I need it.

Understood, I will immediately ask a strong man whose association has reached the rank of Grand Knight to escort it over.

Erica and Liliana were filled with surprise. The Gorgon Stone had been jointly sealed by many magic associations before, but how could a mortal seal restrain a divine thing? The power of the Gorgon Stone was about to break the seal. When the time comes, the disobedient god will destroy Europe without the King of Swords. This will be a disaster.

The magic association and the alliance behind them have been worried about this for a long time, but now, the association owes the king more.

Looking at the slightly reserved girls, especially the two maids, Igarashi said.

Okay, relax. I'm not someone who will destroy everything if I disagree with you. I specially invited you to dinner because I didn't want to cultivate your character. Why, isn't the food delicious?


Liliana, who was serious, quickly replied that this was the most delicious food she had ever eaten. Although the type was very different from what she had eaten in Europe, if she were to make the same thing, Igarashi would definitely win.

Liliana's mouth was stained with grease, and her efforts to argue made everyone chuckle.

King... The Gorgon Stone will attract the God of Disobedience, and a battle will inevitably occur. The Sayah Palace family will do their best to search for traces of the God of Disobedience. When the time comes, please ask the king to take action in time. The Sayagon Palace family is willing to transform Be the king’s sword and defeat all enemies.”

Saya Gongxin said half-promptly, the God-killers are all guys who forget about everything when they fight. If Igarashi destroys Omu Ran when fighting with the God of Disobedience, it will definitely not be a good thing. Maybe, after that, Wang Anger will bring greater disaster.

But Saya Gongxin didn’t understand Igarashi’s power after all.

There is no need for this. Once the God of Disobedience appears, I will sense it.

At this time, Shaye Gongxin remembered that the other party had a terrifying perception of the world without even entering his home. His slightly nervous heart, knowing that he had to face the god of disobedience, suddenly relaxed. As long as he could find the target, with Igarashi's ability With the power to defeat two God-killers one after another, there would be no big battle at all.

Ena is fine, the Qingqiuin family is also willing to serve the king!

Kiyoakiin Ena raised the Kusanagi sword in her hand with a firm look on her face. Similarly, Erica and Liliana also expressed their feelings at this time, but Erica was a little more reserved. After all, she knew the difference. If not Igarashi set up a magic barrier to lower his voice. At this time, Qiong in the room not far away should be a little irritable.

You are still far behind now.

Igarashi pours cold water on the girls without any scruples. Just like Erica before them, they are not afraid to challenge anything. But in fact, even if the God of Disobedience only masters low-level laws, these are not yet The existence of an opponent with the power of a girl who is exposed to low-level mysteries. The so-called spells, without the little bit of mystery contained in the blessing of laws, would not be possible at all.

Find an opportunity and give them the gift of God.

What's going on with the Saya Palace family and the Seiakiuin family? Such a big move?

The remaining two families in the neon spell world, the heads of the Jiubozuka family and the Liancheng family, gathered together at this time.

The king is asking for the Gorgon Stone from the magic society in Europe, which will attract the God of Disobedience. The two families are just cooperating.

The head of the Jiufozuka family sighed and moved too slowly. The Saya Palace family was the first to pledge allegiance to the king. He was waiting and watching, waiting to see the king's attitude towards loyalists. The Qingqiuin family then asked for forgiveness and loyalty, and he was still watching and watching. Is the king a moody person?

Thinking about it now, it was too stupid.

There is no room for him to wait and see. Although this king is not a cruel person who will prosper if he obeys me and who will perish if he goes against me, the king is the king. Only by relying on him can you be qualified to move to higher places. Now the neon four Everyone, the Saya Palace family has become the leader. Although the Qingqiu Yuan family seemed to want to go against the king before, they successfully pleaded guilty in time and were not punished by the king.

Speaking of which, isn't my family responsible for managing the ape god who was sealed by the royal husband? Since the king wanted the Gorgon Stone, he also wanted to kill another disobedient god. If he dedicated the ape god to the king... …

On the other side, the Liancheng family is also thinking about the fact that the head of the Sayamiya family, Sayamiya Xin, has personally pledged his allegiance and is allowed to live in Okuzome. Although he still doesn’t know what the Seishuin family has done, it is said that Seishuin Ena is also staying here. In Omu Ran, the king is very tolerant of beautiful women.

His eldest daughter Liancheng Fuyuhime is as good as them in terms of looks, but unfortunately she doesn’t have the slightest bit of magic power, plus she has a reckless and serious personality...

The head of the Liancheng family slapped his head with a headache, and secretly made up his mind to train his daughter well and develop her character, so as not to bring disaster to the family when she meets the king.

Chapter 528 Half Music Master

Today is the day we agreed to go to the shrine to listen to the viola.

There were only three people agreed at that time, so Igarashi would not take a large number of people there on his own initiative. Erica and the others were new here, so they needed to buy some more things. Qiong, a little otaku, would not take this rare opportunity. Go out and bask in the sun on your days off.

On the way, Igarashi and Nagisa meet unexpectedly.

Nagisa Ichiyo, who exudes a majestic temperament when standing, wears a high-quality kimono with impeccable color and style, showing a completely different temperament from the previous school uniform.

What, what's wrong?

Igarashi's gaze made Nagisa Kazuyo feel a little uncomfortable.

Just stunned.

Just, even if you please me, you won't get anything.

The girl's stammering look was a bit cute. Compared to when everyone was together before, now when the two of them were alone, Nagisa Kazuyo showed a more different look.

I don't really like to dress like this, and it's not a modern dress. It would look very frivolous, right? Because of this, no one played with me when I was a child.

If you don't like it, why would you put it on during the only two days a week when you don't have to wear school uniform? What a duplicitous girl. No one played with you when you were a child. That's because children don't dare to approach you at all, miss!

Realizing that he seemed to be acting coquettishly, Nagisa Kazuha became a little flustered.

Ah, you heard nothing!

Okay, okay, I didn't hear anything. At least, wait a minute and let me hear the beautiful music of the eldest lady.

Igarashi pointed to the violin case Nagisa Kazuyo was carrying on his back, adhering to the principle that men should take the initiative to help women, and spoke.

Is it heavy or not? I'll carry it.


Nagisa Yiye suddenly showed a weird smile.

Didn't Igarashi-san say that he knows the viola very well? Wait a minute, I'm looking forward to your performance. Small things like memorizing the viola should be left to me.

The girl replaced Igarashi's original statement of a little knowledge with very understanding.

If I hadn't made some special preparations, Igarashi would really make a fool of himself. But now, although it is not necessarily possible to achieve artistic conception and mood by relying solely on technical performance, pure imitation is not a problem at all. After all, people who spend all day exploring the rules , how could I be stumped by something that is not of the same level of difficulty?

The viola was not much bigger than the violin, and in terms of weight, it was within the girl's tolerance. Seeing Nagisa Kazuyo's persistence, Igarashi didn't force it, and thought about how to play it later. To those who have not reached the level of a master, it would sound , Igarashi's performance is perfect, this will probably be a blow to Nagisa Kazuyo, well, the idea of ​​hitting the eldest lady is a bit tempting.

The shrine is very quiet.

It's obviously summer, and the sun is already making people feel uncomfortable. However, in the shrine located in the mountains, the temperature is not high. The tall trees block most of the sun, and only a few rays leak through the gaps between the leaves. , and the goddess Muying, who was wearing a witch costume, looked like an elf in the mountain at this time.

Xiaoye, Lanjun, you are here~

The girls took out the prepared drinks and chatted with smiles. Although the content had no obvious value, what they enjoyed was the process of chatting without any scruples.

Uh, please let me play a song first.

Seeing Nagisa Kazuyo eagerly taking out the viola, Igarashi hesitated for a moment and then asked the other party to take action. Then he could play at a similar level. Nagisa Kazuyo would never reach the level of a master in viola. , It can’t be, it can’t be...

Okay, wait a moment and it'll be your turn.

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