Heige was very polite, but her words also contained an indifference that could make people feel distant. As she spoke, she moved to the bedside.

I'm sorry for bothering you. I'm leaving now. If Heige succeeds in the future, I'll come back to repay your kindness.

Although it was a pity that she didn't see Gurefia, she felt it was dangerous where men were present.

Your body has not recovered yet. As a mandrill in the Nekomata clan, you need to make up for the energy deficit now, otherwise it will be harmful to the future. Okay, since you don't want to see me, I will leave now and have a good rest.

The flowers haven't bloomed yet, but they are already thorny.

Igarashi was too lazy to enlighten the children. Although Kuroka Mirai was very charming, Igarashi would not humble himself to gain favor. After speaking, he simply turned around and closed the door and left.

This attitude made Kuroka's eyes widen. Now that he knew that he was a mandrill with extraordinary potential, this attitude was really... damn, I'm not the kind of person who makes people hate him.

Kuroka snorted angrily. She didn't know whether she was irritated by Igarashi's attitude or realized that the other party was not a bad person. She originally planned to leave, but she lay back on the bed honestly. The little action just now made her feel every fiber of her body. The whine of the cells, hungry, starving to death, and tired, also exhausted to death.

excuse me.

There was another knock on the door, and Heige frowned, thinking it was the man named Igarashi who was leaving and returning, but what he heard was a mature female voice.

The visitor had silver hair and was filled with terrifying magic power. Thinking of Nayako's words before, Kuroka's eyes widened.

Are you Lady Greyfia?

Sir, just call me by my name. Of course, you can also call me sister, little one.

Chapter 579 Discovering the Demon King’s Blood Relatives

Sister, why are you...

Originally, Kuroka wanted to ask why Gurefiya was here and why she had disappeared for so long. Facing this female idol, she wanted to ask a lot, but suddenly she thought that she might not be qualified to know these things. Halfway through, Heige changed the subject.

Why do you live with that bad guy?

The bad guy? You mean Lord Igarashi? He is very nice. Do you have any misunderstandings?

Gurefia's strange appearance made Heige question herself. If she thought about it carefully, she realized that the other party was her savior. Although she was barely speaking normally just now, her attitude was definitely not the attitude towards her savior. It was enough to make people anger.

No, no, sister, can I leave? If I stay here, something bad will happen to you. I'm wanted.

In Kuroka's mind, Gurefia is still the highest-level demon of the past, a neutral being hunted by the old Demon King's faction. She cannot help him, and may even cause some trouble because of herself.

Don't worry, it won't be easy to find you here. Even if you are found, no demon will dare to act arrogantly. Take a good rest and I won't disturb you for now.

Kurofia took Gurefia's words as comfort. After all, whether it was Igarashi or Nayako, Kuroka couldn't feel the slightest bit of magic from them. The only real strong one was Gurefiya. .

Thinking of his sister, Heige suddenly felt a little desperate. He killed the direct members of the superior demon family and fled. Those guys wouldn't take it out on his sister, right?

On the other side, Igarashi looked at Gurefia who was hesitant to speak in front of him and said bluntly.

I want to plead for Heige and let me help her eliminate the demon's pursuit. After all, she is still too young, isn't she?


I have already told Sirzechs that I have used the power of the Demon King to cancel the pursuit of her. She also has a younger sister who has also become Sirzechs' younger sister's dependent.

Igarashi actually managed all the things he finally mustered up the courage to ask?

Gulefiya's eyes were shining brightly, and she began to worry about gains and losses.

Would this make the demons dissatisfied?

Dissatisfied? Angels only have four Seraphs in power. Fallen Angels are the governor and his right-hand man and a few cadres. Demons, in addition to the four demon kings, there are seventy-two superior demon families. Apart from the current The four great demon kings once had more than sixty families, which is too many.

In Igarashi's words, guys with lower strength than the Demon King level and the Twelve Wings of Angels seemed not worth mentioning, but in fact, Gulefia knew that even the Demon King level was not worth mentioning to the people in front of her. .

Shaking her head and not thinking too much, she was just a little maid after all. However, Gurefiya leaned in to kiss Igarashi's side face, and then stepped back with a blushing face.

I'm going to see how Miss Nayako is doing.

Looking at Gurefia's gorgeous back, Goshiran was thinking about the possibility of pushing Gurefiya while Nayako wasn't paying attention.

Before I leave, let me give you a small gift.

After all, Kuroka had no intention of staying here. She decided to leave, leave the underworld, and visit the real world. However, Igarashi did not hold back and handed her a shiny crystal.

This is?

The gadgets I made may be useful to you. Of course, whether they are useful or not, they are all my hard work, so you must accept them well.

Igarashi's joke caused Kuroka to chuckle. He held the crystal tightly and raised his head to look deeply at the guy who, although he rarely appeared in front of him during this period, had been taking care of him. Hearing what Gulefia said , even the extremely delicious meals he has been eating were cooked by him.

Besides, you don't actually have to leave the underworld. There won't be any demons chasing you now, I promise.

Igarashi, who had bloodyly cleaned up the Naberius family, the dishonest superior demon family, showed a soft smile, as if the evil name that was getting worse in the underworld did not refer to him.

Won't he be hunted down again?

Heige was stunned, lowered his head to prevent the guy in front of him from seeing the trembling in his eyes, and whispered.

I'm sorry, thank you.

Heige still didn't want to stay, she knew that she was useless now.

Well, take care.

Watching Kuroka leave, Gurefia turned to look at Igarashi.

What is that crystal? Originally, I wanted to lend her the Angel Tears for a while.

Yes, by the way, Gurefia cherishes the angel tears given by Igarashi.

The Law Crystal can speed up her strength improvement a little, and it can also play a protective role if there is danger.

Light, the holy light full of faith suddenly appeared at the border of the underworld.

This level of light can only come from the four Seraphs in heaven.

Gabriel, supported by the most beautiful woman in heaven, came here and happened to see Igarashi and Gurifia standing outside the barrier.

Lord Kami.

Maybe it was because one was an angel and the other was a devil, or maybe it was because they were particularly jealous of beautiful women, but the looks Gabriel and Gulefia looked at each other were not friendly at all.

Ahem, what's the matter?

Sensing the tense atmosphere between the two, Igarashi opened his mouth to disrupt it, causing Gabriel's eyes to become complicated. He no longer looked at Gurefia but bowed his head respectfully to Igarashi.

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