...What exactly are you thinking?


Igarashi's pretending to be stupid question made Nagisa Kazuo suddenly raise his head and look at the guy in front of him with anger.

You should know that many girls like you, right? Ying, Nao-senpai, Shou, and... Tsk, what do you think? You are so gentle and ambiguous to everyone, but you don't go any further, just Is it funny to be so blind to a girl’s feelings?”

If Nagisa Kazuha stopped immediately in the middle of speaking, it would be because of herself.

Looking at the pretty face so close, Igarashi couldn't bear his impulse and kissed Nagisa Kazuyo's cherry lips gently.

Miss, if I had said earlier that I wanted to have a harem, I might have been beaten.

But now, spending time together day and night has made the relationship between Igarashi and the girls deeper and deeper. Even an operation that is too high-end for ordinary people, such as blatantly opening a harem, has a certain possibility.

Open a harem?!

Nagisa Kazuyo exclaimed, his face showing the shyness and annoyance of having his first kiss taken away by Igarashi too forcefully.

Do you want the tragedy between me and Ying to happen again?

The tragedy of Nagisa Kazuha and Ame Meei is that their father had an extramarital affair, which resulted in Ame Meei becoming an orphan in the eyes of the public. She still lives alone in a shrine. Although this is partly due to their father's personal reasons, this kind of philandering Nagisa Kazuyo was extremely repulsed by the idea. If Igarashi hadn't been the one who said this, Nagisa Kazuyo even thought that he might slap him in the face.

I have abilities higher than your father's and will not let any tragedy happen.

Above my father's abilities?

Nagisa Kazuo laughed angrily at Igarashi's nonsense.

Although my father did something wrong, he is a city councilor. Whether it is power or financial resources, few people can match him even in Ashikaga City. You are just a student now, why can you say such things? Even the teachers say you The future is promising, but that’s the future!”

Nagisa Kazuyo warned with some sincerity, she didn't want Igarashi to be blinded by praise.


Igarashi snapped his fingers, and the surrounding environment suddenly changed. The originally dense forest turned into white clouds, and the two of them entered the sky.


The exclaimed Nagisa Kazuo was picked up by Igarashi and pointed at the flow of people in Okuzome Town below. Igarashi lowered his head and said to the stunned Nagisa Kazuo.

Do you know why there are so many people at this festival? These are all spellcasters, beings with extraordinary power, just like we are now stepping into the sky. Each of them has power that is difficult for ordinary people to understand, but now, the gathering Here, in order to bring you a wonderful ceremony, for example, the food stall owner is a great knight, and one person can protect a city to the point where one man can guard the gate and no one can open it.


Nagisa Kazuyo was completely messy now. He looked blankly at the surrounding clouds, then at the empty feet of Igarashi who was holding him, and at the town below that had become a little smaller. The eldest lady was confused about the current situation. I can't understand what happened.

The real power in this world is the magic world. Almost all the top political leaders are from the magic world. Power can bring privileges, and my power can allow me to openly open a harem, and it can also make everyone who has a relationship with me The girl with the relationship is respected by everyone in the magic world, Kazuyo, I promise, no tragedy will happen.

She hugged Igarashi tightly, tremblingly, fearing that she would fall directly from the height if he let go. The eldest lady closed her eyes tightly and said in a muffled voice.

Let me get back to the ground and we'll talk about other things later!


Seeing Nagisa Kazuyo so scared, Igarashi returned to the ground honestly, not far from the shrine.

Feeling down to earth again, Nagisa Ichiyo sighed contentedly and broke away from Igarashi's arms. Thinking back to what he said before, the eldest lady had a confused expression on her face.

Spellcaster? Are you a charmer?

This term was also what Nagisa Kazuyo just heard from Igarashi.

It's okay if you understand it that way. So, Yiye, what I just said, you...

Igarashi's rare hesitation made Nagisa Kazuyo chuckle, and then he realized that now was not the time for him to laugh, so he quickly calmed down his expression and turned away.

I don't know what to do, I just know you're a badass.

Nagisa Ichiyo trotted and disappeared from Igarashi's sight, and went to find Qiong and the others to play at the outdoor stall. If there was something gained, there would be something lost.

At least, the other party is no longer angry.

Seeing Nagisa Kazuha who seemed to be freed from his restraints, Igarashi breathed a sigh of relief.

Chapter 551 Imperfect Kagura Dance?

Pedestrians who were wandering at roadside stalls gradually gathered at the shrine. Although the entertainment activities were enjoyable, these customary rituals were indispensable for the elderly, who accounted for the vast majority of the Okuzome indigenous people. Some spellcasters who came in response to Igarashi's summons saw people flowing in one direction, and followed them with curiosity and the mentality of seizing if there was any benefit.

Erica, Nagisa Kazuha, and Igarashi stood in front of the Kagura Hall, and even Athena and Ansheira, who were the gods of disobedience, stood in the void and watched with their bodies hidden. Everything, from time to time they openly steal snacks and snacks from Igarashi. No one except Igarashi can find them.

Qiong cherished the marshmallows, but Igarashi pulled some off and put them in his mouth, which made the girl dissatisfied.

It's delicious...but I want something to drink.

The desire for food is a pursuit that Igarashi has never given up, and this gluttonous and insatiable behavior made the girls chuckle. Kuranagasao quietly handed a bottle of drink to Igarashi, and then stared at God intently. Le Dian, she was embarrassed to face the ambiguous eyes of others.

People walked out of the Kagura Hall, and people with musical instruments lined up in the corner, playing solemn music.

Someone dressed up as a god and reenacted the myth with two other people dressed as farmers. He gave the fish he caught to the two farmers, and the farmer gave him wine in return and gave the fish to the audience. That is not true. Instead of fish, they were snacks, and the children pushed to the front to grab them. Then the performance reached its climax, and the farmers threw the fish-shaped snacks over them without hesitation.

Seeing the girls cheering and raising their hands to fight for it, Igarashi secretly used his mental power to cheat a little, allowing many of the snacks to be snatched by the girls.

Just like a stage performance, although the music is very solemn, the people in front of the Kagura Hall are very cheerful. One ceremony ends and another begins. The ceremony called Opening a New Land, Tiannu Meei is the only protagonist, this is also The most formal ceremony.

The goddess Meei, wearing a golden crown with flowers and holding a golden bell, came on stage. She was wearing a silver robe. Different from her usual spirited movements, her steps were like running water, and the bells on her hands rang. She stood on the stage. In the center, he opened his eyes slightly, and his eyes were no longer the usual lively look, with an expression called sadness.

The dance of Meei Ame, which distinguishes movement and stillness like water, is very beautiful, but Igarashi was already shocked by her sadness that did not seem to be for performance. After a moment, he made up his mind to let Meei Ame no longer Live alone.

Let the Saya Palace family come forward to expand a residential house next to the Ifukube commissary, and then let the goddess Meei live there. There is no need to walk alone on the lonely mountain road at night, and there is no need to walk a long way every time just to eat with Ifukube Yahiro. , although this will be very abrupt, but compared to the girl's happiness, there is really nothing to hesitate about. When the time comes, Igarashi will explain to Ifukube Yahiro.

The god played by Tiannv Muying is a girl named Chayiki who uses the power lent to her by the gods to protect this land and fight against war, famine and disease. The dance becomes more and more sad, and the atmosphere becomes more and more solemn. , because the time of departure is coming.

Ah meow...

Meei, the goddess who played the role of a god, made a cute cry of unknown meaning, stepped on her own clothes while spinning in circles, and tripped to the ground.

No audience laughed at her for gloating.

The old man who was deeply involved in emotions and looked a little sad was amused by the behavior of the goddess Muying, and the magician with extraordinary eyesight saw that the girl fell down on purpose, in order to liven up the atmosphere? To hide one's clumsiness? The conjurers didn't want to go into details. They only knew that this was the girl whom the God Slayer valued, and they couldn't be disrespectful, showing an expression of distress as they didn't know whether to laugh along with the old man or remain serious.

Did something go wrong in the end?

The girls around Igarashi had neither the eyesight of a conjurer nor the input of the elders. They simply felt sorry for the goddess Meei who fell in the end.

It's so true... I feel relieved at the end.

No, this is a perfect ceremony for everyone.

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