Conceal it or tell the truth.

I am already reducing the power of the other party's father. Wouldn't it be too much to hide this kind of thing again?

I know what I should know and what I shouldn't know. After all, the place where I live now used to be Kasugano Hospital.

Is that so...that's true.

Nagisa Ichiyo gradually became a little uncomfortable, and then suddenly remembered his purpose of coming to Igarashi, and hurriedly changed the topic.

do you have time tomorrow?

Of course. it okay to come to the shrine in the afternoon?


Compared to the goddess Meei, the conversation between Nagisa and Igarashi was obviously a bit restrained, but it was not as exaggerated as Kuranagi. After receiving Igarashi's affirmative reply, Nagisa left with satisfaction.

Perhaps, directly using the law to influence that man is the right choice. Simply letting him learn a lesson would not be worth the gain.

Looking at Nagisa Yiye's back, Igarashi was thinking about dangerous things.

Chapter 525 Applause for people in society

Igarashi, who was heading towards Nagisa Kazuha's house, met Nogizaka Hatsuka who was not in a good mood on the way. She was not wearing a maid outfit, but a white short-sleeved and black skirt, with a look of confusion on her face. Confused.


Not only was his voice a bit muddy, but he was even walking unsteadily, and his eyes, which were always smiling, were now half-closed.

Miss Chujia, have you been drinking?

Even if it is not working time, she must have just gotten off work. As a maid, Miss Chujia not only did not wear a maid uniform, she also drank. Is she bold, or did something happen?

It doesn't seem to feel very good...Is it okay?

It's problem, it's not working anymore...well, my head still body is so heavy...

Shouldn't Miss Chujia have work today?

There's no job... I'm on paid leave today... but I feel like I'm going to be fired...

As if by magic, an extra bottle of water appeared in his hand, and Igarashi handed it to Nogizaka Hatsuka.

Drink some water.

Ah...thank you.

Mental recovery magic, activate!

Nogizaka Hatsuka, who originally had a headache due to being drunk, gradually became energetic. Feeling her improved condition, Nogizaka Hatsuka's eyes widened and she looked at Igarashi strangely. Is this guy so powerful? Just take out a bottle of water and you can sober yourself up. Could it be that this is some kind of special hangover medicine? He carries this thing with him. Does he also like to drink?


Although her spirits have improved a lot, her physical condition is still poor. The maid lady is still top-heavy when walking. Knowing that Nogizaka Hatsuka's so-called paid leave may have been affected by the anger of that stupid congressman, Igarashi consciously went to bed. He stepped forward to support her. Although healing magic could be used, it would be too weird for ordinary people.

Where is your home? I'll help you there... No, I'll just carry you on my back.

Unless others put their arms directly around their shoulders to resist, simply supporting them will not be of much use to a person who is out of strength. I don’t know how Nogizaka Hatsuka came this way. Is it possible that she has already left? It’s been a long time.

Ah, eh?! Igarashi-san, why are you here?!

Nogizaka Hatsuka now speaks much more fluently, and finally realizes the current situation. Her face, which was already flushed due to drunkenness, is now even redder.

...It's disgraceful to be seen by a high school student after drinking too much.

Where did Miss Chujia drink? Aren't you afraid of something happening?

In Yahiro's shop, that guy fell asleep immediately after getting drunk. When the school was over at Homi Academy, Ying would still take care of him. I would be miserable. I had to run all the way home, and I would still be beaten when I returned. Mom, tell me.

Are you caring about me? I was actually cared about by a high school student... What a failure, Nogizaka Hatsuka.

As she spoke, the maid who had just recovered became even more dejected.

So, I'd better send you back, otherwise Miss Chujia would be in such a miserable state.

Although there won't be any bad guys in this town, Igarashi naturally can't leave Nogizaka Hatsuka alone.

Send it to me...then thank you, but please don't bear my responsibilities.

Originally, Igarashi planned to meet the congressman with his own eyes, but now that he thought about it, he decided not to. After using the power of law to influence the middle-aged man who had been alone in the room these days, and directly erasing his pursuit of power, Igarashi and Nogizaka Hatsuka were walking silently on the road. The dusk sunlight shone on the deserted street. This was a beautiful enough scene. Nogizaka Hatsuka was also a beauty in her own right. Unfortunately, the way this drunken beauty walked now was just too ordinary. Not elegant.

Shake, shake.


Nogizaka Hatsuka had worked very hard, but unfortunately the road in the town was not smooth. Although her mind was clear, she still didn't pay much attention to the road conditions. Her feet were empty and she quickly kept her balance. Although she didn't fall, her ankles were a little bit... Sprained and a little angry, Nogizaka Hatsuka kicked the road hard. Naturally, it was like an egg hitting a stone. The pain made the poor maid grit her teeth.

So, I'd better carry you.

The voice coming from the side reminded Nogizaka Hatsuka that Igarashi had always been by his side, and he had also seen his ugly appearance, and his drunken appearance, tsk.

Seeing Igarashi squatting down in front of him, Nogizaka Hatsuka realized that the other person was taller than him. After a few seconds of silence, he took a few steps forward.

Nogizaka Hatsuka has already broken the pot.

The warm body with a faint smell of alcohol lay on Igarashi's back. Feeling the other party's embarrassment, Igarashi said leisurely.

Miss Chujia, relax. Although men and women are not intimate, you are a member of society.

What, you're not a member of society! I'm just a maid who found a job through the connections of my elders.

Thinking of the academic master nature of the person who was carrying her behind, Nogizaka Hatsuka's resentment almost took shape.

Igarashi-san will definitely go to a top university in the future, and will be favored by countless big companies after graduation. You won't understand my troubles.

Trouble? Although I think a maid outfit suits Miss Chujia well, it seems like you don't like this job?

Even though the upset Nogizaka Hatsuka heard Igarashi's words completely, she didn't take them too seriously, but listened to the last sentence.

I don't have a choice whether I like it or not. Compared with many jobs, being a maid is pretty good because I am a friend of my elders and the housekeeper also takes good care of me. But I am really too stupid. What? I can’t even do it well, sometimes even sweeping the floor will break things.”

The more Nogizaka Hatsuka talked, the more exaggerated and depressed she became. After talking too much, she got tired and lay on Igarashi's shoulder and slowly fell asleep.

Fortunately, she roughly told her address before, and with the help of her mental power, Igarashi quickly found her destination.

Who are you?

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