Igarashi wanted to study the law, but this great god who could not be controlled by anyone was sitting next to him. Igarashi was really afraid that when he was studying, the other person would help and make him vomit blood or something.

Actually, this is the first time I have been able to stay in a world for so long. Thanks to your fragments. As the guy who took away my first time, please take responsibility for me. Besides eating, what else can you do? Something interesting?”

Interesting thing……

Directly ignoring ambiguous words such as responsibility, although destroying the world may be interesting to the evil god, Igarashi would never say that. He looked at Nayako in front of him in a deep voice, and was touched by the constant noise above his head. The changing shape of the dull hair attracted attention, and it was not until a long while that Igarashi spoke hesitantly.

How about you read the novels I wrote before?


Naiko, who swallowed the fragment of the world's will, can find all the information in this world if she wants to. However, in this somewhat backward era, there is no such term as novel, only myths and legends. Unfortunately, the story is too short. It was also too obscure, and Nayako was not very interested.

Well, it's called Sword Art Online.

Hey, Igarashi, I want to play this game, full stealth or something.

It only took Nayako less than an hour to read the first volume, and then she read it back and forth with gusto without knowing that Igarashi had any follow-up content. After a long time, she made a request to get something from the novel. The term complete stealth game was mentioned. After some searching, she found that this concept still did not exist in this world. Nayako looked at Igarashi expectantly.

...This really doesn't exist.

Igarashi's space bag contains various weapons and equipment, daily necessities, and even entertainment items such as hundreds of light novels. Even computers are available, but Sword Art Online games and the like require too high technology. , maybe they could create a prototype in the world of Chubao Princess Lala, but according to their patience, they will give up soon.

Then what else do you have?

Naiko immediately discovered the flaw in Igarashi's words. She came over with her eyes wide open and shook her long dull hair. If she hadn't known how powerful the other party was, Igarashi would even have the idea of ​​keeping a pet. a feeling of.

Is it okay to play computer stand-alone games?

If it's a computer game, Igarashi has a lot more, and it's much more time-consuming than a novel. Even if Nayako's reaction speed is very fast, there is a bottom line in the time required for plots, actions, etc.

Okay, give it to me.

The underworld is very large, and it is a world where fallen angels and demons coexist. The two are currently in conflict with each other. After the war between the three clans, all participants suffered irreparable damage. The god of the angels died, and there was a crisis of faith. The angels' already scarce top power was also wiped out, and the demons, the four demon kings, died and civil strife began.

The Old Demon King Sect is the descendants and subordinates of the four demon kings who originally self-destructed. They attempt to regain the name of the Demon King and once again stand at the apex of the demon clan. The New Demon King Sect, also known as the Reform Sect, is outside the four demon kings. , other demons who are trying to get their hands on the position of the Demon King, their power cannot be underestimated.

There is not too much high-sounding, and it is reasonable for demons to still advocate big fists. Even if the new demon king sect is a bit rebellious and traitorous, only the strong can be the demon king.

Blood and fire have never disappeared in the territory of demons in the underworld. The highest-level demons and even the lower-level demon kings, the demons broke out with a fighting power that was no less than that of the three clans at that time, but it was just for internal fighting.

boom! ! !

It's so noisy outside.

Hearing the loud noise coming from a distance, Nayako, who was completely immersed in the game, frowned and stood up, with a red one in her hand and a black bottom half. An indescribable rod-shaped object.

No, I'll put up a barrier to block the sound, so don't do anything.

Although this indescribable stick-shaped object is not an artifact and is just made of ordinary materials, if the holder is Nayako, Igarashi feels that a casual blow may kill many demons and half of the underworld will be destroyed. Maybe.

During this time, Nayako read a lot of novels, played a lot of games, and started naming weapons and moves like the characters in the stories.

At present, there is a crowbar called the Holy Sword of Physics, which is an indescribable rod-shaped object, and a set of extremely bloody and violent close combat methods called Universe CQC.

Gurefia, there is no need to run away. We are almost at the border of the demon territory. Beyond that is the territory of the fallen angels. Although the fallen angels proposed an armistice agreement before, we did not agree. If we go there, we will be killed. Dropped.

Two top-level demons are chasing a silver-haired woman. She may have been a dignified and elegant demon before, but she has been chased by several beings of the same level for a long time. Her body is already covered in blood, part of it is her own and part of it is the opponent's. Yes, there were more than two enemies before, but after a long pursuit, they got rid of several people and seriously injured several people in a sneak attack.

But Gurefia was at the end of her rope. The Lucifield family to which she belonged did not participate in the battle for the Demonic Throne. They suffered heavy losses in the war between the three clans and only wanted to recuperate and remain neutral. However, after the overthrow of the nest, How can the egg be finished? The war that spread throughout the entire demon territory finally spread to the Lucifeld family. Due to its neutral attitude, it had no allies at all. It was attacked and killed by the demons of the old demon king sect. The direct bloodline of the Lucifeld family, except for Almost everyone except Gulefiya died.

Standing at the border, Gurefiya's eyes showed despair. She was not afraid of death, but before she died, she wanted to take revenge and avenge the destruction of her family.

I saved the three tribes not to let you continue to fight, nor to let you run wild next to my house.

On the originally empty border, a house that did not conform to the style of the times appeared. Looking at the people walking out of it, the top demon who had participated in the battle of the three clans and witnessed the demon king's self-destruction and the siege of the gods was widened. Eye.

Chapter 571 The Boy Giving Money

You, you...

The top demon's face showed surprise and panic. He had already recognized that the other party was the extremely powerful being who could withstand three of the ten strongest people. Moreover, he seemed to be in a bad mood now.

We're leaving now. I'm sorry to bother you.

All of them, who have been promoted to the highest level of demons over the long years, are quick-thinking and know that it is definitely not a wise choice to continue to hunt down Gurefia in front of this person. They simply leave. Right now, saving their own lives is the most important thing. of.


Igarashi looked at the silver-haired woman who had almost completely lost her mobility and was dripping with blood. She sighed slightly after noticing that she was getting weaker and weaker. He stretched out his hand and used a special death-based healing magic to help her recover from her injuries. If she used normal The Holy Light healing magic is not a cure for Gurefiya, who is a demon, but a fatal attack.

Thank you for saving me, sir.

Casting healing magic at a very high level has a terrifying effect. Gurefia, who was originally left to bleed to death, has now returned to her peak, and even the squandered magic power has been fully replenished.

Gurefia, who had half stepped into the Demon King level, now felt the strength of the opponent more deeply. The strong man was still her savior. Gurefiya's attitude was very respectful.

Tell me what happened in the underworld recently.

The surroundings returned to calm, Nayako huddled in her room and read novels and comics with great interest, while Igarashi asked Gurefia to sit in the living room and asked her about information about the underworld. Although she knew something about Devil High School, But it's not comprehensive. The most important memory is the Song of the Milk Dragon Emperor, which is simply a mental poison.

As a person of high status, Igarashi's actions have a huge impact on people, and Gurefia has been hunted for a long time now. After despair, she gained hope. At this time, when she heard the other party's inquiry, she, who had always been strong, felt a sore nose. , eyes sparkling, replied with grievance.

The four demon kings are dead. The demons are divided into two camps, the old and the new demon king faction. The war is going on all the time. Please take action to end this battle. Gurefia is willing to give everything.

Gurefia is not a saint and will not sacrifice everything for the so-called peace. Deep down, she hopes Igarashi will avenge herself.

Let me take action to end the battle...

Igarashi was a little shocked when he saw Gurefia giving her all at the slightest disagreement. Then he noticed the hatred in the other person's eyes and quickly understood.

Your relatives were killed?

Suddenly mentioning the sadness, the tears that Gurefia had been suppressing finally fell like raindrops, and her voice also had a crying tone.

Yes, the Lucifield family to which I belong has all died except for me.

A blood feud is nothing more than this.

Igarashi has never experienced such a tragedy, but just listening to Gurefia's description, he can feel the strong sadness. At this time, it would be too stupid to say when will retribution be repaid. Igarashi asked the last one question.

Is your enemy the New Demon King Faction or the Old Demon King Faction?

Old Demon King Faction!

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