Students are prohibited from contacting the outside world. They do not need currency in school. They are replaced by S points. One S point represents one yen. This month's S points have been issued to you. You can check it through your mobile phone.

After hearing this, the students all took out the special mobile phones issued by the school and were surprised to find that they actually had 100,000 points. Thinking of the purchasing power equivalent to 100,000 yen, everyone's faces were filled with smiles.

Igarashi looked at these innocent students and sighed, do you really think you are here to enjoy the blessings? Thinking that the poor performance of these students will greatly reduce the class points, so that no points will be distributed next month, Igarashi decided to take the next step Change the method slightly.

Teacher, will the points distributed be increased or decreased?

Chazhu Zuozhi's eyes flashed, looking at the boy with black hair like himself in front of him, and nodded: Yes.

Chazuka Sae's cold answer made the cheering students pause. Hirata Yosuke then reacted and also asked a question.

How do points increase and decrease?

Chazuka Saeda did not answer Hirata Yosuke's words this time, but coldly let the students explore on their own.

What, this teacher?

When Chazaki Sae left the classroom, several students couldn't help but complain. Igarashi looked at the students who, except for Ayanokouji and a few others who were thoughtful, most of the other students didn't take what they just said to heart, and frowned.

Igarashi comes to this school. On the one hand, this is where the plot takes place. On the other hand, many students with unusual abilities in this school are all targets for Igarashi to earn experience points.

If he wants to defeat those students who have extraordinary abilities but are not doing their job all day long, Igarashi will naturally lead Class D to defeat Class C, Class B and Class A. The performance of these classmates is undoubtedly dragging him down. leg.

The teacher just said that the points will be reduced, and you should also understand the students' tasks. I hope everyone will perform well in the future.

Igarashi's words were almost like an order, which would have aroused people's disgust, but now the leader of the small group in the class, Hirata Yosuke, is a good old man, and Kushida Kikyo is very close to Igarashi because of the previous incident.

Sudo Ken knew some of Igarashi's glorious deeds and was very afraid. He looked at Igarashi with eyes like looking at a ferocious beast and did not dare to say a word.

Horikita Suzune is a good student in her own right, and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka will not show off in any way. No one will openly oppose Igarashi at this time.

Igarashi-san is too serious!

Several girls were laughing there. Igarashi's affinity made them not feel disgusted even when they heard Igarashi's words. Instead, they joked to liven up the atmosphere.

Igarashi knew that although these students would no longer behave as badly as in the original novel because of themselves, Class D was still Class D, and after a month, the points would still be reduced.

Speaking of which, Class D is where the so-called defective products gather. So what are the so-called defects when I was assigned to Class D by the system...

On the other side, Chazhu Sae thought about the boy who just asked her a question and flipped through the information in the folder in his hand: Igarashi...

All abilities except teamwork are A, and teamwork ability is E? Another maverick guy.

Looking at the column of Igarashi's class, Chazhu Sae seemed to remember his past and sighed: Class D.

Naturally, Igarashi didn't know that his teamwork ability was rated E, but to be honest, the system's so-called strength-first judgment has so far been implemented by Igarashi alone without any teamwork.

There were no classes on the first day. Igarashi left the classroom and planned to use his points to buy some daily necessities and food. When he first came to this academy, he had to prepare some things. Moreover, Igarashi was still a little concerned about the environment of this academy. curious.

Igarashi does not intend to use monthly rewards as the only source of points. Just like a certain rich girl in Class B, Igarashi intends to earn points by himself.

Thinking back to the various events that followed, I realized that a certain blond baboon had been acting alone. Although he had extraordinary physique and abilities, he did not make much contribution and instead caused some trouble.

The corners of Igarashi's lips gradually raised, Koenji Rokusuke, since you claim to be the embodiment of strength, I wonder if I can make you listen to the words of someone with higher strength if I defeat you.

Chapter 5 Horikita Suzune

Igarashi was strolling in the school supermarket. There was a dazzling array of products that could be said to have everything you need. A beautiful figure exuding a cold aura flashed in front of Igarashi's eyes.


Horikita Suzune looked at the man in front of her. Igarashi's question to the teacher just now made her understand that points seemed to be more than just currency. Facing Igarashi at this time, on the one hand, she thought that Igarashi was a simple person. On the other hand, it was the frustration of understanding that the points seemed to have a deeper meaning after Igarashi had a conversation with the teacher.

Igarashi looked at the somewhat tempered Horikita Suzune and smiled.

What a coincidence, Horikita-san is here too.

Horikita Suzune glanced at Igarashi, said nothing, and continued to select various products on the shelves, but did not turn around and leave directly.

Igarashi looked at Horikita Suzune in front of him. It seemed that this girl's martial arts value was pretty good and her abilities were excellent. He didn't know how much experience he would get by defeating Horikita Suzune.

After recalling the miserable situation of the gangsters he punished, and looking at the pretty face of the girl in front of him, Igarashi shook his head, forget it, you can't abuse beautiful girls.

Although Horikita Suzune seemed to be picking something, she was actually keeping an eye on Igarashi secretly. When she noticed Igarashi shaking his head at her, Horikita Suzune turned around angrily and looked at Igarashi.

What's the matter with you?

Igarashi was still thinking about the experience points. When he heard Horikita Suzune's words, he came to his senses. Since Horikita Suzune could not be used as a target to earn experience points, he had to change the target to someone more powerful and known as the Builder. The best student council president in the school, Horikita Suzune's older brother, Horikita Gakushu.

Horikita-san is sitting not far from me. I just want to get acquainted with you. And I remember that the student council president seems to have the same surname as you?

Horikita Suzune was silent for a while: He is my brother.

Igarashi didn't expect that Horikita Suzune would give such a straightforward answer. He knew that Horikita Manabu didn't say much to Igarashi, who although he cared about Horikita Suzune's younger sister, he acted ruthlessly.

Looking at a shelf with free items in the supermarket, Horikita Suzune looked at Igarashi.

It seems you guessed it right, the points shouldn't be that many.

The school gives each new student 100,000 points and explains that the points cannot be exchanged for Japanese yen after graduation, which attracts students who easily get huge sums of money to go shopping crazy, thinking that they still have 100,000 points for next month, so they don’t need to use it in vain. , but a lot of the free goods in front of me were taken away by some senior students.

Seeing that Horikita Suzune finally took the initiative to speak, Igarashi breathed a sigh of relief. As a man with a normal sexual orientation, Igarashi naturally did not want a beautiful girl to be extremely indifferent to him. Then he heard a noise coming from outside the supermarket door. .

Igarashi, who had already chatted with Horikita Suzune for a few words, but was constantly being scolded by Horikita Suzune, walked out of the supermarket. Horikita Suzune, who had always disliked being troublesome, looked at Igarashi's back and bit her tongue. Gritting his teeth, he hummed and went to check out, planning to go out and check out the situation.

Soon you will see what hell is!

Several senior students looked down upon Takeru Sudo, who acted like an unruly beast, and walked away with a smile after leaving a few words.

Looking at the furious Sudou Ken in front of him, Igarashi asked: What's wrong?

Sudo Ken, who was so angry that he wanted to kick down the trash can next to him, froze when he saw Igarashi, and then stood upright. His face, which originally looked a bit ferocious because of his anger, actually squeezed out a few words of anger. Silk smile: No, it's nothing.

Igarashi looked at Sudou Ken, who was obviously reacting abnormally, and thought thoughtfully: You seem to know me?

Sudou's body froze and he waved his hands repeatedly: Ah, haha, didn't Igarashi-san introduce himself today? I just found out about it.

Igarashi recalled Sudou Ken's consistent performance. It seemed that his punishment of gangsters was more widespread than expected, and he was not too entangled in this matter.

Sudo-san, this is a school. Please be careful about your words and deeds. Also, whether you know about me or not, don't publicize it at will.

Igarashi said, exuding a slight aura. The people he taught included gangsters, desperadoes, and some gangs, which gave Igarashi a fierce aura, but he was usually beaten by Igarashi. Arashi suppressed him. Faced with Sudou Ken, a man who could hardly be moved by good words and persuasion, Igarashi simply threatened him.

I understand! I understand! Um, Igarashi-san, excuse me, I'm leaving first.

Sudo Ken shuddered and left quickly.

Ding, the host puts strength first and will be rewarded with 50 experience points.

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