Gobo, also known as Susano'o, was originally the land god of Izumo. However, due to the repeated combination of many gods, he obtained the result of many myths. While using the godhead of controlling storms as the basis, he also obtained the ability to kill snakes. The man's iron sword, also known as the Kusanagi Sword, is the key to transforming him into steel. He also has the attributes of a cultural hero who is good at using tricks.

Unfortunately, the most glorious myth of this god with the steel attributes of the God of War is that he used wine to make Yamata no Orochi drunk, and then killed him. He was called the God of War, but he was not actually good at fighting.

Although the myths of this world are woven by humans to bind the gods, they are naturally not too fabricated. The royal husband in front of Igarashi does lack the blood and fighting spirit of the God of War.

I originally wanted to see what the gods of this world are like, but so far, I'm disappointed.

this world?

Igarashi's words made Mr. Yu's eyes narrow, but before he could think about it for long, seeing Igarashi's malicious eyes, the power of the curse began to flow through his body.

I have graduated from the position of God of Nevermore!

Graduation? But I see that all of your characteristics are exactly the same as the God of Disobedience. Moreover, even in the secluded world, aren't you still planning all kinds of things?

The power of the law turned into a chain and locked the Yuhuo in front of him tightly. Even if Yuhuo was in his peak state, he was no match for Igarashi, let alone the extremely weakened state of Yuhuan who only had a divine soul without any divine power or divine body. Before her husband took any action, he had already been defeated. He couldn't break through the chains shining with the divine light on his body even with all his spell power, and his invincible power was now as powerless as a seal. No matter how his husband called or even chanted words, he was defeated. The spirit has no effect.

No, don't let me return to God Realm!

Myth is the world of gods. Seeing the undisguised panic on Mr. Yu's face, Igarashi curled his lips. No wonder he would give up the dignity of a god and live in a quiet world that is empty but extremely lacking in scenery and life. Just like this, Has your mood changed drastically?

Tell me the information about the God Realm, and I won't kill you.

Igarashi's power cannot be stopped by himself, but Yu Huangong does not think that the complete self will be weaker than the other party. Watching Igarashi decide his own life and death lightly, the sense of humiliation makes Yu Huangong How crazy.

The frog at the bottom of the well speaks arrogantly. You don't understand the power of the gods, nor do you understand how terrifying the opponents in the divine world are!

The will of the world?


Noticing that Mr. Yu was confused about the terms in his mouth, Igarashi waved his hand boredly and placed a seal in an instant, completely isolating Mr. Yu and the 30-square-meter wooden house where he lived from the outside world.

It seems you know very little. In that case, just stay here honestly, the god of disobedience who has graduated.

Igarashi can kill Yu Lao Gong's disobedient body, but he can't destroy Yu Lao Gong's soul. His soul is attached to the intermediate law. Igarashi is stronger than Yu Lao Gong, but he still doesn't seem to be as strong as the intermediate law. He can fight Those who destroy the intermediate laws seem to be of the same level as the world.

Therefore, rather than letting him return to the God Realm, Igarashi chose to seal him almost permanently.

Yuhuo Gong is full of resistance to the divine world, as if he will die once he faces the will of the world.

But Igarashi, who has a deep understanding of the power of the world's will, disagrees. Although he has never seen the world's will in this world, it is probably a bit stronger than the one in the previous world. After all, there are many gods in this world, and their strength is obviously not low. Igarashi is at least at the God King level now, but he knows that he is not as powerful as the World Will, and is even far from it. The World Will definitely has the ability to destroy the God King, but it has not taken action. It just maintains a stalemate with the God Realm. Weird balance.

If the will of the world hadn't let go, these ordinary gods would never have had the chance to escape.

Igarashi didn't want to delve into the reason for the moment. He glanced at the empty environment around him, tore open the space again, and returned to the present world.

After a while, a voice came from the quiet world.

That Rakshasa King is a bit scary...

Hmph, Mr. Yu brought it upon himself. He was not willing to give up his power on earth even in the Netherworld. After abandoning his dignity, he even lost his mind. It is entirely his own fault, and it almost brought disaster to us.

I seem to have heard the will of the world mentioned by the Rakshasa King from the mouth of the God King.

Now this is not what we should pay attention to. If the Rakshasa King comes again, I will seal myself for a short time and never come out. Maybe the final king is not the opponent of this Rakshasa King.

Well, he didn't kill Susanoo. What a bad boy.

Pandora pouted and complained. Igarashi came to Yushi and saw the God of Disobedience again. This was the closest to him. As long as he kills the God of Disobedience, he will be summoned here by the ritual. Although He should be able to resist, but Pandora felt that he would come.

But now, I have to wait.

Pandora, who is a god, is actually depressed because Igarashi did not kill the god.

After rolling back and forth several times in the special area that lacked vitality, Pandora drooped her little face. Suddenly her eyes lit up and she began to secretly plan something.

He was half an hour late. It only took Igarashi half an hour to go from reality to the secluded world, find the royal husband and seal it, and then return to the reality of Honami Academy again.

Originally, when a student was late, the teacher said that he had to educate him about why he didn't pay attention to learning. If the same situation happened again, he would notify his parents, and he would be punished by standing still.

But Igarashi, a super good student in the hearts of the teachers, naturally received great preferential treatment. Not only was he not punished in any way, he was also greeted by the teachers and head teachers who were in class asking, Did you encounter any accidents on the way? , after Igarashi gave a negative answer, the teacher showed an expression of relief on his face. This behavior made the students who witnessed this scene smack their lips. It is natural to be jealous, but knowing Igarashi With his academic attributes and the way he treats others that makes people like him, his classmates are also a little helpless. God, it's really unfair.

Chapter 506 Daily life at the canteen

I'm so tired. It's just a snack shop. Why is it so troublesome? It's a small shop in the countryside. I thought it would be easier than working. I didn't plan to live a simple life at the beginning. Didn’t it all come true?”

Ifukube Yahiro complained weakly, which made Igarashi, who was moving boxes beside him, frown.

Madam, it seems that I have been working as a coolie and you have left all your things to me. You shouldn't say that. Why do you have so many things?!

After school, Igarashi and Amae Meei came to the Ifukube commissary together. Amera Meei went to buy ingredients for dinner, and Igarashi was supposed to go home, but suddenly a small truck carrying goods came outside. Feeling Seeing Ifukube Yahiro's eyes full of meaning, Igarashi consciously stayed and acted as a coolie.

The powerful Demon King was used as a coolie by an ordinary person. This news was shocking enough, but Igarashi didn't care. If he kept a distance from ordinary people because of his strength or even simply gave orders to him, then the lovely beauty would be shocked. Girls, isn’t it difficult for Igarashi to touch their hearts?

These are all the goods from my shop. Okay, I know it's hard for you. You can take whatever you want to eat later, but don't go too far.

Seeing Igarashi staring out the door in a daze, Ifukube Yahiro was a little strange in the store. Then he remembered the word part-time job that he had just mentioned, and thought of the company with quite complicated interpersonal relationships. Ifukube Yahiro moved a little irritably. Shaking his head.

Don't think about unnecessary things and move things properly.

In fact, it was Ifukube Yahiro himself who was thinking about unnecessary things.

Igarashi said helplessly.

Another cargo has arrived.

New goods? Everything should be here today.

He approached Igarashi who was holding the box and looked at the delivery note on the box. Ifukube Yahiro scratched his head.

It turns out that the items purchased online have arrived.

Although her hair was not carefully combed, Igarashi still smelled the faint scent of shampoo, which smelled very good. The word online shopping also made Igarashi raise his head in surprise.

Online shopping? I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it.

I thought that having a computer with a network cable in such a small town would be considered very powerful, but I didn't expect that Ifukube Yahiro was actually very good at online shopping. He was so proficient.

Igarashi's eyes made Ifukube Yahiro a little unhappy.

Don't put on such an exaggerated expression. I don't do much online shopping.

So how often?

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