Ogizo in Neon.


Luo Hao paused for a moment and said.

Stand back.

Neon has a god who is raised without dignity, which is a shame for Luo Hao. In addition, Igarashi can defeat Marquis Vauban, and the otaku plans to leave seclusion.

Leader Luo Hao, who has reached the pinnacle of martial arts where she is undefeated and seeks defeat, longs for a defeat and longs to see a higher and farther road. Perhaps, the younger generation can give it to her.

Athena's spell power suddenly became a little chaotic. After closing her eyes and carefully searching for the cause, Athena opened her eyes again and looked a little anxious. She looked at Igarashi who noticed the strange movement.

I feel that my dependents are dying now.

Family? Snake or Earth Mother Goddess?

Athena was once the queen. Before being pulled down from the altar by Zeus and tampering with the myth, the trinity Athena was the only and supreme ruler. Now, Athena has become the daughter of Zeus, and she once ruled the world with Athena. The goddesses were reduced to the Earth Mother Goddess, an existence one level lower than the gods.

It's a snake, save her.

In the current state of that child, there is no way he can survive, and he is a God of disobedience after all. A war will only attract more god-killers.

Igarashi actually didn't want to meddle in these nosy matters, but looking at the prayer in Athena's eyes, Igarashi felt that he had nothing to hesitate.


Los Angeles.

Seeing Igarashi simply use some strange spell to attract a door connecting different places, Athena breathed a sigh of relief, she knew that the child could be saved.

The moment before Igarashi stepped through the door, Athena came to Igarashi and kissed him gently on the side of his face.


The trip was undoubtedly worthwhile.

Igarashi further strengthened his inner thoughts, stepped into the portal, and instantly arrived in Los Angeles, America separated by the boundless ocean.

Ansheira, the ancestor of the gods, is the witch who controls the sorcerer's association. She stores the essence of water and earth and becomes a recalcitrant snake of the same level as the Godslayer.

The human form is nothing more than a young girl.

His whole body was covered in scars, and his young limbs were covered with countless red and black scars.

After a long battle with the God-killer John Pluto Smith in Los Angeles and even along the entire coast, Ansheira was still defeated. The opponent was a God-killer, and even the God of Disobedience could kill him, relying on the accumulation of energy. Ansheira, who barely reached the level of non-conformity, was honored even though he was defeated.

The hell fire from John devoured Ansheira. After a moment, when he saw that there was no trace of Ansheira, John breathed a sigh of relief and finally solved this difficult guy.

Why, save me...

The ferocious look was gone, and Ansheira only had a look of weakness and death on her face. She stared blankly at the man who had led her away from the deadly hellfire. He didn't have the aura of the God Killer, but he was vaguely more terrifying than the God Killer.

Entrusted by Athena.

Igarashi didn't expect that the snake in Athena's mouth was this young girl who looked about the same age as Athena in her lolita state. While using the law to dispel the wounds of power on the opponent's body, and using healing magic to restore her physical strength, Igarashi Opening the portal again, not wanting to stay too long, the God-Slayer who was guarding Los Angeles and disguised as a man under the pseudonym John did not notice Igarashi's existence at all.

Chapter 537 Athena’s Subordinate God

poor child.

Athena's face revealed motherhood, and she gently held Ansheira in her arms. Ansheira, who had returned to her peak after being healed by Igarashi, should have still been the lawless ancestor of the gods, unwilling to fight against the God Killer. The snake was as peaceful as a child in Athena's arms.

After a short time, Athena used her own spell power to make up for the energy deficit in Anshela's body, and Athena spoke.

Are you willing to become my subordinate god?

Subordinate gods are equivalent to followers, such as lower-level ordinary disobedient gods. If they have subordinate gods, they are usually just divine beasts. The weak ones can fight against the highest level paladin among the great knights, and the strong ones can crush and kill. Everyone except Gods and Gods of Disobedience, and the subordinate gods of the God King level, can be said to be second only to the God King, and will not be weakened in any way because of this, and they also have a powerful backer.

With the seemingly innate goodwill and the strength of the other party, Ansheira didn't want to refuse, so she subconsciously glanced at her savior Igarashi, and seeing the other person also nodded, Ansheira no longer hesitated.

Yes, please let me be your dependent, Lady Athena.

If the god-killer whose pseudonym was John saw Ansheira's well-behaved appearance now, he would probably think that he was under some terrible illusion.

The divine power reappeared. If Igarashi hadn't suppressed it, this burst of divine power would have caused the house to collapse and everyone in the neon spell world to feel it.

Ansheira became Athena's subordinate god, and became an existence that was dependent on her. Although Athena is now just a disobedient, Athena is still a god-king, but she has lost the power of the god-king. Now, Ansheira has completely reached the level of disobedience and no longer needs to rely on the spirit of the sea to forcibly improve. She is permanently stationed in the realm of disobedience and can truly compete with the God Killer.

Athena is the goddess of wisdom. She clearly knows the importance of the town of Omu Ran and the people in the town to Igarashi, so she will naturally restrain Anshela and make her calm down. However, it almost Ansheira, who was completely dead, had a profound realization that only by living can you have everything. Under Athena's warning, she was naturally very honest. Moreover, Ansheira still can't understand what level of existence Igarashi is, even if I have become disobedient, and facing him is like facing an abyss.

Existences of high status will be attracted to existences of low status. Athena did not take advantage of this ability, so she was not friendly when she first met Qiong.

But Ansheira was different. After knowing that Qiong was Igarashi's adopted sister and realizing the close relationship between the two, Ansheira tried every means to please her. The originally lawless and disobedient snake naturally seemed a bit clumsy in her flattery. , but this clumsiness made the relationship between Qiong and Ansheila advance by leaps and bounds.

Then they became close partners in the game.

After being freed from the law of the jungle and having a safe haven, Ansheira began to enjoy life as a human being.

In this way, Omu Ran has two disobedient gods.

That overly obvious aura can be felt even by high-level conjurers who are not in Omu Ran, which is equivalent to other god-slayers knowing that Omu Ran has two disobedient gods who can kill and usurp power. exist.

However, no one dared to move, not even to ask.

After the King of Swords and the Marquis of Vauban were defeated one after another, the ancestors of the Curse Family temporarily left the underworld and appeared to warn their descendants not to provoke the King of Ogizome, otherwise they would directly expel this family from the family. After no matter life or death, Igarashi has become the most taboo existence in the magic world.

And under such circumstances, Yuri Banriya was the only one in Okuzome who still dared to speak out and even criticize Igarashi.

Yes, even though he was intimidated by Igarashi, even though he was taught by Sayaka Miyazaki, after many struggles, Banriya Yuri seemed to have a great enlightenment, and a great enlightenment in a direction that Igarashi did not want.

King, I have come to my senses. No matter how you want to ravage or play with me, I am willing to do whatever you want, but please put the overall situation first.

Yuri Banrigu is more like a saint. She begins to understand the principle of not doing to others what you want, and tries to make Igarashi follow her advice through exchange. The bargaining chip is her own purity, and she only has this.

The overall situation? Tell me what the overall situation you hope to be like?

Igarashi looked at Yuri Banriya speechlessly, a pedantic and loyal minister. This is probably the most appropriate way to describe him. Such a person is also the most difficult to deal with. She has no ill intentions, but her advice is of no value to the person involved. And it takes energy.

Yuri Banrigu was stunned. She thought she would be humiliated first and act as a tool for the king to vent his anger before having such a conversation. After all, even she knew what she was doing now. It really doesn’t make people feel good, but for the sake of those innocent people, Yuri Banriya must stand up. Now the entire neon spell world is in panic all the time. The relationship between a god-killer and two disobedient gods Fighting is enough to destroy this country.

Hey, if that's the case, shouldn't we avoid fighting?

Isn't it because there has been no fighting? The two gods of disobedience have been in the king's house and have not done anything else. Could it be that the king has been silently shouldering the important task and single-handedly defeating the two lawless and disobedient gods? In Yiyu?

He knew what kind of damage would be caused once a battle broke out. For this reason, he did not hesitate to give up killing and disobeying, usurping power, and giving up the life of wine and meat forest that a king could enjoy, and was trapped in such a remote town.

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