Igaon Nao apologized again in distress, and accidentally mentioned something about his parents again.

It's okay. Having someone to talk to will only make everything better.

Chapter 486 Monitor

Is there anything I can do to help? If so, I'll do whatever it takes.

Arriving all the way to Igarashi's house, looking at the house that held part of her memories, Nao Yigaon's face showed a smile of reminiscence.

Ah, no need, everything has been packed up. Come sit down, please?

Well... next time, I haven't told my family about this unexpected meeting. If I don't go back, they will be worried.

Okay, thanks for the help.

Handing the insignificant bag in her hand to the other party, Igahara Nao shook her head in embarrassment after receiving Igarashi's thanks.

This is no help at all. Well, see you tomorrow.

Watching Igaon Nao leave, Igarashi glanced at Qiong's room, and the curtains that were quietly lifted were quietly lowered, which was a little funny.

In addition to preparing things such as the Internet, air conditioning, and food, Igarashi also needs to do one thing, school. There are many cute girls in the school. Although he knows that this is a relationship between Sora and Murder. It’s a mixed world between gods and men, but before the god of disobedience comes to provoke him, Igarashi will peacefully enjoy life in this small town called Okuzome.

Once, Igarashi almost tried his best to beat the god Apollo back to sleep in the heaven. There are gods in this world. Although Igarashi's strength has greatly increased, he is still somewhat wary.

It's a pity that the so-called gods of disobedience who appeared on the earth are not gods. They are weak, too weak. If they didn't have the so-called power, Igarashi would have difficulty even connecting them with the gods at once. Are they disobedient...

Converging his increasingly divergent thoughts, Igarashi knocked on the closed door.

Qiong... what do you think of Yi Yuan Nao? If I let her come to visit our home, will you be angry?

Qiong is the owner of the surname Kasugano and the real owner of the Kasugano family. Igarashi will not go too far. Although he invited Ihara Nao to come over before, if Qiong does not agree, he can only continue to be here. We took a walk outside, but the scenery in Okuzome is actually very nice.


The sound outside the door made Qiong murmur softly, and then amplified his voice.

up to you.

Although she loses her temper from time to time, she is still a good sister.

So, Qiong, do you want to go to school? Although I know you like to stay at home, but being bored in a small area for a long time is not conducive to physical development? Is this kind of thing okay with me?

That's weird! I don't want to go!

An expected answer.

Then I will go to the school as a pioneer in a few days to explore the way for you, and then you have to come and support me.

Igarashi's words made Qiong chuckle. Fortunately, the guy couldn't see it through the closed door. He tried to keep his voice as normal as possible to prevent this fool from hearing his emotions at this time.

we'll talk about it then.

The school sent an admission notice. Starting today, Igarashi can officially enroll. Of course, this also includes Qiong. Unfortunately, Qiong didn't show any intention of going to school right away. He ate in a room with an Internet connection and the air conditioning turned on. Qiong, who was eating snacks and playing on the computer, said he didn't want to leave the room.

So, Igarashi and Nao Ehara embarked on a journey to school together.

Suomi Academy is a high school in the neighboring town of Suimi. Although the outer walls are a bit shabby, the main teaching building is still clean and tidy. Apart from being a bit small, it is an exquisite school.

It took more than twenty minutes to walk. It would be faster if we rode a bicycle. Although it was in a neighboring town, it was not too far away.

Seeing Igarashi's thoughtful expression, Nao Yigaon tapped her smooth chin.

Ah, by the way, it seems that students in the city all go to and from school by car or bus?

Some people whose schools are far away from home will be like this, but there are also many boarding schools, as well as those who walk and ride bicycles. This word is used very loosely, Iihara Nao-san.

Igarashi's sudden seriousness made Igaon Nao startled, and then became a little funny.

Hey, I'm a sophomore in high school, one grade above you. If you want to call me, you have to call me senpai. Have you memorized the route? Well, although I personally don't think there is an easy route to get lost.

In fact, there is only one formal road.

no problem.

As long as Igarashi thinks about it, his mental power can cover the entire neon and even the surrounding ocean. This route has already been seen clearly.

Then let me take you to the office.

The head teacher is a tall, middle-aged man who speaks sonorously and forcefully. Unfortunately, compared to a character who is active on the main stage of the world, he is just a passerby and cannot resist the affinity that Igarashi has tried his best to suppress. He looks at the other person's eyes that are a little confused from time to time. , Igarashi knew that if he made any request, even if he did not use any rules, the other party would subconsciously comply.

The class teacher wrote the names of the new classmates on the blackboard, and the eyes of the whole class were focused on Igarashi. However, this feeling of being watched by many people, Igarashi has already experienced many, many things, so naturally he does not I was nervous and frightened, but after I said my name openly and said that I was the adopted son of Dr. Kasugano's son, the eyes of my classmates that were already full of kindness softened a little bit again.

Okay, then your seat will be in the last row by the window. Is your vision okay? Are there any textbooks?


As long as there is no obstruction, Igarashi can clearly see a small crack on the horizon.

No problem. As for the teaching materials, I just got them.

Very well, then, get out of class is over.

Stand up and salute.

A nice and crisp female voice sounded in the classroom. Igarashi heard the voice and recognized that it was a girl with black hair tied into two small braids. She should be the monitor. Although such a hairstyle is clean and tidy, it will reduce the appearance of the class. She has a lot of good looks, but even so, the girl is the kind of existence that can make people feel good at a glance. She is a beautiful girl, no doubt.

Igarashi picked up the eraser and wiped the blackboard clean. After all, there was only his name on it.

I, let me wipe it.

Although she was the squad leader, the girl felt a little timid when facing Igarashi. In fact, as soon as she opened her mouth, Igarashi wiped the blackboard clean.


Seeing this, the squad leader's fair face instantly turned red.

Well, well, I am the monitor of this class, Cang, Cang Nagasao...please give me your advice!

Chapter 487 Intimate Address

Well, if you have any difficulties, just tell me and I will do my best to help you.

The squad leader Kuranagi's face was still flushed with a determined expression. She must have used all her strength to say these words.


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