Tch... let's close the store today.

Today is the festival day. Fireworks have been set off since the morning. No, since the morning sun is already very bright, the fireworks cannot be seen clearly. It is more appropriate to call it a salute. Mikoshi, big and small, are going around the town. Food stalls, The stall owner of the game stall began to prepare things and set up the stall after the ritual activities of the festival. There were many people from outside the town who came by car to attend the festival. The quiet town of Okuzome was bustling for a while.

Most of the outsiders are spellcasters. They come here in response to Igarashi's call to make things beautiful. This requires creativity. The older generation of old-fashioned spellcasters came through the screening of very few. Most of Omu Ran's people are young and creative conjurers. Compared to the boring practice, such a festival full of festive atmosphere makes them very happy.

Of course, there are still a few idiots.

Old man, can I help you cross the road?

A young conjurer had a friendly smile on his face, and he enthusiastically provided help to an old man, looking like a good young man. The Lord God Killer said that making things friendly and helping the old man is not true, good or beautiful. Reflect? As long as he helps a hundred or so old people cross the road, he will be noticed by the Godslayer and get a chance to be promoted to the rank of Grand Knight.

The plan goes through!

The old man was stunned and looked at the other person suspiciously. There were no roads in Okuzan, they were all irregular paths, and there were no vehicles or so-called traffic lights. Crossing the road? Where to start.

Seeing the enthusiastic look of the young man in front of him, the old man sighed.

Young man, take a closer look. Are there any roads here? Besides, I'm not so old that I can't walk anymore.


The young conjurer looked at the old man's caring eyes, and his whole body felt bad.

Is that kid an idiot?

Several spellcasters passing by saw what the young man was doing and whispered to each other.

Don't say that. If everyone else is like this, wouldn't our chances be greater? Great knight level.

Most of the spellcasters who came to Omu Ran through screening did not reach the level of a grand knight. After all, the number of people below the grand knight was the largest. However, the number of grand knights who came to Omu Ran was no more than two hands, and the number of paladins was only One person.

Originally, the festival would be very busy except for the period after the evening ritual activities. However, a large number of enthusiastic young people poured into the small town of Okuzome. They made selfless sacrifices without any regard for remuneration, snatched up all kinds of work, and even said : Please let me take care of your stall. My cooking skills are absolutely above par. I will donate all the income from the stall.

When the people in Okuzan Town asked why they wanted to help without compensation, they only got the answer that they wanted to experience life. Although it was a bit strange, the simple town residents did not think much about it and were happy to relax. After entrusting the stall to the other party, we leisurely began to enjoy the fun of the festival.

Both sides of the mountain road under the shrine are filled with various stalls, ranging from cold drinks such as popsicles and shaved ice, to snacks such as takoyaki and oden, as well as drinks such as mung bean soup and oolong tea. There were actually people performing with animals such as little monkeys, some showing magic tricks, and some playing clowns. There were also many game booths such as shooting booths and goldfish fishing.

The little Okuzan is no less lively than the downtown area of ​​a first-tier city.

I want to play that!

Qiong was held by Igarashi's hand and looked around excitedly. The little otaku girl who had been staying at home was also very excited at this time.

It's fishing for goldfish...

It's okay to take the Qiong to fish for goldfish.

To catch goldfish, you can get a paper net and bowl for 100 yen. Then you can use the paper net to catch the goldfish and put them in the bowl. Then you can buy the goldfish you caught at a very favorable price. This is just a common business method.

But the stall owner is a spellcaster who works extremely hard to bring happiness to Ogi Ran. Not only can the goldfish you catch can be taken away without having to buy separately, but the paper net is also secretly cast with a spell. Every 100 yen, There's bound to be a goldfish, and everyone is guaranteed to get something.

I got it, two!

Qiong looked at her results with joy, her beautiful eyes curved into crescent moons, and she held the paper bowl as if she had found a treasure.

very nice.

Igarashi nodded, saying it to Qiong, appreciating her skills, and also saying it to the stall owner, appreciating his actions.


How could the magician who is the stall owner not know who is in front of him? Qiong with white hair and white clothes is not the adopted sister of the god-slayer. It is self-evident that the person holding her is getting Igarashi's Appreciating it, the stall owner couldn't close his grin. He knew that he should be a stable knight.

Let me get it for you.

Igarashi's words made Qiong take a few steps back vigilantly, hiding the paper bowl behind his back, as if he was on guard against Igarashi's snatching.

...I'll get it for you. Don't worry, I'll return it to you intact when I get home. There are so many stalls. You're holding a paper bowl with both hands, but you can't eat delicious food or play other games.

It turns out that I wasn’t trying to rob, but thinking about myself.

Qiong's pretty face blushed slightly, and she held the paper bowl in front of Igarashi without saying a word, then pulled the corner of Igarashi's clothes and looked for the next target with excitement.

Chapter 549 It’s hard to dance the Kagura dance without apple candy

Mr. Nagisa, we are waiting for you.

The person called Mr. Nagisa was a middle-aged man wearing a kimono with slightly gray hair. He was followed by the person who had been picking up Nagisa Kazuyo as a driver. The person who said this politely was the goddess Meei.

Well, thanks for the welcome.

Thank you so much for coming here despite being so busy.

So busy?

The words of Tiannu Muying made the middle-aged man pause, reveal a helpless smile, shake his head slightly and look at the lively festival.

“It’s really rare for the event to be so lively this year.”

Yes, then please let me lead the way.

The middle-aged man is the father of Nagisa Kazuha and the father of Amae Meei, but the two look like strangers. The polite conversation just now did not give the impression that the two are father and daughter.

Looking at the almost perfect smile of the goddess Meei, Igarashi began to have the urge to slap to death the middle-aged man who could turn a blind eye to such a goddess, although Igarashi could use the law to make the middle-aged man cry. He expressed his fatherly love for Tiannu Muying, but such an abrupt change would be easily noticed by Tiannu Muying.

Qiong felt the change in Igarashi's mood at this time and asked worriedly.

What's wrong?

There are some ceremonies today, and these stalls are open until evening. How about we go to the shrine and have a look?

Igarashi is changing the subject. He doesn't want Qiong's good mood to be affected by these things.


Since it was Igarashi who proposed it, even though he still had some unfinished ideas, Qiong would not refuse. He obediently pulled Igarashi by the hem of his clothes and climbed up the stairs of the shrine step by step.

Qiong Neng, who was originally a little otaku, worked tirelessly to visit this festival. In addition to enjoying the time alone with Igarashi, Igarashi also contributed a lot to the small cooling magic circle that Igarashi set up in this hot summer. without.

Ega Nao, Kuronaga Sue, Nagisa Ichiyo, and Ame Meei have all gathered in front of the shrine. As a shrine maiden, Ame Meei is the protagonist of the Kagura Dance, and they are also helping.

Hey, Lan-kun, have you finished visiting the outdoor stalls?

Seeing the envy in the eyes of the goddess Meei, Igarashi was a little embarrassed. The other party was busy, but he had nothing to do with Qiong. Isn't it a bit too much?

Well... I'm sorry, I couldn't help you because I was too busy. I'll treat you all to eating, drinking and having fun at the outdoor stall.

Is it really good?

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