

A black magic circle symbolizing corruption covered the shop, isolating a small space. A male fallen angel wearing a coat and a high hat came out, his eyes lingered on Nayako for a moment, and then he looked straight at her. Igarashi.

You can't feel the artifact at all. You are just an ordinary person who is trying to make things up, right? You used your sweet words to make that idiot Linali let you go.

The male and Linari are both two-winged fallen angels. It turns out that he is a member of the team and Linari is the captain. Naturally, he is dissatisfied. Hearing Linari say that he wants to be a student at Kuoh Academy for a long time, after investigating Igarashi, he felt deeply The ignorant Transik came directly, planning to deal with Igarashi neatly. After that, he reported Linali's dereliction of duty to the headquarters and replaced her as the team leader.

Oh, oh, there's something going on.

Nayako twisted her neck and seemed eager to try. Igarashi, who noticed her state, knew that this was because the evil god had been honest for too long. He took a step back and handed over the fallen angel in front of him who was showing his murderous intention unabashedly. Gave it to the evil god.

Nayako, I'll leave him to you. I've put up a barrier again so no one will notice.

Then, please watch carefully. The scary thing about CQC in the universe is the close combat technique.

When the two-winged fallen angel saw Igarashi asking Nayako to deal with him, what else did he want to say? Generally speaking, such low-level existences talk a lot of nonsense, but it's a pity that Nayako didn't give him a chance.

Cum from the beginning to the end!

Shouting like the protagonist of a hot-blooded drama, Nayako pushed towards Transik. Seeing the girl's lack of energy fluctuations, Transik didn't even try to dodge. He planned to resist and use the fallen angel to fight. Her physical strength, which is much stronger than that of ordinary people, tells the people in front of her of her stupidity.


The belly of the two-winged fallen angel was pierced by Nayako's kick, and blood spurted out. This bloody scene made the dark smile on Nayak's face deepen, and he took out a rather sharp piece from under her skirt. The stone was smashed at the fallen angel. Transik, who had spread his wings a moment ago and arrived majestically, was already on the verge of death. Even breathing was extremely difficult, and he fell to the ground like a ball of rotten meat.

...Well, can you give him a simple way to die?

Even Igarashi, who had never been merciful to his enemies, felt a little intolerant at this time. This was a one-sided killing. Nayako could clearly turn the opponent into ashes with one blow, but she was extremely restrained and used gentle power. Seeing the wanton look on the evil god's face, Igarashi shuddered to prevent the other party from being killed immediately.

At this time, Transic even cast a grateful look at Igarashi.


With a fierce stamp on Transic, the fallen angel was instantly shattered by the extreme power and turned into flying ash. Naiko, whose face was stained with a few drops of blood, wiped the non-existent sweat on her forehead and asked Igarashi Show a pure smile.

This is Cosmic CQC.

Close combat? Igarashi didn't see the fight, only a violent punch and kick.

...Thank you for your hard work, then, let's go home?

Igarashi spoke cautiously, fearing to offend Nayako and asking her to perform Universe CQC again.

Well, I'm going to pay.

Nayako jumped up and ran to the cashier with a bunch of things. Fortunately, the blood stains on her body had disappeared, otherwise the poor cashier lady would have been scared to death.

One moment her face was filled with bloodlust, and the next moment she turned into an innocent girl. Is this the evil god? He really does whatever he wants.

Igarashi was indeed a little uneasy before, but when he thought about it carefully, it was precisely because Nayako was such an evil god who could express emotions intuitively, so when she got along with him, the mood she showed should also be true. In this case, she felt relieved. .

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