If you are not strong enough, don't pry at will. In the battle between Veleslana and Mekar a few days ago, you must have used spiritual vision, and you were seriously injured.

It's just the creation of the law.

He used his own laws to directly expel the power of the laws from Luculazia, and then used healing magic to restore her to her peak, but it took Igarashi a few seconds.

This is a small gift. Tell me what you want. Your magic book will help me a lot.

For Luculazia, it was pie in the sky.

He used a magic book that was of little use to him in exchange for compensation from the God-Slayer, and he was also one of the strongest among the God-Slayers. The method Igarashi just used made Luculazia sure , the existence in front of you not only has terrible killing methods, but also masters extremely advanced healing magic.

Looking at Igarashi's smiling face, Luculazia took a deep breath.

King, if I want to live longer, can you help me?

Chapter 514 Gift

A highly accomplished conjurer can stay young forever, before his vitality is completely exhausted.

Luculazia could keep herself young forever, but she felt that she might not be able to escape the curse of the witch's short lifespan. Igarashi's many unexpected methods gave Luculazia a bold idea. She felt , Igarashi should have killed more than one god, and among them there were probably gods of the underworld.

Longer life?

Money, power, health and longevity, these are probably the most common pursuits, well, if you are a man, you also need to add beauty.

Luculazia's request is not too much, but the method of achieving it is worth pondering.

The most fundamental way is to become Igarashi's woman. Under the influence of the system's family function, she will share life with Igarashi. Today, Igarashi's lifespan is unlimited, and she can directly reach the sky in one step.

The other more conventional one is to be blessed by the gift of Igarashi God. The blessed person has an almost infinite road to become stronger, and will also gain various abilities that break the limits of ordinary humans, including Including lifespan.

There is also drinking Igarashi's blood without hostility and so on.

But if you want to use the weakened God of Disobedience to obtain immortal power and let the God Killer usurp it again, if you use it at a lower level, it will never be possible to achieve true immortality. It will have an upper limit. This upper limit It won't be very high.

Please give me the gift.

When Igarashi mentioned the two options of blood and gift, Luculazia did not hesitate much. It was not that she had any hostility towards Igarashi, but that in addition to a longer lifespan, it was a gift that could make her stronger. It's obviously more tempting, although I don't know to what extent.

Then take off your clothes.

Igarashi's words stunned Luculazia, and her mature and pretty face gradually showed blush and hesitation. She carefully looked at the God Killer in front of her. He was an unparalleled power. This alone made people willing to It was something he had earned in exchange for his whole life, but in addition to that, he also had the appearance of charming power.

Ahem, just show your back.

Seeing Luculazia's eyes that were clearly thinking a lot, Igarashi decided not to say such misleading words. God's gift requires writing a lot of divine inscriptions on the other person's body, taking into account both aesthetics and privacy. The question is, naturally the back is the best part. Of course, if any beautiful girl wants to write the gift of God on the thigh or even a more hidden part, Igarashi will not refuse.

Originally, Luculazia chose God's Gift with the intention of not letting Igarashi get hurt. This was originally a pie from the sky. If he was dissatisfied or even angry because of causing the other party to bleed, then... The gain was not worth the loss. However, watching Igarashi bite his finger and write on his back with the blood that continued to flow out, Luculazia was a little panicked but also moved at the same time.

Okay, if you ever feel like you've reached a bottleneck, just fight once and you'll become stronger.

This is the gift of God modified by Igarashi. There is no need for the god himself to update the status. After the explanation, Igarashi suddenly felt that he was at a loss. A one-time magic book was exchanged for the gift of God. Such a deal If it were my old self, I would have felt that it was a waste of money, as a magic book owner.

Do you still have something similar to a magic book?

Not all holy relics are helpful to Igarashi. Although this Prometheus magic book is not very useful in the eyes of many people as a disposable consumable, Igarashi can study its principles and cooperate with strength first. The law can realize the usurpation and reuse of all things. It would be great if Luculazia had other similar things.

Yes, please come with the king.

To be blessed with power by the God-Slayer, one must be loyal. This is a principle that has lasted for millennia in the world of conjuration. After all, with the God-Slayer’s mastery of power, the life of the blessed person, even if they are thousands of miles away, is still with the God-Slayer. be under control.

In a quaint room that is far from magnificent, there are books containing considerable power and sacred relics of different shapes. Unfortunately, with just one glance, Igarashi can confirm that although the things in front of him can Let an ordinary magician be fully armed and fight against an ordinary knight without equipment, but it is not enough to help him.

It seems I'm too greedy.

Igarashi's soliloquy had a different meaning to Luculazia.

King, this is indeed my entire collection. I dare not hide anything.

She thought it was Igarashi who thought she was hiding something.

...Do I look like a greedy or cruel person?

Thinking of Erica's fear of him before and Luculazia's misunderstanding of him now, Igarashi felt helpless. Logically speaking, he should be the kind of person who can make people like him if he means it. As long as you think about it, you can even become a human bulldozer pushing one after another. Why are these people more afraid of themselves than they like them? Is the name of God Killer so terrifying?

Hearing this, Luculazia raised her head and carefully looked at the notorious Demon King in front of her. Seeing the helplessness on his face, she smiled slightly and shook her head.

It doesn't look like that.

Originally Luculazia was full of fear of Igarashi. After all, fierce men like Marquis Vauban and King of Martial Arts were scary enough to make people stay away. Igarashi was a peerless person who could defeat Marquis Vauban. There is no need to imagine to what extent a ferocious person would be feared by others. However, Igarashi's performance did not seem to be as ferocious as the rumors at all.

King, why would the conjurer use spiritual vision on you...

Okay, farewell, the king is calling. As for those conjurers, I didn't take action.

Although she didn’t quite understand why Igarashi was in such a tragic situation when he didn’t take action, Luculazia was now certain that Igarashi was not the kind of peerless murderer he imagined.

Then, I will be your local wife.

Chapter 515 Mekar

Current wife?

Although it was the first time I heard this term, after a little thought, Igarashi roughly understood that this was the meaning of the local mistress. To be honest, listening to this soft words with respect and coquettishness, and then Coupled with Luculachia's mature style, Igarashi's heart inevitably rippled. After all, after coming to this world, he had not had sex for a while.

If he hadn't been caught up in business, Igarashi would have faced temptation head on.

Unfortunately, not far away, War God Veleslana had appeared.

Stay here, be calm, and don't use spiritual vision anymore. The God of Disobedience is not that simple.

The Gods of Disobedience are indeed gods that have been greatly weakened, but their souls are intact. For those who have not reached a high enough level, this is a great terror.

After laying down a defensive barrier, Igarashi flashed and appeared on a small island. Now there is no human habitation here, only the remains of civilization from thousands of years ago, but the people here once believed in gods, and in their myths A god who occupies many lofty positions - Mekar.

There are stairs leading deep underground in the stone tower, and at the end of the stairs is an underground temple with underground spring water gushes from the ground.

People here once worshiped water as a sacred entity, and this spring was probably the god they worshiped.

Now, here sits the real God.

A strong man sitting on the altar by the water, with uncombed hair and beard, a primitive dress, a strong and strong body, exuding a sense of majesty, a majesty that makes people want to bow their heads and kneel down.

Seeing the uninvited guest in front of him, the strong man spoke in a loud voice with a smile.

I'm really sorry for letting you see such an ugly body. You'll understand after seeing it, right? I'm seriously injured now and I'm treating my wounds, waiting for the moment when my body will be full of strength again.

On the thick chest muscle, there is a golden sword inserted deeply into it, but the sword body has been broken, leaving only half of the blade.

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