The name of the god that Igarashi said made the two of them look complicated, and then their expressions straightened.

Now that your power has reached this level, let's return to mythology.

boom! ! !

A special ritual is pulling Igarashi to kill and refuse to obey.

Igarashi had the ability to resist, but thinking about the weird behavior of Mekar and Veleslana, he still chose to comply with the pull of this ritual.

The Netherworld, the boundary between life and death, a place where time and space are extremely ambiguous.

God-slayers are fools who challenge the gods as humans. No matter how great the opportunity is, even if they kill the gods, they themselves are dying. The reincarnation technique is to make ignorant people who dare to kill gods face the intervening humans. The god-killer transformation ritual with a god transfers the power of the defeated god and a body that can compete with the god as a reward to the person who defeats the god, turning him into a demon king on earth.

Igarashi is now standing where this ritual is, standing next to the god who controls this ritual.

True God - Pandora.

Finally I see you, kid.

The person who disagreed and wanted to be Igarashi's elder was a girl, who looked similar to Qiong in appearance.

I can understand if you call me little guy. After all, the gods have experienced a long time beyond imagination, but what the hell are you calling me child?

Well, it's true that the God-Slayers are all my children.

Pandora masters the reincarnation ritual and gives the Godslayer a second life. She can indeed be regarded as a reborn parent.

Don't be so outspoken. It doesn't matter if you call me mom~

A tone full of emotional fluctuations is like adding a heart symbol at the end of a sentence.

Pandora is the only person in the camp of gods who stands on the side of the God Killer, and is also on the side of the will of the world. However, thinking about the attitudes of the two gods before, and Igarashi did not feel it from the ceremony around him, As for the coercive power against the gods, the so-called usurpation of divine power is more like the gods voluntarily handing over the divine power to the god-killer.

And Igarashi's thoughtfulness made Pandora, who originally acted like a little girl, look serious.

Now, tell me, are you from the gods' camp or from the world's side? You have both the blessings of the gods and the goodwill of the world's will.

The kindness of the world’s will? That would probably collapse the world.

He was obviously a girl-shaped god, but it was a bit strange to show such an appearance. Igarashi shook his head unnaturally.

Well, for now, I'm neither.

Oh? Neutral?

Isn't that just like me?

Various thoughts flashed through Pandora's heart. When Igarashi came to this special area, she no longer had to observe him across the boundary between the underworld and reality. As a complete true god, Pandora truly realized that the opponent had just finished the war and slightly leaked the tip of the iceberg. The terrifying combat power, and that noble power.

You come from a world where the gods and the will of the world live in peace?

Otherwise, why would it be recognized by both parties at the same time?

Pandora said so easily that she was from another world, which made Igarashi slightly startled. It seemed that the other party was probably from the World Will camp.

You can understand that.

Although the blessings and goodwill on his body came from different worlds, Igarashi felt that when he was in the central court before, the mysterious girl occupied the position of the only god and the will of the world, so it is not impossible to live in peace.

Can gods really coexist with the will of the world?

Pandora's words made Igarashi grin.

Before, I didn't know how powerful the gods in this world were, so I couldn't be sure, but now I can be sure that the current stalemate between the gods and the will of the world is just because the will of the world has let go.


Igarashi's words made Pandora angry. Isn't this a disguised way of saying that gods are weak?

If Igarashi was really a god-killer with only the God of Disobedience level, Pandora would slap him to death. He was just a demigod and dared to speak arrogant words, but the opponent was at least a god-king level. He said this, is the will of the world really showing mercy?

No, no, how could such a thing with no desires and demands be merciful? It was the Great Law of Covenant, the Great Law of Covenant in the God Realm that included the power of the gods and erupted with terrible power, which led to the current stalemate.

Chapter 517 Welfare?

Originally, Pandora hoped that Igarashi could change the deadlock, but Igarashi's power brought too many possibilities that Pandora did not want to see. After a long silence, Pandora spoke.

So, do you want to undergo the reincarnation ceremony?

Forget it.

The words were not speculative. Pandora firmly believed that it was the covenant law of the divine world that restrained the will of the world, while Igarashi believed that the will of the world did not use its full strength. The two people's opposing ideas gradually made the originally casual conversation become condensed. .

Although the reincarnation ceremony is not bad, it is still inferior to his own contract with God. After all, this is a ceremony that can only work if the gods voluntarily give gifts. Shaking his head, Igarashi tore open the space and left the world directly. .

Igarashi left simply and neatly, leaving Pandora with a little resentment and a dissatisfied snort. She stayed alone in the calm space and heard a faint word.

You don't want to stay here that much... It's hard to find a guy who doesn't lose his memory after coming here.

Calculating the time, it will be dawn soon for Omu Ran. Although some follow-up matters here have not been dealt with yet, it is better not to frighten Qiong Dan. Who knows what she will think when she wakes up in the morning and cannot see herself.

Okuzome's home.

Qiong's expression was a little dull, he probably stayed up late again.

But I probably didn’t realize that I had traveled across the ocean to Italy at night.

Qiong, are you tired?


Under the obvious tiredness, Qiong's voice, which was originally soft-spoken, now looks even softer.

In this case, how about you not going to school today? I will ask for leave for you.

Good morning! Mr. Lan, Xiaoqiong!

The familiar voice full of vitality from Tiannu Muying sounded.

It seemed that he was infected by the vitality of Tiannu Meei, or for other reasons. Qiong looked at Igarashi and shook his head slightly, indicating that he still had to go to school.

I don’t know if the teacher would be moved or angry if he found out.

Originally, Meei and Nagisa Kazuyo went to school together, but sometimes Nagisa Meei would go to school alone when something happened. Of course, as her relationship with Igarashi became closer, now it is most likely that Meei will go to school alone. In the worst case scenario, the girl and Igarashi would go together.

Looking at the innocent and smiling face, Igarashi couldn't be happy.

Fate was not fair to this girl.

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