Is it possible that you want to have a teacher-student relationship with me?

This proposal is very tempting.


Igarashi's silence made Nayakou curl her lips in disdain.

Tch, coward.

The gap in strength left Igarashi speechless. This huge gap often prevented Igarashi from treating Nayako as a girl. Although he and Nayako had been together for such a long time, Igarashi Arashi asked himself that he undoubtedly liked Nayako, but what did this period of time mean to an evil god whose lifespan might be countless times longer than that of a god? Igarashi didn't know, so he had to change the subject.

Most human beings in this world are accustomed to daily life without supernatural beings. Nayako, please don't use the crowbar to perform the cosmic CQC fighting skills. I still want to enjoy daily life, please!

Well, I understand. When I go out, I will just lower my presence and no one will notice anything.

So it's just that people can't find it, rather than not doing it.

Igarashi sighed helplessly and took out a bank card.

There is some money in here, probably a few million yen. If you like something, buy it. Pay it carefully.

This is financial support from heaven, money raised by the church.

Oh, I'm going shopping!

Nayako took the bank card and ran out happily. Gurefiya, who was watching quietly from the side, showed a motherly smile.

You really love Miss Nayako.

Love, this word is a bit wrong.

Igarashi is a little helpless. He should be trying to please this great god who has the ability to destroy the world. What is fortunate now is that Nayako looks like a cute girl, and Igarashi does not feel embarrassed to please her. If it is anything A big man with a terrifying appearance, Igarashi couldn't find a way to get out of his opponent's perception and even died together.

Although Gulefia had heard Igarashi say that Nayako was very strong, she had not seen him use any methods for such a long time. She was addicted to novels and comics all day long, and she already felt that Igarashi used to dote on Nayako. I just said that, but now I realize that there is something in Igarashi's words, and I can't help but wonder.

What's wrong?

Infinite Dragon God, have you heard of it?

The existence mentioned by Igarashi made Gurefia look in awe.

Well, he is well-deserved number one among the top ten strongest men in the world.

After a slight pause, Gurefia looked at Igarashi, smiled brightly, and added.

But I don't think you are any weaker than her.

Igarashi continued without explaining whether he or the Infinite Dragon God was stronger.

The Infinite Dragon God was driven out of the dimensional rift by the Red Dragon God Emperor. The Red Dragon God Emperor is stronger than the Infinite Dragon God, and Nayako is stronger than the Red Dragon God Emperor. She has the ability to destroy the world.


Destroying the world or something is impossible, right?

Even the Demon King level could only destroy a large city. Gurefia really couldn't believe that there was any existence that could destroy the world. The war between the three clans only reduced a large area of ​​the underworld to rubble.

Seeing the seriousness in Igarashi's eyes, Gulefiya's heart gradually rose and she asked cautiously.

What if Nayako encounters something troublesome outside...?

That's why I persuaded her like that before. But for such a long time, Nayako has stayed with me at the border of the underworld. Naturally, I can't say anything more now. If someone who doesn't have the foresight offends her, I can only The trouble angels have cleared up the storm.

Chapter 583 Very Popular

Igarashi believes that teaching is a very simple job. After all, the students at Kuoh Academy are of high quality. Of course, this does not refer to their appearance, but their learning quality. Even if it is a difficult problem to understand, as long as he has a little If you explain it, with the clever minds of these people, they should be able to understand it quickly.

Teacher, do you have a girlfriend? If not, what do you think of me? If you do, how about having a lover?

It's class time now, please be serious.

Faced with the teasing of these guys, Igarashi spoke righteously, but this gesture only made the laughter in the classroom even more obvious.

But the course has been completed, and it should have been overfulfilled, right? We have already understood it, shouldn't the teacher give us a reward?

Those who enroll in Kuoh Academy are all the proud girls of heaven. The class Igarashi is teaching in front of them is the first grade of Kuoh Academy. Originally, high school mathematics was slightly more difficult than junior high school mathematics. As a result, this group of young geniuses turned out to be in fifth grade. Julan was able to fully comprehend the contents of one chapter under his not-so-skilled teaching. Even if Igarashi was surprised and asked a few questions on the spot, almost everyone could answer them.

Thinking that there is still some time before the end of get out of class, the original plan of covering almost two classes for one chapter has turned into one chapter for one class, and there is even some leftover. The students who were quite honest at first are now in a frenzy, relying on their good study. , the crowd began to tease Igarashi.


Now Igarashi begins to understand how helpless it was for the teacher to distract himself from studying the rules during class because of his excellent academic performance. Tell me, the other person's study is completely fine. Don't tell me, the other person is obviously not. What a conscientious student should look like.

Forget it, just think of it as a greeting when you first enter the campus. What reward do you want?

Looking at Yingying Yanyan in front of her, this is one of the classes she needs to teach mathematics. They are all girls. Igarashi is not easy to get angry. In other words, the scene in front of him is quite pleasing to the eye, and his compromise makes The classroom suddenly burst into cheers, and many people in Kuoh Academy, which was quiet during the class period, heard it.

Teacher, please give me your contact information!

I want to be your girlfriend!

The classroom became noisier than before. Igarashi sighed, heard the bell ringing, and started to pack his things.

As for contact information, I don't have a mobile phone yet. I will buy one in the future, a girlfriend or something. I am very happy to have many girlfriends. Are you willing? Let the reward be replaced by help. If you have any difficulties, you can come to me for help. , preferably financially, this is the simplest, okay, get out of class is over.

Heaven and the underworld are two different worlds from the real world. Mobile phones have only appeared in the modern world in the past ten years. Living in the underworld for a long time, Igarashi has not had time to use the modern products of this world. He will buy a mobile phone later. Currently, he can only If used in this world, there will be no signal in the underworld and heaven.

Igarashi left the classroom followed by a few of the boldest girls. They were so evil that they offered to buy Igarashi a mobile phone or something. Naturally, Igarashi rejected them. How could they be given free rein?

In the distance, from a high-rise window of a building similar to an auditorium, a girl with long red hair looked at the busiest place in the entire Kuoh Academy for a long time. She looked at Igarashi carefully for a while, and then sat back on a chair in the dark room. Staring at the chessboard in front of him in trance.

Akino, do you know who he is?

The girl named Rias asked a question without thinking, but the girl standing next to her with a long black ponytail did not show any doubts. She gave an answer almost as soon as she finished speaking.

The human named Igarashi can basically confirm that he does not have the magic power of demons, the power of light of fallen angels, or the holy power of angels. Perhaps he is just an ordinary person with extraordinary temperament, and it is not ruled out that he is a divine weapon. Holder, why is the minister interested in him? Are you as excited as those little girls?

Although you can feel his charm towards girls just by watching from a distance, I am not that kind of ignorant girl. You should understand, Akeno, pay attention, if he really has a magical weapon or extraordinary qualifications , I want to use the devil chess pieces to reincarnate him into my dependent...

Rias's words made Himejima Akeno's eyes flash, and she spoke meaningfully.

Minister, are you planning to have the first male in your family?

It's too early to tell.

The conversation between Rias and Akeno Himejima did not escape Igarashi's ears. Regardless of the fact that the other party wanted to reincarnate himself into a demon, Igarashi was interested in the so-called third member of Rias's family. One man was a little surprised. Although he had changed a lot of things, it probably didn't affect Rias.

Thinking about it, Igarashi slowly returned to his office, only to find that there were already many people in the office, including some girls from the class he taught just now, as well as the student council president Shitori Sona and vice president Shinra Tsubaki.

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