In order to avoid suspicion, he rarely visited Tiannu Muying, not even once a month. Tiannu Muying called him sir, which was an honorific.

The dignified congressman, who is like a local emperor in this small town, actually let his daughter experience such a desperate thing, which is enough to cause a psychological shadow in a precocious person.

After Igarashi was determined, he almost beat the man to death.

No, don't embarrass him.

Seeing the sharp look on Igarashi's face, the goddess Meei let out a sweet cry. She gradually believed that Igarashi had the power to punish that person.

Sure enough?

This kindness actually made the anger in my heart overflow.

Seemingly to comfort Igarashi, the goddess Meei said.

Xiaoye has always taken care of me, and I am very satisfied.

Nagisa Ichiyo...

How could Nagisa Kazuyo know so much? Tiannu Meei has experienced too much, so she is very precocious, but Nagisa Kazuyo is a young lady who grew up in a greenhouse, how could she think so much.

It's just like a child showing kindness to an injured animal.

It's a bit too much to say that. Nagisa Kazuha has feelings for Amae Meei, but they are definitely not as deep as Amera Meei's feelings for Nagisa Kazuha.

Tiannu Muying once had a necklace, which she believed was the only thing left by her mother.

Later it was discovered that the owner of the necklace was Nagisa Kazuha's mother.

In addition, the two were born on the same day in the same hospital and even in the same room.

The goddess Meei had a terrible guess. Perhaps Nagisa Kazuyo's mother was her biological mother. She and Nagisa Kazuyo were carried by the wrong person back then.

In other words, it should be Nagisa Kazuha who is alone at the shrine now, and the one who enjoys the life of a eldest lady should be Ame Meei. Even after so many years, as long as Ame Meei works hard, maybe things will really change. .

But Ameimei, who had this speculation a few years ago, has been living in the shrine like this until now, looking carefree and living with Nagisa Kazuha. Every time she and Nagisa Kazuha ride in the car together, When I was in school, I greeted the housekeeper of my father's house very politely, and sincerely thanked him for taking time out of his busy schedule to give me a ride.

Chapter 520 It was supposed to soar into the sky

Igarashi had once again confirmed before that Nagisa Kazuha's mother was indeed not related to Ame Meei. Although the necklace belonged to Nagisa Kazuha's mother, it even returned to Nagisa after being lost by Ama Meei a few years ago. In the hands of Mother Ye, this was just the goddess Muying who was still a baby and tore it from the other person's neck.

Yes, even though she knew that Ame Meei was the mistress's child, when Nagisa Kazuha's mother gave birth to her child and her love rival was in the same hospital, she was not filled with hatred for Ame Meei, but It was that all-encompassing light maternal love. She hugged Tiannu Muying, and after the necklace was torn off, she simply gave the necklace to her and put it on Tiannu Muying's neck.

So as long as that man fought for it, as long as he bravely faced the rumors and obstacles in his career, even in the name of adopting an orphan, he could let the goddess Muying grow up in the family she deserved and enjoy a beautiful childhood life.

But he didn't.

Ah, the gymnastics clothes are already dry, so I'll go back first.

Igarashi packed up the clothes that had been dried by the mountain breeze and turned his back to the goddess Meei.

Do you want the life of a eldest lady? It's not to replace Nagisa Kazuyo's position, but to become a more noble eldest lady who can make your father bow down.

I'm used to my current life.

Tiannu Muying shook her head slightly.


Igarashi walked down the hill and turned to look at the shrine. It was quiet and slightly majestic. It was a good place to worship or travel, but it was not a good place to live.

Xin, I didn't drive here this time. It seems I should praise you.

There was a strange noise coming from around him. Igarashi had already sensed the arrival, so he was not surprised.

The past few days of getting along with each other also allowed Saya Gongxin to understand Igarashi's character, but she was no longer as frightened as before and stood quietly beside him.

The king seems to be in a bad mood.

Do you know Nagisa Yiye's father?

Yes, he is now a member of Omu Ran Town and can participate in the county-level assembly.

I gave up on Tiannv Muying and continued to struggle for more than ten years. Is this just the extent of it?

Although the so-called county refers to the county-level city in Neon, it is nothing more than that. It is just one of the many members of a county-level city.

Then, weaken his power and let him only have the name of a parliamentarian.


Nodding seriously, Shaye Gongxin's eyes showed a hint of pity. The person in front of him was the God-Slayer, and everything related to him would change. His friends would become prosperous, and his enemies would be defeated. As long as he was not a God-slayer or not. As long as the God of God is his opponent, as long as he is not targeting humans, the entire magic world will take the initiative to help him. Originally, as the father of Nagisa Kazuha, who had a good relationship with Igarashi, that man was going to be promoted. Recently, Someone has been paving the way for him for some time, trying to show his favor to Igarashi in this extremely indirect way.

Unfortunately, the original success has evaporated, and even the current one cannot be saved.

Saya Gongxin felt that Igarashi was really kind. This was the first time that Saya Gongxin saw his obvious anger, but it turned out to be such a gentle move, which only weakened his power. This was also thanks to the stupid offended god. The guy in question is Nagisa Kazuyo's father. Hehe, he was obviously going to soar into the sky.

The head of the Qingqiuyuan family was preparing something according to the instructions of Mr. Yu, but suddenly he could not be contacted. After spending a lot of money to go to the quiet world, what he saw was a wooden house that shone with unabashed power. .

This is the first time in decades that the head of the Qingqiuyuan family has seen such an upright seal, as if he is telling everyone unscrupulously: I am here, come and try to break me.

The head of the Qingqiuyuan family has no intention of breaking the seal. Even the god of disobedience is trapped without the ability to fight back. He can't even send out any news. Not to mention whether he can break the seal, the head of the Qingqiuyuan family is already afraid. , who appears next to this seal, may be hostile to the strongest king who placed the seal.

Being able to silently seal the God of Disobedience to such an extent, the head of the Qingqiuyuan family first thought of the king who was in Omu Ran. It was originally an expedient measure to seek refuge with Yuhuo Gong, but when Igarashi appeared before He didn't think about betrayal so quickly. Now, the head of the Qingqiuyuan family knew that he had no choice.

The news that Yu Lao Gong was sealed will surely spread among the four Neon families soon. By then, without Wang taking action, the other three families will join forces to suppress the Qingqiu Yuan family who used Yu Lao Gong as their backer to suppress Wang. Showing goodwill, no, maybe the Saya Palace family, which has already won the favor of the king, will not participate in this kind of thing, but the remaining two families joining forces are enough.

Is the Qingqiuyuan family going to be destroyed in my generation?

The huge fear made the head of the Qingqiuyuan family stand still.

A conjurer in the world of neon spells? I advise you not to try to create this seal. Whoever tries to do so will die!

There was a loud noise in the empty quiet world, and a strong man who was suspected to have been in the level of the Great Spellcaster for a long time roared, which directly shocked the Qingqiuyuan family leader's whole body. He fell down from the level of the Great Spellcaster because of his old age. She almost couldn't withstand the roar of a great spellcaster who was even stronger than herself at her peak.

There is no concept of space in the Netherworld. Except for special areas, people in other places can use some means to observe any corner without being excluded by the other party using similar means.

On that day, the existence of the Nether World felt the arrival of the God-killer, the mortal enemy of the God of Disobedience.

This is the Netherworld. In addition to a few hidden gods of disobedience, there are also many powerful people in the world of magic who can shock the past and the present. They hone themselves in the Netherworld, the edge between life and death.

The god-killer sealed Yu Huangong without causing any turmoil. Someone daring to spy on that battle that couldn't be called a battle showed that the young Wang Qiang was terrifying.

Today, if this old woman dares to touch the seal, the beings from the underworld will attack her in groups to avoid being affected by the king's anger.

Senior, I have no intention of showing mercy. I will remain loyal to the king from now on.

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