Hmph, isn't the Reincarnation Pond enough to prove how much he values ​​angels? You all know how important the power of faith is, right? Accept it with gratitude!

In the past, God had the whole world in his heart, and alone sealed the terrifyingly powerful Beast King 666. He spent the rest of his free time practicing in the Supreme Heaven with the power of faith to cope with all crises. He had previously led the angel clan to participate in the war between the three clans, and was regarded as an angel. The closest thing to God, and for this reason, angels do not lack faith, but lack love for God. Otherwise, if angels with such pure faith see God die, it will not be as simple as just some angels falling into heaven.

On the other side, the Fallen Angel Center of the Underworld stopped the Son of God's Monitor Headquarters. Azazel suddenly spread the wings on his back. His original fallen angel form only had ten wings, but now he suddenly had twelve wings.


Shemhasa, who was working on making artifacts with him, opened his eyes suddenly. Whether it was an angel or a fallen angel, the number of wings represented the strength of the force, and these twelve wings were in the form of a seraph.

...A new god appeared in the heaven, and changed the program and the conditions for the fallen angels, and also lifted the suppression of the fallen angels.

Azazel turned his head and looked at the twelve wings behind him, full of sighs. He used to be a Seraph-level figure before he fell into the sky. After becoming a fallen angel, he was weakened to ten wings, and now he has turned into twelve wings again. .

New God? Is it Michael?

All fallen angels were once angels. Knowing that Michael was the worthy second among angels, Shemhasa couldn't help but guess.

Although Michael is a good old man, he will not lift the suppression of the fallen angels. Moreover, angels and gods are two kinds of existence, and angels cannot be the true managers of the program.

Shaking his head and rejecting Shemhasa's guess, Azazel remembered the news he had received a few hours ago. At the border, a strong power of Holy Light appeared. It was the pure Holy Light whose faith had not changed. Thinking of living in The existence of boundaries is already somewhat clear in my mind.

Gurefia, you have become an angel's lackey!

Looking at the top-level demon that was eroded to death by the holy light, other demons from the Old Demon King Sect roared. In fact, they saw that the strange creature with flame wings summoned by Gurefia killed the top-level demon so easily. The first reaction would be to run away, but now, with the strongest of the old Demon King sect present, they have nothing to fear.

Rizevim Li Huaen Lucifer is the descendant of Lucifer among the previous four demon kings. He is also the undisputed strongest among the demon clan now. He has even begun to show stronger power than his dead father.


Gurefia frowned. With the help of Angel Tears, she had killed all the murderers who destroyed her family. She should have fulfilled her promise and returned to repay her kindness, but now she was besieged by the old Demon King's faction.

Is this thing summoned by the necklace in your hand? A divine weapon? Hand it over and I will spare your life.

Rizevim, who was wearing gorgeous robes, glanced at the thing called the Supreme Seraph and showed no fear. Although the Holy Light is the nemesis of the devil, if the devil is strong enough, it can also restrain the Holy Light. Rizevim I feel that I may not be able to restrain the holy light of this thing, but it is not difficult to dodge its attack, kill Gurefia and then seize the necklace.

Oh, I am not the owner of Angel's Tears. I still want to return the things to him. Even if I die today, I will not give them to you!

Looking at the gorgeous necklace in her hand, Gurefia's eyes flashed with tenderness and guilt. Now that she has rejected the recruitment of the New Demon King Faction, she has no allies at all. The only people who really help are this necklace and the original savior. But Now, even the things given to him by his benefactor will be taken away?

Gurefia, who is still the top demon now, has to face Rizevim, who is more than just a junior demon king. Even with the tears of angels, there is no chance of winning. Rizevim can withstand the attack of the supreme seraph without dying, but Gurefia couldn't resist Rizevim's attack, not even for a moment.

As if to vent his anger, Supreme Heaven Chitian used a wide range of skills to instantly wipe out all the demons around him except Lizevim. Even though he tried his best to control it, Gurefiya was still affected by the attack and vomited blood. She looked at the somewhat embarrassed Li Zewei. Mu smiled sadly.

I said, even if I die, I won't give it to you!

Magic power began to surge crazily, and Gurefiya prepared to self-destruct. At the same time, she ordered the supreme Seraph to use the strongest method of annihilating all enemies regardless of friend or foe, in order to drag Rizevim to death together.


Rizevim roared angrily when he saw Gurefia's actions. He could look at the tragic death of his subordinates with a smile. At this moment, he was frantically using his ability to invalidate the artifact, but found that it had no effect, and hurriedly retreated backwards.

It's quite crazy, Grafia, okay, here I come.

A new voice came from the battlefield where the power surged. Someone stepped here, heard the familiar voice, and saw the person. Gurefia, who was determined to self-destruct, showed a weak look on her face, and suddenly stopped everything and died together. Actions.

You are...that one!

Li Zeweim thought of some rumors about the origin of the necklace in Gurefiya's hand, and instantly his whole body tensed up and his hair stood on end. He did not expect that Gurefiya would actually be favored by the guardian who protected the three tribes.

Don't be that person, my name is Igarashi, please understand me.

Chapter 575 Solution

The somewhat frivolous way of speaking that was inconsistent with the status of a strong man made Rizevim stunned. After seeing the faint smile on Igarashi's face, he couldn't help but smile. Could it be that this was him expressing his gratitude to the strongest person in the future? Demon King shows his favor?


After giving Rizevim a light slap and knocking him unconscious, Igarashi asked Gurefia.

What do you want to do with him?

The most powerful demon at present, Rizevim, who pushed himself to a dead end even with the Tears of Angels, was just knocked unconscious by the opponent's light palm from the air without saying a word?

Even though she knew how powerful Igarashi was, Gurefia's eyes widened, and then she shook her head with a wry smile.

This is the result of your victory. Gulefia will not judge arbitrarily.

Well, it seems that you and him don't have any blood feud. That's fine. This guy might be of some use. I'll brainwash him.

Saying that, Igarashi used the law to directly erode Rizevim. Even when he was awake, he would not be able to resist, let alone being comatose now. Gurefiya could not see the law, but she could feel a sense of terror. The mystery appeared, but she had been shocked by Igarashi many times and was already a little numb. Even when she heard the slightly dark word brainwashing, she didn't react much.

In addition to absolute loyalty, Rizevim also ordered that the old Demon King Faction should not embarrass Gurefia again, and also ordered the New Demon King Faction to win. Igarashi hesitated in place as he watched the great revenge being avenged and the crisis resolved. Gurefia spoke as if she was trying to repay a favor.

So, my family is in need of a lovely maid. Can Miss Greyfia come with me?


Is this humiliating? If someone else said this, it might be humiliating to Gurefia, but when Igarashi said it, it was exactly what Gurefia wanted. The other party had far more power than herself. Gurefia It's hard to think of any ability to repay the favor. If the other party wishes, Gulefia is willing to be his maid.

By the way, I have a little girl at home. She is very strong. You don't have to be too afraid, but don't lose your etiquette.

I understand the duty of a maid. I also know the duty of a maid. The Lucifer family used to provide maids for the Demon King Lucifer.

At the end of the story, Gurefia looked sad. The family that once supported the old Demon King was destroyed by the old Demon King's faction. What a joke.

Of course, people like Gulefia, who have reached the level of the highest-level demon, are at the top of the family. Things like maids will be handled by unqualified people. However, Gulefia also learned the corresponding etiquette when she was young. Although she behaves After developing his talent, he was trained by his family to become a high-end combat power, but he has not forgotten it.

It wasn't until a few hours after Igarashi left with Gurefiya that Rizevim woke up leisurely, looked at the ruins around him, and sent a signal to summon the strong men of the old Demon King's faction stationed in the distance.

grown ups.

The top demons looked horrified when they saw Rizevim in tattered clothes, but they instinctively knelt down on one knee, humbled to an unimaginable level. Their bodies even trembled faintly, for fear that the ruthless Rizevim would kill him to vent his anger.

The old Demon King's faction should stop pursuing Gurefia. Also, clean up this place.

This order came suddenly, and one of the top demons couldn't help but frown. Ever since Gurefiya killed many strong men of the old Demon King's sect, this feud has been forged, how can it be resolved so easily.

I'm afraid not...


Before the demon could finish his words of dissuasion, he was completely swallowed up by Rizevim's magic power. Although he had no power to fight back under Igarashi, Rizevim was still the strongest among the demons. This terrifying power made the other demons tremble. Trembling, he lowered his head deeply. Rizevim, who was just affected by the law but did not change his character, glanced at his subordinates coldly.

Who else has an opinion?

Silence, deathly silence, Gurefia killed many demons from the old demon sect to make enemies, but Rizevim himself killed more. He was a tyrant, a tyrant that no one could resist.

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